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The GodMother

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Everything posted by The GodMother

  1. ok this does sound like fraud as it you have been 'supplyed' with 2 differnt copys of the same agreemnet and you can prove that the signature on one is copy and pasted and the dates are different then i would advise to to take a trip to your local police station and as the speak to the fraud prevention officer there as s/he should be able to help you. I would also suggest that you take some free legal advice of the law societyor law center. My other piece of advice is to take down a few notes or bullet pionts and tring your local trading standards office. do have a few suggestions on bullet points you should make. 1) they sent you two different copies of your credit agreement, A copy of the originaland one that you think is fraud. (buy this i mean the one u found and the one they sent u ) 2) dates are different. make sure you give them as much info on this as possible. 3) how, if they are other than what is stated above, each document is different. eg document 1 is titled credit argeement document 2 is titlrd your credit agreement. 4) also make it clear to them that you are willing to provide copies of all documentation and make it clear that you have got the police involved. Trading standard would be ablee to help u further. dont panic and dont worry you are in good hands on this site.
  2. I agree with paul. I dont think that would count as a true copy of your wifes credit agreement. I have found it funny that studio has sent you that.
  3. yes but half of the time they sit on there backsides drinking tea or coffee so them understanding the law is to difficult for them.
  4. I will do but i had a very lovely phone call from them earlier asking you i had not responded to the letters they have sent me. I told them that they have 11 working days to get me my credit agreemnet and they asked me why i felt i was entitled to see my credit agreement . We my lovely comment was Because i am entitled to see everything that a company holds on me and the longer you spend arguing with me the les time you are doing your job. then i hung up. :) just what gives them the rite to question why i want my credit agreement?
  5. Sequenci and rory32. Thank you for your comment regarding the online application forms. I thought that all application form and credit agreements wether typed or hand written HAD to have your signature on. Rory32 i personally was unaware of that order and act. Thank you for your helpfull advice.
  6. No more my fault. I have just re read my post and noticed that i did not say i was not going to ring them. I did just point out that they forgot to add there phone number and added the one i have for them and said that it is there so ppl now it. My mistake maybe i should have read what i was about to put. Any way for those who do want to ring them the 0800 number will get you to an agent and will be able to discuss your account with them. this number is not just for abound it is for anycompany that is under the shop direct banner so it does include littlewoods, marshall ward and companys like that.
  7. yes but remember she doesnot even no if one of them is a legal document as one of them does not have her signature on it. If you had read the previous posts you would no that. Here is the exact part if one of binkers post that tells you that just in case you missed it. 'know with one card, the application was done on line and available to view, and my signatures marked with a tick.' I would suggest that that is NOT a correct way of signing your name. Binker i would ignore Chesterexpress as did not fully read the post. If they do get back to you then i would advice you S.A.R them to find outt how much you ACTUALLY owe without and interest, penalty charges and insurance or anythink else they have decided to add to your account then offer a token payment regarding how much you actually owe them and make very clear that this token payment will only be made by you with the conditions that a) they stop charging you interest b) they take off all interest payment you have paid in the past and recredit them to your account c) they re credit to your account any late payment fees d) they redcredit to your account any other fees you have had to pay to them. e) you ask them to then write to you confirming how much you owe and then you can work on it from there. Good luck with your fight to get rid of your cerdit. Please keep use informed of what happens. The GodMother.
  8. oh yea i know that but i thought i would be helpful to ppl who are not in dispute with them and dont want to pay for a 0870 number.as they tend to keep you hanging on the phone for ages and not give a care about how much it is costing you . oh just a thought can i ask them to reduce the amount i have to pay them for how much it has cost me to telephone them about incorrect orders etc over the time i have been ordering from them? u see i like to try and be helpful to ppl if i can save them money.
  9. all the post office has told me is to ask royal mail who delivered the package to see if they have a number for them.
  10. Well got a lovely letter from additions direct today. Dear he GodMother. We have some information regarding your account that we would like to discuss with you. Could you please ring me on between the hours of 8.30 am and 9.00pm. your sincerley . c.taylor collections department. Well it looks like they have forgotten to tell me there phone number but its ok i have one for them. 0800 0511213 just so everyone can call them if they fell like it. Best of all they pay for the call.
  11. No we cant collect our mail as the sorting office will be close completly. Our only other sorting office which will be open for 3 hours a day is about a 30 mile round trip so i am not doing that just to collect my post. I would rather have the post free time.
  12. Binker that sounds like a good idea. Will you still be in england in a year or are you still going abroad?
  13. yer i guess they wont to but i was just wondering were i stand on the strike action and that as royal mail have offically said that no one, business/companys or households, will recieve any post until thursday of next week at the earliest. So it looks like everyone will have a dca free week.
  14. well we all no that but all i am thinking is as there are 2 lots of 48 hr postal strikes starting today what should i do give them and extra 3 days or not?
  15. GIZMO111 That is a very good comment. I had not thought of that but what i had thought is mabye she could put sum money to one side for emergancys. As you said she may not get a job for a while maybe 18 mths or so. I have family in australia who have there own business etc but did have to start at the bottom and work there way up. They emergrated to Australia 35yrs ago had a few problems when they first got there with jobs and housing and stuff like that but other than theat they have now got everything they need and more. Maybe Blinker should revise her plan slightly and consider putting a set amount of money to one side and having that for a rainly day.
  16. ok. Just seen on tv about the postal strikes. How does this effect my cca request. If littlewoods gets it sorted within the next 48 hours then i will not recieve it until next wednesday at the earliest. Should I add a few extra days for the postal strikes, 2x48 hrs so no post between thursday4th 12midday till saturday6th 12midday then further one starting 3am monday to 3am wednesday, or should i just give them the standard amount of days?
  17. yep we do no different. In allw with all my dispute account that i have cca'd i could save up to £4,000 so he will think i am wonderful when i win.
  18. yep. I have marked it on a calendar my poor fiance does not quite understand why i am so happy about it all of a sudden but when i told him that i was trying to save use money he decided it was lovely now he has checked some of the recorded delivery slips for him self.
  19. Well got a lovely letter threw the post this morning. Virgin Media have re instructed Moorcrap to get the money. Got a lovely letter from them titled NOTICE OF INTENDED LITERGATION. Well i am about to write a Friar Tuck letter informing them that the account is in dispute and l have asked them to product a copy of the creit agreement.
  20. just checked and they have recieved the cca request this morning. Will be printing a copy of it off when the signature is available online.
  21. Ok just checked and they have recieved my letter for the cca. Will let you know when i no more. Chrissi
  22. call credit and it says that catalogue reduced credit limit. They original refused to reduce the credit limit but did eventually reduce it after sum time of me bugging these and threatening to go to ts and the fso. i did out it in my original post. 'They have delt with part of my request but not the rest of it. They have reduced my credit limit.' I did not use all the credit limit they gave me as most of it is now charges but i did use some of the extended limt due to the dryer and wardrobe breaking at christmas.
  23. |If you want to do this with solicitors the solicitor would fill the paperwork out and they would add there fees to it. If you want to do this without solicitors then you would need this link and claim form N1 which is self explanatory and you can fill it in on your computer whcih is help full. www.hmcourts-services.gov.uk There is sum help leaflets on threw but if you need my help then please feel free to pm me and i will do my best to help you. I am currently sueing sum ppl so i no how to fill in the forms. The GodMother.
  24. Powell, I did not no that debts only affect the credit history of the U.K thank you for that piece of information. I also did not no that a ccj was not enforcable abroad and if they were to try it would cost them. Is there any where that they can enfoce a ccj like Australia as family members are thinking of moving out there.
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