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Everything posted by wanderingsoul

  1. Thanks for the reply guys. I would be willing to cover some cost, and I know it is hardly worth it to chase this down, but I do need the entire deposit back for a new deposit. Based on the condition of the property at the start of tenancy, I do not agree with the amounts charged. 60 quid to clean an oven? How long does that really take? 10 minutes? I have never met a cleaner earning this much money before! More than a lawyer! I had to clean it when I arrived. perhaps I should charge THEM 60 quid. 35 quid to defrost a freezer and re-attach a flap? After I had informed the agent I could not access the plug to defrost it and they said 'don't worry about it' ?? What does that take? Unplug freezer - 5 mins. Allow to defrost (no effort). Re-attach flap - 6 seconds. I should send them a bill for my efforts of cleaning the filthy apartment when I first got there. Of course I ticked the box on the form saying that it was in a general good condition. If you don't , then you don't have a deal, and therefore you are on the street despite already paying over a thousand pounds. My family has been in Real Estate (not in UK) for over 35 years. I know they go into this trying to keep as much of the deposit as possible. I'm standing up to all companies that try to rip me off ANY amount. So, yes, 123 quid is worth it to me. I am sending a letter before action directly to the owner, thought the agent is trying to make me go through arbitration by the Tenancy Deposit Scheme, despite the fact the tenancy started before their powers came into affect. It seems to me I am better off going for the letter before action, as legally I can get them on breach of contract for their past sins. If I go down their route of arbitration, they probably have more chance of defending themselves even though I do not agree. What do you think???
  2. Hello all, I hope you can help. I began a tenancy through a real estate agency for a semi furnished studio apt on Feb 1st 2007. All rent was paid on time every month. The tenancy ran smoothly, and started with a 6 month contract, and when that was up I moved to a month to month basis. I moved out on 2nd Jan, and after 2 weeks recieved my bond, at least in part. I paid 500, agreed as per the contract to the 47GBP 'check out fee', and thought that would be that. I did not think I would have any issues due to the fact that the agency allowed contractors into my flat on 4 occasions without giving me the proper 24 hours notice. I complained at the time, they apologised, I told them they breached contract, but left it at that. Now, they have deducted the following: * Clean heavily scaled toilet - 28GBP * Clean cooker - 60GBP * Wipe out fridge, defrost freezer and re-attach flap - 35GBP Total deductions = 123 GBP Is it me or does that seem unfair? I have photos of basically everything when I moved in, except fridge/freezer, with timestamps to prove the dates. I understand the contract says that I must leave the apartment in the condition I found it in, less the normal wear and tear. Believe me, I have proof that the flat was not clean at all - this was cleaned by me upon arrival at my own expense and time. As a side note, the agency was informed that the freezer was not working well, and I could not unplug and defrost due to the plug being behind the oven, which I couldn't move. The fridge was wiped out properly. The oven was left in a dirty state, but no dirtier than when I moved in. I have written to the agency on 3 occasions stating my argument, and they are not budging. They have now said that although we started the tenancy before the April date for tenancy scheme, they may help us to resolve the dispute. I would be willing to perhaps go halves with the agent, but if they are going to be like this, I could also claim that as they breached their own contract on several occasions, the contract is void, and therefore they cannot legally take my money. Is that right? Which avenue do I persue here? Thank you for your time.
  3. HI Daisy, you did the right thing in asking for proof, however they can't just send you an invoice by return. They need to prove the state it WAS in, and then the state it IS in upon your leaving. Bathrooms always get damaged, and if it is reasonable wear and tear, and you can prove that, then they have no right to cancel the chq. Do you have a copy of the inspection report from when you moved in? It could be that you were a good tenant who paid rent on time and so the landlord was willing to issue a cheque immediately, though once you were out they may have noticed the extent of the damage to the bathroom. It normally takes about 2 weeks (working days) for a refund. He probably has the right to stop the chq, but expecting you to pay for re-grouting? he needs to prove you damaged the grouting first! If the damage is obviously past reasonable wear and tear, he can charge you for it, but if you believe this is due to poor ventilation etc, then you may have an argument.
