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Everything posted by pugilist

  1. I received a “mortgage information questionnaire” from the solicitor to to ensure them that my instructions match with the lender’s requirements. They want me to fill it. It is mostly straight forward, but there are some things that I'm not quite sure what to tell them. I'd appreciate if you guys spare some of your time to comment on the main points. There are two questions which I would like to clarify: 1) Please provide your quote for buildings insurance and confirm that you will supply the on-risk policy on exchange of contracts. If you are arranging your own Buildings Insurance the interest of your Lender should be noted on the policy. Before completion we will require sight of your Building Insurance Schedule and I would be grateful if you could please telephone your insurance company and ask them to put in force the buildings insurance schedule when I inform you of a date upon which exchange of contracts will take place. I haven't got any buildings insurance yet. As far as I understand they want me to get it somewhere and give them a sort of reference number. Am I right? How long will it take me? 2) Will there be any persons over the age of 17 years residing at the property other than you? And this one is a very weird question. Because I have no clue yet. I mean it is only me and my wife who are buying the property and going to live there. But we do have in mind to take another person to live in one of the rooms sometimes. We really do not know when he may move in. May be at the same day with us. May be never. May be it will be someone else at some point in future for a brief period of time or may be for a long period. But, well, I'm really at a loss what to answer, because the solicitor specifically mention the following: Please note that you will be in breach of your mortgage conditions if you do not advise us of any adult occupiers. I just don't know what to answer in the questionnaire. If I answer that there won't be any other adult occupiers, but by the time of exchanging contracts or after exchanging contracts the guy will let me know that he would like to rent a room in my house and that he will move in at the same day with us, would it be a breach of my mortgage conditions ? I really do not understand what they want from me. I am not going to let the property, but I didn't expect that it would not be up to me to decide if I want to occupy the property personally or I want to let it. Look at that text: Although in many respects the interests of the Buyer and the Lender are the same (in particular they both want the property to be acquired with a good and marketable title) there are circumstances in which a conflict of interest may arise because information comes into our hands which you would prefer us not to tell the lender, such as: a. The price is lower than you told the lender (because this means that the property is worth less than the lender thought) b. You are receiving a Cash Back or other inducement from the Seller (again because this suggests that the property is worth less than the purchase price) c. You have decided to let the property rather than occupy it personally d. Your financial circumstances have changed – for instance you may have lost your job (because you may not be able to keep up the repayments on a reduced income). Because we owe you a duty of complete confidence if a conflict of interest arises, we will ask for your permission to disclose the circumstances to the lender. If you withhold permission, we must cease to act any further in the transaction either for you or for the lender and return the lender’s papers advising the lender that a conflict of interest has arisen. This signifies that something unusual has occurred and the lender will probably withdraw the Loan Offer I never though about having Mortgage Protection. Can I have it at some point in future or if I don't have it before completing of the purchase I won't be able to do so later: If you are having Mortgage Protection to cover your mortgage payments and life premiums in the event of critical illness and/or redundancy this needs to be put on risk on completion.
  2. Update 15th March the eviction notice period expired, and I paid my next month rent along with sending them the message discussed above. After a short while they just emailed me back this dry phrase "Thank you for your email." In two weeks' time I'm gonna need to pay the rent again, and I have such a feeling that shortly after that date the contracts will be exchanged and all the payments will be made. Now my main concern is, if possible, not to end up paying rent after I move out.
  3. Thank you for your opinion. I really appreciate it. Hopefully the searches won't turn up anything odd, and everything will be over in April.
  4. Update. The letting agency(the letting agency i'm renting my current house from) asked me to send them some correspondence with my solicitor to prove that we are in the process of buying a property. They say they need it to show to the landlord. I understand that the landlord needs to be sure that we extend our stay for a reason. I want to send them this email: Dear Name of the Agency, Following your request to share some correspondence with the solicitor for you to pass it to the landlord, I am sending you a screenshot of some of it. Please find a scan of the letter to/from the solicitor attached to this message. When I know the completion date I'll agree a surrender on that day And it looks like it will be possible in around 2 months' time. Till this time please rest assured that the rent will be paid as usual. Kind regards, Mr XXXX Do you think it's a good idea? Or should I just ignore the agency's request, as such information may enable them to start pestering on my solicitor trying to speed them up?
