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Everything posted by Luminol

  1. Hi all, I'm drafting a letter atm, and I'm trying to find the section of the Consumer Law or Best Practice guide thingy, that says that transferring debts from one inhouse DCA to another DCA is unfair and confusing for the customer, can anyone point me in the right direction? so I can quote the right thing.. Thanks Lumi
  2. Thanks SP, Your help appreciated as always, don't know what I'd do without you guys on here *sniff*, I think I am going to write a letter querying their need to vary the terms of my payment, as I would like some proof that this is what they've done and an explaination of why. I would rather stand up to them at every opportunity then let anything slip.
  3. Andrew thank you very much! I woke up today feeling a bit better, sometimes it just seems hard, probably when my pool of strength gets to low! I appreciate your post and thanks for taking the time to care
  4. Sp I know your here, but I have to go to bed now as I feel like I have bricks in my chest and head, ill be back tomorrow thanks for your help in advance I'll try and come back calmer tomorrow with a rational head on!! x
  5. Thanks SP, so what you think I should do is still to pay Credit Management Servs at Kendal Court and totally disregard there request for payments to be made to them now. I thought I should write a letter to them pointing out the terms of the Court Judgement and that it says on that I should pay Kendal Court, what Im unhappy with is the messing me about, pay them, pay us etc etc, and the whole terminology used like 'We are pleased to have come to a temporary agreement with you and wish to confirm the terms of the arrangement to cover the next 6 payments' I don't think its good enough to call it a standard letter, we didnt come to any arrangement, they hauled my bottom to court and got them to do it! I really am annoyed and don't want them to think they can mess me about like this.......Or am I over reacting, Im quite poorly atm, blood pressure through roof, ear & chest infection and am feeling run down by all this. In addition if I ignore this letter and dont pay by 15/03/2009, will that class as a default? because I chose to pay the original debt collection agency? Sorry for the babbling and thanks for your help. Lumi x
  6. Just a thought, I read this in the insolvency guide on here: TAX When you declare bankrupt, you will be put on an NT tax code, which means that you do not pay any tax to the inland revenue for 12 months. The bad news is that you don't get to keep this money, so make sure you don't spend it. Keep it safely set aside as you will be contacted by your Trustee and told to pay it over. Ok, I dont pay tax at all, as I am a stay at home mum and my husband works, I have no income, we get Working Family Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit but thats all, so where would I stand in relation to Tax? 4. If you have significant debt, you have no assets to worry about and you are unemployed with no realistic prospects of gaining employment in the foreseeable future, or your employment does not exclude you from declaring bankrupt, then bankruptcy should be a prime consideration. Again I am a stay at home mum, but would they include my Husbands earnings in this whole thing, Im unsure? Any help greatly appreciated Thanks Lumi
  7. Thanks Andrew, much appreciated, I wait for someone else to fill me in on the rest then.
  8. ashamed *Bump* its just everytime I think somethings resolved, something else crops up!
  9. In addition Ive just found this statement on the web 'Triton Credit are owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland, and are a dormant company according to Companies house' is this true how do I find out, also should I of had a NOA?
  10. Hi all, Im a bit confused today after recieving a letter from Triton its states: Dear Lumi The Royal Bank of Scotland We are pleased to have come to a temporary (temporary???) agreement with you (the agreement they refer to is a CCJ) and wish to confirm the terms of the arrangement to cover the next 6 payments (are they saying that they will try and vary the amount after the 6 payments). Theses terms are as follows: Your initial payment of £2.00 should be credited to account number XXXXXXX by This date. In the event that you have agreed a regular repayment programms, then we expect the future payments to be made by the due date. The following payment methods are available to you: Credit/Debit Card Cheque Postal Order Visit Branch of RBoS Internet Payments If payments are not made as agreed then this agreement will lapse and we will contact you (surely the court would contact me) immediately for payment of the full amount due. If you have any difficulties making these payments please contact us before the payment date to discuss the matter. Your Sincerley Vicki Coleman Recovery Manager Ok so it states on the letter that Triton is part of RBoS, have Credit Management Services at Kendal Court gone? Why send this letter now and why transfer to another inhouse Debt Collector? Can they do any of this and does anyone have any suggestions of a letter that I can send to them, because Im really annoyed but Im not sure why?? Also if the court order says pay the company named below i.e. 'Credit Management Servs', can RBoS change the company? Why are these people obsessed with messing with my head, I swear Im gonna go Bankrupt then they can't have another penny! This is the debt it refers to: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/178052-ccj-confusion.html Any help would be gratefully received! Thanks Guys
  11. I wouldnt do there job for them they have earn there salarys somehow!
  12. If they havent wrote to you, maybe they don't have an up to date address? and are getting desperate to find you
  13. I think its great news, best Ive had today, grats to all and thanks for all your hard work and persistence!
  14. Would be great if we could get all Caggers to sign, give it a bit more weight. I'd love to be able to find out what my debts were bought for!
  15. Hey Guys, whilst viewing the response to the no vat on healthy food petition I saw this, I signed it and thought maybe more of us should Closing date for signatures is early March. Petition to: Force Debt Collection Agencies to disclose the actual amount they have paid to purchase a debt and be forced to pass on this information to the borrower. | Number10.gov.uk
  16. Thanks all, i'll advise him of what youve said and see what he thinks.
  17. Hi guys, My Dad has just phoned to ask me whether theres a legal requirement to provide the staff with wage slips? It turns out that the owners of the company change their name and set up new every 2 years in order to gain some kind of tax relief?? anyways whenever this happens no employees recieve a wage slip for about 5 months. The explaination my Dad recieved from the owner of company is that 'they were getting round to it'. I found a site Payslip Basics and was wondering if anyone knew the part of Employment Rights Ast that this refers to and who he should field his complaint to? Thanks Lumi
  18. Passing it on! they only sent me a vague we are visiting your address letter (i was worried though), they didnt come of course, maybe they are getting someone else to try and find me or whoevers debts has a similar name to me, or ofcourse it could be someone innocent! I dont know:confused: lol crazy I drive myself round the bend
  19. oh well ill leave him to salivate alone i think How they got this number god only knows, but as I am subject to some extreme angling (fishing) by Cabot atm i guess i'll blame them!
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