  4. US banks, in my experience, don't charge as much, but my bank in Aus charge me far too much, and it takes 2 weeks. My UK bank charge 25 as previously stated. It does seem ridiculous that it takes so long. Im sure they take advantage of the interest for a while. If it's sent electronically, why does it take so long? I worked for a bank in UK and normally the waiting period was because some temp on an hourly wage would just casually wade through the paperwork to make it happen (refunds etc) When it comes to banks, I feel lucky to even have the money show up at all! They are all hopeless.
  5. Hi CRH. Not sure about Dubai (although I hear it is amazing there) but I can tell you that Aussie cities like Sydney are very very fair, and very clean. Of course, I am biased, and I must agree with Darling1 that it is so beautiful in UK, but the fact is that it is far cheaper, more friendly, and much much cleaner in Aus or NZ etc. I always say that there are good points and bad points to every place, and it is difficult to say that one place is better than another, but the reality is, as Darling 1 stated: I have so many English friends/family who tell me that unfortunately England has gone downhill in a serious way for a while now. It is very unfortunate. I would have loved to have been around in towns like Brighton back in the day! Luckily, Life can be enjoyed to the full in places like Aus, NZ, Canada, Spain etc, and in my experience, it shows in the people there. Anyway, I am kind of getting off the point here...... Yet another quote from Darling1: I was always taught - If you don't have the cash/savings to buy it, then you probably shouldn't be.
  6. Really? Does anyone have any information regarding which countries have now opted out or why? Much appreciated.
  7. Unfortunately, during my recent flight from Heathrow to NY Kennedy airport, my baggage was damaged beyond repair. I had placed my Traditional Australian Didgeridoo in the fragile section, where I have never had a problem before. It was properly protected, with it's cultural significance in mind, and upon arrival in NY I curiously had to wait an extra 30 minutes for it to arrive while my other luggage already had (including another fragile item, which is fine.) It seems odd that it was late in arrival while other fragile items were not, and then came up damaged. It is obvious to me due to the fact that the instrument is made purely of Eucalyptus hardwood and is extremely strong, that it was mishandled by baggage staff. I understand that website information states that they are not liable for fragile items, though I cannot understand or agree with this as I had temporarily transfered duty of care to Virgin staff. As the item was placed in their possession, I am unable to see how the loss of the instrument is my liability. Had they allowed me to carry it onto the plane, and then it broke whilst in my possesion, of course the onus would be on me. Can they legally refuse to compensate me for this terrible loss? it is very difficult to put a price on such an item.
  8. I have just lived in the UK for 12 months, with a TV, but only DVD and Xbox. They sent me about 10 letters, though they were always addressed to 'the current occupier' - except once when it was addressed to the last person to live there. How can it be a legal charge if they don't even know who lives there? I ignored every single one. If they want to knock on my door, then go ahead. They never did. If they did, I was prepared to refuse entry as I don't have to prove anything to them. Australia and the US, as well as plenty of other countries abolished this stupid tax 20 years ago. You can pay 150 pounds per year for 4 channels with nothing on in the UK, or get 400 channels via cable in the US for less than that. EDIT There IS advertising on the BBC, they DO make money from it, so I challenge anyone to tell me how the BBC can do this, and how it is fair.