  5. yes, the estate agency game me this 21 notice. the information on Shelter confirms my right to sit tight and pay my rent here till I am ready to move into my new home.
  6. Is staying at the current rented property and keeping paying the rent before i'm ready to move out not legal?
  7. Being a first-time buyer is fun indeed. Let’s say I never heard before about such a pleasant thing as 'Chancel repair liability' and was a little bit shocked. But it's not a big deal. The big deal is that I need to move out of the current rented property as the landlord sold the house. The agency(LL) already served me the 21 notice, so I have less than 2 months to move into my new house. And my solicitor said that he needs around 16 weeks to finish the buying process. What would you do in my place? What options do I have? I plan to do 2 things : 1) Ask the agency to let me live here till the moment when I'm ready to move into my first house 2) Ask the solicitor if he is able to speed up the process for an extra payment and guarantee that he will finish everything by the time suitable for me. How about that?
  8. Well, it didn't even come to Letter Before Action. I made all the calculations and told them what and why they owe me and why I expect to get the exact amount i showed them. And explained why i wouldn't accept any other amount due to possible additional payroll company charge. The woman kept on being rude and uncooperative, but the money came very quickly into my account very quickly. The exact amount i specified. Of course no apologies followed from their side. But i don't think there's much i can do about it.
  9. Good evening everyone, Here's the story. I worked as a self-employed worker for three days for a new employment agency. The agreed rate was £20 p/h. But the next week it turned out that they paid me at the wrong rate of £19p/h. I politely attracted their attention to this mistake. At first they accused me of lying about the agreed rate. Then they admitted that thay made a mistake and told me that next week they will pay me the difference. And here comes the problem. The difference is £24 pounds. The payroll company's margin for processing payments is £15.00. Minus 20 % tax means that the net payment which is going to come into my bank account will be around £5.00 or so. But if the payment was made correctly last week, I would have got £19.20 of net payment more than I received. That means that due to the agency's error I will get less money than expected and actually agreed. I contacted them in writing via their online form on their site, and in response i got false accusations of lying etc. They were rude and utterly unprofessional in their reply. They even told me not to contact them any more, otherwise they would treat my correspondence as harrasment. They even refused to provide me with the name of the person who was in correspondence with me. "They" means so called Compliance Team. I am really at a loss. Completely shocked to be treated this way. At no point of my communication with them I was rude or disrespectfull. But they were. They were even agressive without directly calling me names though. Such offensive style was totally uncalled for. I also want to file a complain somewhere about their outrageous treatment of workers. Please advise where to, if such an authority exists I tried to appeal to their common sense without taking them to court, but they refused to cooperate. What is my next step? Letter Before Action, I suppose? But how should I classify this? Unlawful deduction? As far as I understand I need to use the small claims procedure. Do you think there are any chances to redress the injustice? I mean, the amount they owe me is not more than £10. It is really small. But I don't want to let this situation go.
