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Everything posted by Philx

  1. Sorry I am getting paranoid about it but is there any way sending the letter could encourage them ? By almost acknowledging them ?
  2. See thats the thing.They phoned us up a couple of months ago and told us the alleged debt was from 1992.We denied all knowledge of the debt and said if you think we have a debt send us some proof.They became aggressive and so we put the phone down on them. I then did some research online and found this forum.Since then they have been continually phoning us (we never answer). Then finally this lame letter from Red.It is the first written communication from either Red or Lowell. It has NO proof of debt and doesnt even mention the date of the "debt".Thats why I am tempted not to respond at all.
  3. I have finally got a letter from Red who say they are acting on behalf of thier client Lowell (snigger).The letter mentions the debt but there is no proof of debt or even the date of debt. They mentioned by phone a couple of months ago now that it was from 1992.Its so lame I am half tempted to ignore the letter or is worth firing off the template letter to them ?
  4. They have never written to me just continual phoning , which I ignore.I dont really want to get in to written communication with them................
  5. They are still phoning , I am still not answering and have not received any written communication. Do they eventually give up ?
  6. Received my letter yesterday. How many more of these will be sent out ?
  7. As has been suggested they probably dont have my address.............but I am still confused about the phone calls.Do I just ignore them or should I (as has been suggested) confront them?
  8. Another harrased newbie apologies.My first contact with Lowell was before I started reading this fine board. I am not going to be too specific as it appears they read this board as well. At the beginning of Sept. they left a message on the answering machine to contact them urgently.Niavely I responded and they told me they were chasing a £1,000 Visa debt from 1993. I genuinely had forgotten about it (its not on any of my credit reports) and denied all knowledge.To cut a long story short I suggested they had the wrong person and suggested if they had any evidence they should post it to me and I would have a look at it. Since then they have not sent any written communication.But I receive about 2 or 3 phone calls a day from them which I never answer ( I recognise the number) and the occasional aggressive answering machine message. I am fairly confident from reading these splendid forums I am doing the correct thing but is still very stressfull and I would appreciate some further advice.Thanks.
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