  9. You poor thing! That car tax is also ridiculous. You just can't win. Indeed there is nothing wrong with moving to Spain! It's lovely there and far more relaxed than UK. I'm not sure of the taxes etc there though. Isn't it dissapointing that people feel as if they can't live in their own country that they love at heart due to the government being a bunch of greedy so and so's. It is a poor state of affairs, that's for sure. On the one hand, some people on here are right. You are better to pay off your debt or you will suffer later if/when you need to return home one day (you will become homesick, or need/want to return to family). However, as long as credit companies make it so easy for consumers to get into debt, by allowing young people to have access to insane amounts of credit - and they count on the fact that you can't pay it back, so incur more and more debt, more locals will leave the country and more foreigners will arrive to take your place. It's a revolving door. I challenge anyone out there to explain why there is so much debt in the world. Aus, the US and especially the UK. It is also interesting to look online at the most expensive places to live in the world, and London is right up there in the top 10, perhaps top 5. At least in places like Germany you get taxed very VERY high, but they make the streets very clean to live in. I would be willing to pay a higher tax for a higher quality of life, but the tax money in the UK does not go back into the community. In New Zealand, even proceeds from gambling money goes into the streets to keep it clean. A brilliant idea. You play the slots (pokies), you loose your money, they put it back into the community, so really you don't lose at all. No government is fair, but when they make you want to leave your own home, to me, that is criminal. If it is possible for you to pay your debt, even at 5 pounds per month, then you should...though if they want to make it so unfair, then why should you?
  10. It is very interesting to read the comments added since my last post. Everyone is afraid of debt, but more so in the UK. I come from Aus, but have lived in the US and UK. By far, the UK is the most expensive. For example, the ridiculous TV license, which was abolished in both US and Aus a long long time ago, needs to stop. 145 squid per year for 4 chanels with nothing ever on? I don't think so. Council tax, where they charge you based on the estimated value of your house/apartment, from the comfort of their car on the street! Rip off britain it is indeed, which is very unfortunate as in a lot of areas it is one of the most beautiful countries. I would expect to get ripped off in the US, but the fact is the UK will tax you on top of a tax, and then fine you even more when you don't or can't pay. I'm not saying everyone should run from their debts, just that it isn't surprising that so many people are in debt. I found that I was ripped off by every company I used whilst in the UK, and recieved extremely poor customer service from every single one too. At least in the US and especially Aus, they are happy to have your business, and treat you with some respect. Going Bankrupt may be the best option in the UK, but before you do, stop paying the stupid bills, like TV tax, save as many pounds as possible, and take advantage of the currently excellent conversion rate from Sterling to US$, or even better, to Aussie $. Not only will you have much more money for you, not the taxman, but the quality of life is far far better. 5 million people in the UK depend on Welfare. Don't become one of them! Hey, England sent all the 'convicts' to Aus as punishment. Well, if you like the sun, surf and water, perhaps you should follow their example....declare yourself an enemy of Britain and move to Aus. Not much of a punishment! Come on down! We have plenty of room! Aus has always welcomed the English, and so do I. Personally, I would rather risk it with the snakes and spiders than with the creeps and beaurocrats in the UK! *Please note this is not meant to speak badly of England, just the beaurocrats who run the UK. I love the UK, just not the government or any company run from there.
  11. Ah, Thailand! Another traveller I persume. I agree that the cancellation charges (ie admin fees etc ) are ridiculous. If they can prove that this is what it costs to simply cancel a ticket, then I would pay. What is the process here? What, do travel agents make £50 an hour? How long does it actually take to cancel a ticket for someone? I am not cheap - I do not expect a free service. Agents just take advantage. Insurance is a rip off. If an agent provided me with excellent service, then I would be more than happy to pay for said service. Also, I never disputed paying Air India as they DO advertise their cancellation costs and they were only providing what was requested. It is very simple. They should make it a regulation that all agents and airlines MUST tell you ALL terms and conditions BEFORE you book, and in turn, this should be signed by the customer, or no deal. Besides, Agents will soon realise that they are annoying the travellers who pay for their bread and butter. If they insist they are right, let them. I will deal with Airlines directly from now on. It's cheaper in the long run and agents don't care about us anyway......obviously, just the money. What a shocker! It's supposed to be about seeing and sharing the World we live in people! Not your bottom line..................
