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  1. Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I dont have all the statements anymore so I guess I will have to write to them to provide me with all of them ?
  2. Hi, I have arrears with SPPL (now Ascenden). These arrears are £515.00. My due date for payment is the 20th of the month, however there have been times when I have paid about a week later and I have been charged late payment fees. On top of this they have told me that as I dont have an arrangement in place to pay the extra £70pm I am being charged an arrears management fee. In order to stop these fees I am to give them details of my incoming and outgoings, which I dont think is any of their business, to make an arrangement to pay the additional £70pm that I am already paying. It appears that the arrears that have accrued are not actually mortgage arrears but all the charges that have been put onto the account. Could anyone advise me of the first step to be able to reclaim these charges. I would like to add that I have no intention of giving them my financial details and will continue to pay the additional £70pm, but am concerned that they will continue to charge the arrears management fee. Your advice please ?
  3. if i get a call from them tomorrow, which i have no doubt that i will, i'm going to put them on hold and they can listen to our horrible music - that will hopefully **** them off
  4. oh right - im just worried about the calls i will get at work, they have to go through a customer service dept before being put through. I dont want them constantly phoning me at work - do I call them or just ignore for the time being?
  5. Have I missed something - what's happening on the 28th Feb ?
  6. A week or so ago i received a letter from HFO and attached to that was a copy of my credit file. I received another letter from them stating that they would apply to the court for either a ccj or a charging order. I have not responded to any of these letters. Today I received a call from them at my place of work (not sure how they got the number as I most certainly wouldnt have supplied them with it). The woman on the other end of the phone said that I hadnt responded to her letters and needed to discuss this. I told her that i didnt appreciate a call at work and not to call me there again, she wanted a mobile number which I refused to give. She kept on at me and in the end I advised her that I will not deal with her over the phone and she told me it was illegal for me to ignore their letters. I put the phone down but a few minutes later she called back. I told her she was harrassing me at work and her reply was that if I did not give her a mobile number to contact then she will continue to do so. I took her number in the end to get rid of her but she said if I didnt not ring them then they will continue to call me at work. Please can anyone advise me on what to do - Thanks in advance.
  7. yes coledog this is the same debt they tried to chase 3 years ago. Unfortunately I am unable to find all my previous correspondence received from them so a bit stuck
  8. They are using their HFO Services address in West Byfleet. Shall I just ignore it then?
  9. snap just received the same thing but for a different account!!! and I havent heard from them for 3 years!!
  10. Sorry I am unable to do that my laptop is not attached to a scanner or printer!
  11. Hi, I originally posted a thread in December 2007 relating to HFO Services. After a lot of advice I did what was recommended. After January 08 I did not hear anything from them ever again. Lo and behold today I received a Notice of Assignment of Debt from them stating that my account has been sold by Barclaycard to HFO Capital. The strange thing is that was what they said in December 2007. Three years on they have reared their ugly heads again stating "I request you to contact me as soon as possible so that we may work towards reaching an amicable solution on this outstanding issue of yours which is incurring interest charges because of non-payment" Anyone have any advice please - I have searched hi and lo for my previous correspondence with them, but am unable to find it unfortunately. I am sure that I am going to be continually harrassed by them yet again
  12. I just wanted to share this with you all as you have been very helpful. I sent an email to my Council stating that I would continue to pay them direct each month and would not be dealing with the Bailiffs. I have today received a reply from the Council and they confirm that I can pay them direct the agreed amount. They also state that the Bailiffs will be confirming to me in writing that they agree to this arrangement. At least now the Bailiffs are off my back. However, they also stated that the Bailiffs will be sending me an invoice for their charges. After reading about what they can charge, Am I right in assuming that they can only charge me for 2 visits as they did not gain access into the Property? I just want to thank everyone for their advice and to say to those having problems with Bailiffs, I hope that my result will give you the encouragement to continue to get what you want. I will let you all know the outcome of their charges! x
  13. I know that the bailiff will either be round again soon or will telephone as he has my husbands mobile number, should I ask him for a list of what he is trying to charge us? Any suggestions of a letter I can perhaps send to the Council requesting they take back the debt, they are, after all, accepting my money. I am due to make a payment tomorrow, do I carry on with the Council or pass to Bailiff without allowing him into the property?
  14. Today my husband had a visit from the Bailiff who said to him that we should not be paying the Council direct it should be to them. He handed my husband a Removal of Goods notice which states the Council has instructed them to collect the above debt and has been instructed to arrange for the removal and sale of out goods. Despite previous requests the debt remains outstanding and to stop removal to contact the Bailiff immediately and make payment in full. My husband said to him that we couldnt pay in full and the Bailiff said he is happy for us to continue with £200 per month but direct to them. The bill has gone up from £1,071.88 to £1250.38 plus removal costs. My husband insists that we should pay the Bailiffs direct, I argue otherwise and still think I should carry on paying the Council direct. The Bailiff does not have walking possession - please can anyone advise me. I think that the charges put on top are excessive and extra £178.00!!
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