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Tia Tiara

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Everything posted by Tia Tiara

  1. Quick, bring your pitchforks and flaming torches! Hysteria at its best! The bandwaggon is leaving town - hurry up now before you miss it!
  2. At last - someone with some common sense! Yes Argos are doing everything to put the matter right. The new catalogue does not carry a similar playcentre to the Tacoma/Yukon so customers are being offered an alternative. The partial refund whilst perhaps not what people want to hear is being done completely within the law. The legal team have liaised with Trading Standards from the beginning and the company has not shyed away from its obligations. Things like this seem to cause hysteria! No-one is being ripped off. Everything has been done within the law. Watchdog aren't really going to be that interested in this! No-one has had their money refunded in full. It's non-negotiable and Argos will not budge on this. To the person with the injured child - yes do pursue the Haznot as the company takes any injury very seriously and it will be fully investigated. Yes I do work for Argos - but shhhh..don't tell anybody
  3. Thanks dolly. Luckily we have a current account with the Woolwich which we've never used so I went in there today and they said as soon as we pay some money into it we can have chequebooks and they will sort the moving of the direct debits/standing orders etc.
  4. Right - got a letter back form member services telling me to go swivel, so am about to send my LBA. Is it worth e-mailing this to Charles Bacon or does he just make things worse? Also, in my preliminary approach letter I did end up claiming the interest - but can I use this as a negotiating tool later, as I'm prepared to just drop the interest claim - perhaps they might look more favourably on my case? I'm sorting out a parachute account later as they seem to be closing accounts left, right and centre - like a toddler having a massive tantrum!
  5. Arrgh - posted twice - see how stressed out I am????
  6. Thanks! That sounds like a big job :o Better get on with it!
  7. Well done! I was a bit worried about claiming over £3,400 but you've proved that they will refund larger amounts, and they haven't closed your account!
  8. Right - just when I thought I knew what I was doing..... I've just copied and pasted the preliminary approach for refund and have finally settled on £3407.50 (I'm not claiming interest). I'm not sure what the schedule of charges is though - I'm sure it must be in the library file somewhere - but I can't see it:-| Can anyone clarify what this means please?
  9. Aaaarrrrgh Better get that parachute opened then ;-)
  10. Lol! Yes - there were more than a couple of questions once I got started! Thanks for the very quick replies peeps. I'm assuming that the people who have had their accounts closed have been overdrawn at the time and this was the banks way of clawing some money back:mad: I feel a bit more confident now and I know I'll get the money back in the end - it just seems like a huge hill to climb at the moment - just gotta stay strong I suppose
  11. My statements came back about 2 weeks ago and I will be claiming in the region of £3,342 in charges. Just a quick couple of questions: 1. We have a loan with Nationwide which we only took out 3 months ago - can they ask for this to be repaid in full? 2. We're not overdrawn - will they still close our account? 3. Is is just best to close our account anyway and move it elsewhere before we start (I don't really want to close our account as to be honest the Nationwide have always been very good to us:rolleyes: ). 4. When I send the first approach letter for refund, can't I just put in the letter "please don't bother sending your standard letter about terms and conditions as I will not be fobbed off". It's this part of the process that really gets on my nerves. Also can't I put "I know you've refunded everyone else who has asked for a refund so stop faffing and just credit my account please". I just want to cut to the chase and I hate having to go through these silly games just to get our money back 5. Is it actually legal for a bank to close your account if you are in credit and all you're doing is claiming unlawful charges back? All this account closing strikes me as a really childish move and can't really see what they've got to gain from it apart from causing some minor inconvenience!
  12. Thanks for the link I'll get my lazy hubby to e-mail them and see if we can get a response this time! If we are entitled to claim the money they were sold for and get £3,245 bank charges back from Nationwide the drinks will be on me!!
  13. Hi peeps I hope you don't mind me starting this thread, as I'm not sure where to go for advice and you all seem very clued up. I doubt if anyone will know the answer to this and I know I'm naughty for starting the thread, but here goes! Waaaaaaaay back in 1986 I took out a joint mortgage with my OH with Sussex County Building Society. Anyway we had to open an account with them for a tenner in order to have a mortgage The account was never used or closed by us and after several takeovers the account apparently now resides with the Halifax. I think it has the princely sum of £17 in it and Halifax have a record of it and have given us an account number. Now my question is - are we entitled to the windfall that other Halifax customers enjoyed about 9 years ago or is there a minimum amount that had to be in the account? We wrote to head office after eventually managing to get the account number out of them but they never replied If anyone knows if we are entitled to claim shares then I'd be very grateful.
  14. Hang in there! I'm feeling quite scared too - but as others have said on this site it's YOUR money - not theirs.
  15. It stands for "Letter Before Action". You send this when you've asked them to refund your charges and they've refused (as they will!). All the letters are in the library section so just copy and paste and add your relevant details.
  16. I sent mine to the Data Protection Team on 2nd May and got a reply back today to say they are gathering the info for me. So send it to them!
  17. Here's hoping! :-| *end of hijack*
  18. Sorry - I'm hijacking aren't I??? I will start my own thread when I know how much I'm claiming back. I hope everyone has wide shoulders for me to cry on!!
  19. I will be gunning for them after I've finished faffing with Nationwide.
  20. Good luck. I've just sent off for 6 years bank statements and am feeling slightly scared and a tad out of my depth!
  21. Thanks. Every time they phoned they were snotty to us and didn't want to know when I asked them how I was supposed to pay them and support 4 people with my part-time job. I could cheerfully set fire to their offices with them all in residence! We paid off our account 3 years ago and thankfully have no dealings with them anymore - UNTIL I hit them with my court claim! Ha ha.
  22. I hate MBNA with a passion. We had a credit card with them for about 8 years with no problems (they kept upping the limit on a whim) THEN my hubby was made redundant and we could only pay the minimum and were one month behind all the time. They refused our pleas for a payment plan and kept ringing chasing payment. The called me to chase payment on the day my mum died. Anyway they charged us an extortionate amount during that time and they are next on my hit-list after I've dealt with Nationwide.
  23. I will do it this evening. erm....sorry, you don't mean me do you! Lol!
  24. Thanks - I will. I'm so fired up that I've already done the DPA letter - it's going by registered post tomorrow.
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