  12. Well done Mutley! Score for the Consumer! I would love some further info on how you achieved it. I am a backpacker, so always booking, changing, cancelling etc etc. I fully agree with you that agents never make it clear of their terms. All terms should be shown clearly before booking - weather it be common sense or not. Obviously this is a huge issue that consumers go through all the time. There should be a regulation that states that agents MUST show you the terms, and the customer MUST sign and agree to these terms. How would this be unfair at all? I try to book directly via the airlines now as I have had far too much trouble with agents trying to get every red cent. Never again! Well Done again!
  13. Oh, for sure! I have been researching this site for the past few weeks. I notice that people use an S.A.R to get all the info held by banks, including statements and notes on an account. Can this be applied for any business? Is it possible to submit an S.A.R to this business asking for all documents?
  14. Thanks for the advice so far guys! Apparently the cheque was sent first class on the 11th Dec. from London to Brighton. It didn't arrive last night, but there is no reason it shouldn't arrive today. Should the refund cheque not be there today, I will begin to charge interest at 8%. I would prefer to keep the name of the company discreet until I receive my refund. When they finally pay me back, I will be more than happy to take my revenge by naming the company on this site (providing no one has an objection to this type of action.) Feel free to let me know if this is allowed on this forum.......trust me guys, this business, or at least the Director who I dealt with needs to be taught a lesson. He has absolutely no regard for rules and regulations, he even refused to hand over documents that I asked for to prove that the airline cancelled the flight before I did; saying they were 'in house documents!' I would hate for anyone out there to be mistreated as I have. It's just not worth the eventual time and hassle, and possible heart attack due to stress! lol
  15. Hi Conniff. I was going to charge interest etc, though we had the verbal agreement over the phone as to a full and final settlement. I then put this in writing via email, though he never wrote back and agreed in writing, just over the phone. Indeed, it does sound like revenge. Consumer revenge. I'm not sure I want to go down that path - just wanted some opinions on what I can/should do to a business like this that just get's away with murder! Perhaps I am better off letting Karma take care of the business....
  16. Greetings all, I have had a battle with a Travel Agent regarding a flight cancellation. We did not agree to the cancellation terms or charges, and so began a long, long process of complaints, and extremely poor service. This company flat out lied on several occasions. We have now reached an agreement over the phone that they will refund the total, minus the airlines cut, which is fine by us as our beef was not with the airline. However, the real reason for this post is that their website says it can take up to 2 months to issue refund via cheque. This is fine, except it has now been nearly 3 months and still nothing. They keep telling us the cheque is in thepost, when it is obviously not. So, basically, how do I make a business pay up without actually going to court? I would normally be happy to destroy this business in small claims, though we did not go down this path as we are soon to leave the UK. Also, I'd love to get some advice from you all regarding what I can do to this business and the Directors. I would hate for anyone else to go through the experience I have. They lie, they don't provide a decent service, they don't call back, they can't even write a formal letter with correct spelling and grammar. What do you all think about getting back at them after I do eventually get my cheque? Im talking about things like getting him audited, or closed down for something health and safety related. Is this wrong? If so, what CAN I do to get some justice? I have complained to all the right authorities, they seem to be doing nothing as we have reached an agreement for refund. However, I am not satisfied with this. Ideas anyone?
  17. OK. An inventory with the agent is all you need. The landlord doesn't really come into it because he has used the agent to set up the contract. If some items were on the list though not in the flat, then the agreement shouldn't have really been signed or you should note this. Is there any way you can prove this? You are correct in saying the light bulb charges are ridiculous, though that should really be done before you leave. Sorry, I don't mean to sound like Im on their side, believe me I am not. I suspect that as you fell behind with rent (although paid it back) the landlord may be thinking that he can grab a bit extra - he didn't realise you would be switched on about it and fight it! I am hoping Mr Shed can advise more on the legal obligations etc - but there are a lot of cases on here that have similar situations. I do know that they can't charge £5 for a lightbulb - they can't force you to pay that much for reasonable wear and tear - but you may also need to prove that you left it how you found it. Let me know - I will keep checking. Any luck with the paper trail?
  18. Greetings all forum people, Just a quick question - I am trying to find a site just like this fantastic site for Australia. Does anyone know of the equivalent? Many thanks!
