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  1. Hi - I'm having problem with a trader on ebay who sold me a projector that wasn't as described. He accepted the return, but now is severely dragging his heels over refunding the money (over £1600, and it's been 2 months now). Going through ebay dispute didn't work, in fact it seemed to just make him angry and now he's saying he won't pay the money back until it's "absolutely necessary". He has even posted some false negative feedback saying I was a late payer (I wasn't, I paid up the next day!). I might need to take him to court, but after calling london consumer direct I'm not sure how it works. The problem is I bought it through my small business. This apparently means I don't have the same rights as a typical consumer in that the sale should be according to the contract between us. Trouble is, we didn't specifically make out a contract (do people normally do this?). Is there a standard ebay contract that is implied when people buy things through ebay (in a business-to-business trade?) He is trading as a registered ltd company so it's definitely b2b. I have been advised to first write a letter but I'm not sure exactly what to say in it. As it stands he has both a) my money and b) the useless item so somewhere along the line he's got to have breached a contract but, specifically, which one? many thanks, mike
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