  10. People's advice based on their own experience is just what I need to make my own steps.
  11. Dear Mr ZZZZZ, Thank you for your recent letter regarding your concerns at not receiving a reply to your complaint you made in February 2019. I am sorry to see the difficulties you have outlined within your letter. In reply to your concerns, I have raised this matter with our ASB and Nuisance Team and have checked records held within our team and wider Customer Services Team. However, I can find no record of your complaint which you state was received by the Council on 6th February 2019. I am not denying that this was not received by the Council as outlined in your letter, its just that I can’t find no record of this and who received this. Upon speaking to our ASB they have confirmed to me that they have reports of only one complaint that was reported to the Council on 31st December 2019 raised against the occupants of xx xxxxx Road. This has been closed with no action taken and they have record of no further incidents. What I would encourage here is that if you are still experiencing issues of noise with your neighbour, then it is imperative that this is reported to the council at the time that this is occurring. Any noise witness has to be witnessed before it becomes statutory noise nuisance. Further information can be found on our website: https://www.newham.gov.uk/Pages/Services/Noise.aspx However, if you still require your complaint to be investigated, I am more than happy to review this and would ask if possible for you to provide a copy of your original complaint so that due consideration can be given to this prior to any formal investigation. However, as it stands I have little or nothing to go on here as we have never seen sight of your complaint from February 2019. Therefore, at present I cannot take your complaint to the next stage based solely on the grounds that you never received a response. I hope that this has helped clarified the position here. Please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely, YYYY
  12. I was already going to do so, but yesterday found out that they chose to make a formal reply via email. I'll post the text of their message in the next post.
  13. i sent a lot of signed for letters, and it was always ok, so it is quite uncommon for me. do u think it was delivered eventually? may be i shoul send another copy of the same letter.. what would u do in this case?
  14. well, how do we know for sure? it never happened to me before, and Track & Trace never failed this way..
  15. Very strange, but the letter is still not there.. Last time my signed for letter was delivered the very next day, and now it is still not delivered.
  16. Thank you very much. I like it the way it is now. I really appreciate this! Tomorrow I will post it recorded delivery. I'll keep you updated of any changes.
  17. Yes, I think there's no point waiting any more. I've just composed the message. But I'm not sure about the address of the Chief Executive of my Council(newham). Should I write to the same address as before, but instead of Anti-Social Team just use the name of the Chief Executive? I wouldn't like it to get into the wrong hands.. It would be ridiculous, if the letter will be opened by the fellas against whom I complain. Here's the text I've just prepared: Dear Chief Executive of Newham Council, Ms/Mr YYYY This is my 2nd stage of your complaints process. On the 5th of February I filed a formal complaint with your Anti-Social Behaviour and Nuisance Team. Please find a copy of the letter enclosed. More than 20 days passed, but I still haven't got any response from them. They received it the next day. Please find the copy of the receipt enclosed. They just ignored it. Please take all appropriate steps to sort out the situation. Sincerely yours Mr XXX
  18. their official site says they must reply within 20 days period. so i think i'm gonna let them a bit more time before moving on.
  19. Just for your information: I sent them that letter recorded delivery on the 5th of February, but I still have no response from them... Looks like they are not going to answer at all.. What should I do if they chose to just ignore me..?
  20. Well, the leak was finally fixed. TW fixed it, as it was the outside one. They did it on the 18th of January. according to the smart meter it still looks like the consumption is a little too high for 2 persons. It never falls less than 150-200 litres a day, even when no one takes a shower. That is very strange. TW said that they need to be sure there's no leak inside, and after that they will calculate my leak allowance. For now they put my account on hold. Today a manager from the agency i'm renting from came to check the leak inside. the meter reading didn't change withing 2 hours, as no one used any water facilities inside the house. I wonder is it possible that there is a very small hole or a crack somewhere in the pipe inside the house, which does not leak until someone turns the taps on or start using a shower?? Is it possible, that i lose extra amount of water only when I turn something on in the house, and i don't lose any water when nothing is turned on?
  21. As I have the Ref.number, I think they have the full text of my initial complaint, that's why the outline is really brief. That's how it looks: As you know I reported you regular and continuous shouting of my neighbours every night after 11 o'clock.
  22. Thank you very much. They didn't reply to my email sent on 24.01.2018. Thus I will post them your version of the letter by special delivery.
  23. That's not a problem at all. I've just sent this email to them: Ref: YYY/XX/YYYY/XXXXX Dear Anti-Social Behaviour & Nuisance Team, Please provide me with your policy for: a) Noise b) Anti-Social Behaviour Regards, Mr XXX
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