  19. This is probably why they are 'trying it on' with you. It seems to be a landlord, and not via an agency, Correct? Basically, and Im sure Mr Shed will agree, you are allowed by law 'reasonable wear and tear' (sorry-spelling?) of the dwelling. However, you cannot prove how the flat looked when you moved in. Do you have any photos, or agreements with the landlord? emails or letters? inspections? Look for the paper trail - they normally leave one. Find where the landlord has gone wrong or broken his own contract, and then you can attempt to kind of even up the situation. He cannot charge you full replacement prices for 2nd hand items though. Tell me all the paperwork etc you have, or verbal agreements.
  20. An interesting question here. Don't know if it helps, but I have moved TO the UK from far far away, and relatively small debts back home have now been erased from what I can tell. Still, the Estate Agent I went through to rent a flat tried to charge me for searching my history, though he also told me this search is only done within the UK, not in my home country. Of course, I refused to pay it. Though, in reply to Weird Al's comment 'Why move abroad?' - I mean no offence, as England has in my opinion some of the most beautiful country in the world - but I must say............'Why not?' I have read that it is approx 20% more expensive to live in the UK than the US (not where I am from). It is very very expensive here, and I can see that it is very easy to get into debt. The government and almost every business I have dealt with in the UK have attempted to charge me ridiculous fees, taxes, TV licence etc...I like it here, but it is so corrupt and ridiculous that websites like this one must be started. Rather than get into trouble with debts in the UK, I can't see the problem in moving to a much sunnier, more friendly, and FAR cheaper country. Having said that, home is always home, no matter what. ...and debt is always debt....... ...and Karma is always Karma! Please don't mistake this for a complaint about the UK - that is not my intention. The UK is wonderful - just too expensive compared to other countries. I think the evidence speaks for itself, though I welcome any comments - especially regarding the UK being approx 20% more expensive than the USA.
  21. Exactly right. Luckily, at the beginning of the tenancy I went around the flat before moving any furniture in with a digital camera. When I submitted the inventory form, I also sent in a copy of the digital photos on disc to prove the condition of what was agreed nearly 12 months ago. I would recommend everyone do that. Perhaps they wont try to rip me off - though at least I am ready if they do!
  22. Ah! Indeed, Demon Slash! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much else that we can do - besides what you said - go directly through the owner of the property.
  23. OK, thanks Mr Shed. I figured.....I am happy to pay if it is justified. Thanks again for your time
  24. Let me say again - travellers make plans, plans change. I realise you need to do more work, though I doubt the entire time spent cancelling flights costs £200! I do not expect anyone to work for free - though I don't expect them to make a profit on my misfortune either. On top of this there are normally unfair contracts or terms with every agent. They make it in their favour as they know peoples plans change all the time. And let me just make my original point once again, which still hasn't even been touched - ' If They refuse to provide adequate conditions on the website, which is how you booked it, this alone says to me - if the booking Conditions are not available, then how can you agree to them? ' Normally, agents do not advertise what the cancellation costs are. They just say that they are not responsible for cancellations etc (fair enough) You said: ' If your going to book something with cancellation in mind – enquire about the cancellation policy of the booking And I will repeat my mantra: don’t book and pay for a flight unless you know you are definitely travelling, and take out travel insurance in the event of cancellation due to reasons beyond your control. Well, the point is: Indeed, you should enquire about the cancellation policy, though we shouldn't have to - it should be clearly shown in the conditions. Also, why would anyone book their travel with cancellation in mind? Don't book and pay unless you know you are definitely travelling? Well, when you are a backpacker, definitely never comes into it. Travel insurance is another way of saying 'we will probably stuff this up somehow, so pay us now just in case and you wont have to pay a fortune later.' I am sure you will disagree. I can see what you are saying, though I do not fully agree, and I think that most travellers would agree with me. I know this isn't a forum for debates, just advice, so I appreciate your input though will not reply. Best of luck to you all.
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