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Everything posted by noimagination

  1. One last thing, Can any one exsplain why some, after default issued dont follow through with the CCJ? is it by choice or law maby? In the CCJ procedure would i be right in saying that there is an option given to settle the debt and CCJ not recorded? Thanks
  2. Taa all - pt I think i have read most of this site twice!!, thats what gave me the confidence to at least try! This is only the flanking battle, the real battle is with customer services, but thats a WHOLE new thread!! Just cant understand that the issue is here the money I owe, They want it, they can get it via the courts, but they dont, deafult on my file till i pay, thats FAIR. but when I pay they've got me by the nuts for a futher 6 years! NOT ON! Its no more than grudge holding! taa guys Great forum!!!! Hat off to ya all!!!!
  3. Thank you for the link pt2537, bed time reading..........
  4. Ok I had a default recorded from Vodafone, I am offering full payment for removal of said default, obviously they are saying no! the debt is for £219. I just cant get my head round if they wanted the money SO bab why didnt they issue a CCJ? If they had I prosumably would have have to pay on demand of the court. I am going down the road of that they have no right to process my info + A moblie contract should not harm my chances of obtaining a mortgage to enable me to move forward in my life. I am having a E-mail debate with our mate Amander Chandler at Vodafone, any way my argument amongst other things is that Paragraph 6 of Schedule 2,-The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or by the third party or parties to whom the data are disclosed, except where the processing is unwarranted in any particular case by reason of prejudice to the rights and freedoms or legitimate interests of the data subject". The meaning in the dictionary for "unwarranted"is "Lacking a good reason and therefore annoying or unfair" The lacking good reason being a judge did not issue the default. you might argue that it is relevent because i was in breach of my agreement. but never the less i think its unfair. She also passed me the information commissioners views on "credit agreements-data sharing" But there was no credit or credit agreement. I'me sure I read on here that you cant CCA phone companys, Thanks.
  5. Hi thanks for your replys guys! I understand the differnce between CCJ's and defaults, but at what point and how do they decide to issue a default not a CCJ? Thanks.
  6. Hi Could any one tell me why defaults are issued instead of CCJ's. Is there a reason for companys issuing defaults and not going in with a CCJ? Is it the amount of debt? do they only issue CCJ's if they no they are above board with the paper work? All opinions welcome!
  7. I just dont want to blow my chances, if i have any?
  8. I think ill send a letter stating that the two defaults have caused me distress and hardship and beg that they remove them both, do i have a a case do you think? There is two defaults for one debt. Conflicting stories from the call centre staff(opp and team leader said diffrent things. DCA said it would be satified, bank are saying not! but in my letter it clearly states that it would be full and final payment and it was offerd by there clients?.:-? Do i have a legal case, if i complained to FOS would/can the order them to remove defaults from my file on grounds of stress and bungled customer service? Is tiglet right do i start with the DCA? do they have the power to do what i want?
  9. Has any one herd of two defaults for the same thing? is this legal? will lenders se that as double trouble? Obviously i cant get credit at the moment and I think its due to these defaults, can i get them removed on the fact that it is wrong and they have mucked me about so much between them both? HELP i need a mortgage!
  10. My complaint is that the debt is cleared, and my credit file dose not mirror that! I was under the impression that it would be the bank not the DCA that would update my CRA file? . Also do i have grounds for removal?
  11. OK thanks, I say nothig to first direct then?
  12. Hi sequenci. Thank you for your reply! No its Central debt recovery unit. But saying that she said on the phone it was them too, and i agreed but i was wrong!. just found the letter and i says "we under stand that you may be exsperiencing financial difficulties, with this in mind our clients are prepared to offer you a generous discount of 30%" it goes on to say "upon receipt of the £500 we will arrange for your credit file to be updated and a letter of satisfaction will be provided to you" First direct say that they dont now why DCA offerd discount, and would want the diffrence befor my default would be satisfied? DCA say our clients offerd discount and they would send me satisfaction letter. Befor i go in like a bull in a red rag shop, any pointers would realy help. Do i try and get the satisfaction letter from DCA? I have none of the corrispondance so far on paper(all been on phone). What do i do? many thanks
  13. Hi peeps! please help-Current account,£500 overdraft at max. coundnt pay, 100% my fault! It defaulted! After ignoring the letters for a while(debt strees) I was soon in a position to pay the debt. now letters where arriving from DCA, last letter i recived offerd a 30% discount, SWEET i said, promptly reaching for my debit card(£720 origonal debt, paid £520).....Now, the bloke on the phone said once i paid the amount it would show as satisfied on my credit file but it woul take 6-8weeks, fine i said, and i paid it. just thought i would phone First Direct to se if they had updated my credit file.(asumed it would be them that updated my file), Shock horror!!!!!!First Direct said that the debt would only show on my credit file as part paid(£200 left to pay)??? they are saying that the debt is no longer with them and is out of there hands?"take it up with the DCA" thay said!? Also, while i was on the phone i asked why there 2 defaults on my file for the same thing? one lady said Theres only one... her team leader said one was from First Direct and the other from DCA even tho they both say First direct? they also told me there is no complaints dept??????they cant even exsplian why the DCA offerd a discounted?????? I at least wanted the debt to show as satisfied, do i have scope to remove the default? Many thanks guys + girls, hope you can help
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