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Everything posted by Delta-NC

  1. Delta-NC


    Are you sure it's an Acer you have? If so you've been lucky. I'm also interested as to why you choose to register an account just to defend Acer on forum thread that is over a year old?
  2. I have a long history of being dizzy, since I was 7 in fact. They have never explained it. The dizziness when at its worst makes me feel disorientated and gets worse when I move my head to a new position. Occasionally and without warning I feel like I am rapidly being forced downwards. Not necessarily while I am dizzy, can happen at any time at all. I always get headaches in the same place, these have been more frequent in recent months, and have been constant for the last two weeks. Not especially painful at all times, but niggling always. I occasionally have a sudden and sharp pain across my head with no warning. This too has happened almost every day for the past two weeks. If I sometimes if I move my head from side to side I hear a strange gluring sound at one point. I also occasional hear a "drip" sound which seems to go along with my pulse. Occasionally I feel a tugging sensation in my head which makes taking a full breath difficult. A week ago the first doctor told me to take paracetamol for a week and come back if the pain is still there (Nice to see him making good use of that Medical degree, I'd never have thought of trying that before going out of my way to make and attend a Doctors appointment. ) The second Doctor told me to stop taking paracetamol because using it for a week can give you a headache.
  3. Do patients have any right to demand a specific scan or check be done? I have had one previously a number of years ago, is there any was in which I can request to see the produced images? Finally does anyone know if such a scan can be done by private healthcare instead, and if so what kind of fee this would be.
  4. The clerk attended the address and spoke to his "other half" in person, she confimed that she did know him, but claimed that he had never lived there and that she did not know his whereabouts. (This is a lie, I have spoken to him on the phone since) So I know the address is a valid one.
  5. I used the online checker and it could not find any details. I called and they asked me to fill in a form and return it for a manual check. This has been returned with no details ether.
  6. A simmiliar thing happend to me two years ago. I'm still chasing the money.
  7. I got a letter back from HM Land Registry today saying they could not find any details for the property.
  8. Surely this is an exception though? I can hardly see it as fair that your Uni can cancel a course and leave you out of pocket for it? Are they canceling the course mid year?? I'm pretty sure that you are able to switch Uni (with SAAS funding) at the second semester. As from what I can work out fees are paid in by semester and not by year.
  9. Nahh, I'm originally from the Dumfries area. Had to move to Edinburgh to finish my course.
  10. Ahh I know your pain. The course I was on at Uni was "Software Technology" which is effectively "Software Engineering" except they made the course up for us. We where at a College that had a tie-in with a local university campus, who decided one week into our second year that they wouldn't take us for our third year anymore. The "Software Technology" course at Uni was basically made up of groups of people from about 4 different colleges who where all looking to enter a third year of a Software related course.
  11. Not necessarily. I just think retailers and manufacturer would prefer to keep hush hush on this. I have actually seen this legislation referd to on the front page of a newspaper. ("50 years of the EU, 50 reasons to love the EU" but I forget which paper it was) The law always overrules what it says on the box, a company can't write "10 day warranty" on something and get away with it, the case would be the same here. If this was relevant in the UK, it would overrule any supplied text stating one year of warranty. I have noticed an increased number of products now stating that they have a two year warranty.
  12. I see you're in Edinburgh. Dont suppose your Uni shares it's name with a city in New Zealand does it? If so, I hope you're not doing IT
  13. European laws are placed above national laws. It is in effect where we have agreed to make a law standard across the whole of the EU. The only way a country would be exempt is where it is specifically stated within the directive. The only mention of the UK in Directive 1999/44/EC is as follows I'm no legal expert though, It's just the way I read it. If anyone can say for sure ether way it would be useful.
  14. In a word, no I didn't ever put anything in writing. Though I did complain to the support services a few times about the fact that nobody would watch my honors project. I expect the endowment will be scrapped however. Both the SNP and Lib Dems support it. I'm just going to too see if my Uni will get back to me saying I can write it off now, to be on the safe side. My education was all SAAS funded. As far as a paper trail goes, I think top grades at College to 40's at Uni say a lot about the place, but I dont think that counts
  15. I attended a Scottish university as a Scottish student. I got a nice letter though the door today, telling me I had to pay a £2200 "graduate endowment". Though attached at the bottom was a statement telling us all not to pay until the SNP have at least attempted to scrap it. Had I left uni last year, I would have been excempt from paying it. (Started my course at College). Though I started a fourth year it was not possible for me to finish it, due to lecturers refusing to assist me with an honors project, and I therefore did not attend for more than a few weeks. Effectively, the lecturers failing to do their job properly have cost me this money. I dont see why I should be forced to pay it. I have a staff member there now looking into it for me. I feel the quality of education I received there was worthless, and I don't feel I am in any position to enter a career in my chosen field, in fact, I am rather put off of it altogether. I therefor see my degree as a worthless piece of paper, and find it shocking that I have even been awarded it at all. I made no steps towards "graduating", did not attend a ceremony, did not accept anything, did not sign anything, so how can they claim I have graduated at all? I don't even want the degree, they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine for all I care. It was nouthing but a waste of time and money, and I'd rather not increase that cost.
  16. Delta-NC


