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  1. Thanks for message yes have done that, they sent me a reply to say they have eight weeks to repsond to complaint but will nto tell me if I am insured or not, so am completely stuck! Ted
  2. Be careful of this company Home Protect. They sold us insurance took the money but never gave us a policy. They then set our Direct Debit up as weekly instead of monthly we could of effectively been paying over £120.00 per month for home insurance that is if we had let them. They are a bunch of cowboys! When you speak to them you can never speak to a manger and you never get anyone who knows what they are doing. They make so many mistakes. I assume this company is run from home with remote workers. Be very careful of this company
  3. Be Careful of this company Homeprotect are a [problem]. We paid for insurance and never saw a policy at all. They tried to take weekly payments out of our bank account for a payment that should been by direct debitmonthly be careful of them.
  4. Received paper for appear in court for small amount left outstanding on our HP for Car. If we pay the amount before the court date are we still liable for court costs?
  5. Thanks that is helpful but what I was asking could the judge award in their favour and take the car away. We are willing to pay large installments and only have 1495.00 left after paying nearly 14K back to them
  6. But do they have to agree to the offer to pay or could they take the car! we are planning to pay £1,000 this month and then we will only have £495.00 plus the court fees, do I have to go to court? The finance company said we had to!
  7. Thank HB No paragraphs as last week long week I was typing quickly! Thanks for doing my admin LOL! they told me the court will just take the car they will not let us make an arrangement is that not the case then. We will be allow to make an arrangment we are planning to pay £1,000 this month anyway so that only leaves us with such a small amount anyway! 495. plus court costs. they are so naughty telling us that then. The woman kept changing her story and she said the court will grant for us to take the car away!
  8. Does anyone know please will the court grant repossession or will they let us come to an arrangement. Really don't want to struggle to pay the whole sum in one go, as we will be unable to live!
  9. does anyone know please can the court take the car away or will they give us a chance to pay?
  10. We have been paying HP on our car for the last four years, we are now nearly at the end 1495.00 left. My wife lost her job just before xmas. The we got behind with our £284.00 payments each month. We understood the procedure and understood the finance company would terminate our agreement as we had not paid. We were then told we could come to an arrangement to try and catch up on the the missed payment that come to £910.00 agreement was due to come to an end at the end of March anyway! When we tried to do this the finance company said we have applied for court hearing (we understood they just could not repossess the car without this) but they said you can set up an agreement which is £596.00 per month for next three months we said okay that is fine we can pay we just needed time. They said we are going to still get the court hearing date, but more than likely the court date will come after you have paid the sum agreed. The cour hearing date arrived and it is on the 12th feb! which is not after all the payments are made! We now are in the position we need to clear the £1495. by the 12th feb with gives us no time at all! we could do it complete strech but we will struggle to live! What do we do, if this goes to court they tell us we will more than likely lose the car. After paying £14K in total it seems crazy! we may pay nearly all of it say 1200 and let the rest go to court they will add £150.00 court fees as well which makes the bill £350.00 where do we stand with such a small amount like this will they get the car. Do we struggle and pay them Will they get the car if only a small amount is left Have they done anything wrong by telling us we can come to an agreement then changed their minds Woman said they will be able to repossess the car and the jugde is likely to grant this action, I thought the court gave you a chance to pay also? Help and advice needed please thanks
  11. We have been paying HP on our car for the last four years, we are now nearly at the end 1495.00 left. My wife lost her job just before xmas. The we got behind with our £284.00 payments each month. We understood the procedure and understood the finance company would terminate our agreement as we had not paid. We were then told we could come to an arrangement to try and catch up on the the missed payment that come to £910.00 agreement was due to come to an end at the end of March anyway! When we tried to do this the finance company said we have applied for court hearing (we understood they just could not repossess the car without this) but they said you can set up an agreement which is £596.00 per month for next three months we said okay that is fine we can pay we just needed time. They said we are going to still get the court hearing date, but more than likely the court date will come after you have paid the sum agreed. The cour hearing date arrived an it is on the 12th feb! which is not after all the payments are made! We now are in the position we need to clear the £1495. by the 12th feb with gives us no time at all! we could do it complete strech but we will struggle to live! What do we do, if this goes to court they tell us we will more than likely lose the car. After paying £14K in total it seems crazy! we may pay nearly all of it say 1200 and let the rest go to court they will add £150.00 court fees as well which makes the bill £350.00 where do we stand with such a small amount like this will they get the car. Do we struggle and pay them Will they get the car if only a small amount is left Have they done anything wrong by telling us we can come to an agreement then changed their minds Help and advice needed please thanks
  12. We got a nice suprise in the post this morning. A summons to court for unpaid council tax (£45), which we thought had been paid 3 months ago when we last spoke top them. Not only that but they also want £40 costs for sending the letter on yellow paper. We contacted them and explainerd that we had no problem paying the council and if they'd bothered to conact us in the last few months we would have paid it over the phone, but, we do object to paying any costs especially £40 for a little oink to do what he's paid to do with council tax money. They refused to back down and said we had to pay the costs as well. Surely in this age of uprore over unfare charges then this sits up there with the worst of them. If we don't pay the costs then they'll take us to court for those. Do we have any comeback against these disproportionate costs with an ombudsman or do we have to pay up and then take our chance against the council inthe small claims court? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I really object to paying these costs.
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