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  1. Apologies for this but, so its clear in my mind. All of the CCA applies to O/drafts apart from the requesting "executed agreements"? But they do have to provide some sort of document in request of the agreement?
  2. Barclays ripped off by impostor chairman - Yahoo! News UK
  3. This was vodafons argumnt on the issue, and my reply The specified purposes are set out in our Terms and Conditions, and the privacy policy on our website. There is a difference between the purpose and the lengh of time that personal data are retained to achieve that purpose (see discussion on retention policy at the end of this email). I see Vodafone saying "There is a difference between the purpose and the lengh of time" is a compleat cop out! "Specific" means:- state explicitly: to state or identify something in detail or explicitly. There are obvious details missing from the T&C's and or Privacy statment I.e. retention times. Hummmmmmmmm.
  4. So the only bit of the act that dose not apply to overdrafts is Form and /content s60 in part V? Is this correct?
  5. There are laws on how long they may keep your details on there systems, limitations act or somthing, 6 years i think, maby 5. My opinion is that the top one has no bearing on your argument, they are saying that they can keep your details if they wish The bottom one, this is what you agreed to in respect of the CRA's, this is the bit that bugs me, How the hell can you consent to all the facts I.e the 6 year rule, if they nevver told you? it was not in the T&C's, the CRA's say themselves that i should say it in the T&C's (letter linked above). did u agree???????????
  6. It seems off to me! Se what they say to the s10, it seems unfair to me that they can only publish the "bad" bits. It would seem to me that this is NOT a true refletion of the account history. While you wait for reply for the s10, double check that the entries on your file are correct in every way, if there not then this might ad weight to your argument. Give the Information Commissioners Office a call and ask there views on the "pick and choose" processing.
  7. You will have agreed to them doing it, it will be in the T&C's. If your file only shows the bad bits of your contarct, that would not be ideal! I would ask them what will replace the "markers" now the account is closing. It could get complicated tho, as if you agreed to pay an amount then, in theory if you nevver missed one it should be replaced with a good marker? Se what they say to the s10.
  8. The answer to your question is......................I dont no................ It is the opinion of my bank HSBC and also the opinion of Barclays bank that current accounts even with o/drafts are not regulatedby the CCA. Therefore they will say they are not required to issue you with your agreement. Now read this :-http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/data-protection-default-issues/110184-car2403-barclays-bank-default.html Confused.....I am. However you say you are reclaiming charges, send proof (meaningful proof) to the DCA that you are disputing the ballance and ask them to wait for the outcome. The way the DCA should conduct themselves is in the document linked below. http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/consumer_credit/oft664.pdf
  9. the word here is consent. if you did not consent to 7 serches its down to you to prove that you didnt. start with the one you did consent to, did you sign anything? if so get it read it, make sure there is no hidden nastys I.e. allowing him to perform multiple serches. I suggest writing the finance person a letter. get him to exsplain himself. "Thick up" the letter a bit, give him enough rope, he might do all the work for you. where you absent when the further searches where performed?
  10. Hutchison 3G Asked for removal apologised as it was a mistake offered the £226 owed, also offered £50 to there favorite charity as an apologie. Default vanished a month later. No payment made, reply letter, or nothing? CRA confirm its gone.
  11. Once your square it will disapear ne-way? if it has not defaulted yet, when you catch up with your payments it will update. you may have to prompt them to update. At worst you will be left with late payment markers or number of payments missed for the months you where behind, the less of them the better. thats the way to clean up your file. And, if on the off chance you informed them of your inability to pay before it happened, maby they will change the late markers. If not use the s10 AS SOON as you have finished paying off, consent to publish data has ceased due to the contract ending because there was no mention of data retention in the T&C's, and the late payment markers are pushing the interest rates up on new loans.
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