    Acer laptops are exclent value on paper, but the build quality leaves much to be desired. I dont know anyone who has had one for a full year without some kind of problem.
  17. Knowing someone who works at Comet, it is pretty much company policy to fob off every customer who comes in with a product complaint. As far as I am aware, you are perfectly entitled to have the store deal with any issues with the product, it is up to you wether you go to Acer or the store (both can have their advantages, depending on the situation).
  18. Sometimes devices conflict. It happens, as long as the card and packaging are kept in good condition I would expect any reasonable IT supplier to at least take it back in exchange for you to try a card with a different chip set. Also are you saying the PC is only two weeks old? Doesn't it have a network adapter on board already?
  19. Uhh, I was under in impression that all consumer electronics had a minimum two year warranty at a European level. Am I mistaken on this? From Directive 1999/44/EC
  20. This is basically what happened with regards to PayPal. He was clever enough not to send me anything, for nearly three weeks, until I filed a non-received dispute with PayPal. Two days later the item was at my door. Only, company policy at PayPal says you can only file one dispute per transaction. Therefore they did not care less about the fact it was wrecked because I already claimed it was late. When I explained that this policy was retarded and anyone could do it anytime they wanted, all they had to say was "pretty much". Crooks. He has signed for one letter from me, but none since then. I get the feeling he does this kind of thing a lot. Never tried a box however, I have a nice Amazon one sitting next to me now, could give it a try.
  21. I called up the HM Land Registry and they couldn't find details of the property online, so they told me to fill out a form and mail it in. I paid using debit card via PayPal who, it is now apparent, are a bunch of crooks as well. He knew how to play their systems and due to their idiotic company policy they refuse to reopen my dispute. That being as far as I can talk to them, they seem unable to hold a continued discussion from one call/email to another.
  22. Thanks for the tip. I've posted off an application since the online checked had no results. The total debt now owed to me is just over £600. £535 for the item in question and £75 in legal fees. Anything else I can try?
  23. I say screw them for everything you can. You paid for the warrenty after all. Get a short list of things about your laptop, that only comes with paying good money, and make sure you get equivalent. If your laptop has a good video chip, you need a good video chip. If your laptop is slim and compact, that is what you paid for because you carry it around a lot. If you paid out for good speakers, you expect good speakers. If we where talking about a cheap laptop you had bough, fair enough, but if you paid the premium for a quality system, you should expect to get at least these features in return.
  24. I would say yes to both, but especially if you cannot get an equivalent video chip. A downgrade in video will be a significant performance hit, and make the system useless for a range of tasks that your older model was perfectly capable of.
  25. Long story short, bought a laptop on ebay, was defective (FUBARly). Guy said it was "my problem" because I didn't take out insured shipping even though it was never offered and he charged me near twice what it would have cost. Which would have made no diffrence anyway because it is clear it was not damaged in the post despite being packed in only brown paper. Anyway I took him to court in Scotland (he lives in England), he refused to acknowledge any correspondence bar one letter I sent initially. He avoided the court officer visiting by getting his other half to claim he does not and never has lived there. I know he does because I had called them a few times, whenever I got her he "wasn't in" and whenever I got him there where long pauses and then phrases like "he does not live at this address" instead of the commonly used "I think you have the wrong number" that most unguilty people say. Anyway, because of him refusing the documents I won the case but they say his whereabouts where *address* but now "unknown". Where can I go from here? Is there any way I can prove he lives there? Is there anything I can do to the address without necessarily "proving" he lives there? And would I be out of order publishing the full details of this case online? (His address, phone number included) To be honest, I'd be quite content with making his life a living hell, and never see a penny back.
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