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Everything posted by Ell-enn

  1. Medsec - You've come to the right place for help - you'll soon be in control instead of the DCA's. I know how it feels to be sick and tired of the constant strain of fending off the DCA's - but it will get better - and soon!! instead of being chased you are now turning round and fighting!! You need to stand back now look at the whole picture. As I said, first thing to do is get rid of the doorstep caller - he'll only make your nerves bad waiting for him to come round every week. Then send the CCA request letters - remember to state that you will only communicate in writing - then put your feet up, and wait........ when you get a reply - post on your thread and you will get advice. If you're unsure about anything, you will get all the help you need on this site. You are in good hands now.
  2. What exactly are you paying RW £10 a month for? Tell the doorstep collector that you are dealing with RW direct and to go away (or words to that effect!!) He has no business calling on you without making an appointment first - and you will not be making any appointment with him at all.
  3. Brilliant Andrew!! it's all clear now - sorry if I sounded a bit thick - my experience lies more in the dealing with court papers etc. This first contact stage is a bit "hazy" for me. Many thanks as always.
  4. Wonder if Bank of England have got a properly executed agreement with Northern Rock........lol
  5. I had the same nonsense from IJ last year regarding Sky - they were sending letters, ringing my home and my work number. I asked them on the phone to send me a copy of a properly executed agreement with Sky. I haven't heard anything from them since!! I then wrote to Sky's Chief Executive telling him he ought to be more choosy who they use to collect "alleged debts" and the threatening methods they use....... Got a letter back apologising if I had been upset and promising to investigate IJ. Since I haven't had a peep out of them in over a year - I assumed Sky did not deal with them any longer. Email or write to Sky's CEO - James Murdoch james.murdoch@bskyb.com British Sky Broadcasting Grant Way Isleworth Middlesex TW7 5QD Hope this is helpful
  6. Andrew, by them returning the £1 and saying they are not obliged to supply CCA - are they saying they are OK to pass the account onto FIRE - these buggers are so confusing (even Dick Turpin wore a mask so at least you could see what you were dealing with!!!)
  7. I wondered if, by Cabot sending back my £1, they were stating that the CCA request didn't apply to them and therefore they could pass the debt on ???? They signed for the CCA request on 31st August and only reply I got was that they were asking the OC for a copy. (£1 PO was enclosed).
  8. Hi Rhia, I noticed the address was in Rugby. I've sent them a letter (cc'd to Cabot). I'm certainly not going to let them intimidate me. The amount they are claiming is £500 (ish) - even if I did owe it (which I don't) I would imagine most of it would be penalty charges anyway. I haven't had the card in question since 2000 or 2001 and as it only had a limit of £250 to start with it looks likely that the amount has been "inflated" somewhat!!!
  9. Pete JR - take the advice given by those on this site who know what they're talking about and don't get into any conversations with these bullies!!! they are trained (some of them actually read from a script) to intimidate and frighten people like you into giving them bank or card details or admitting the debt. If they call and you answer just tell them "communicate in writing only please" and put the phone down. Most of all Relax!! you will get so much help and support from the wonderful people at CAG - you are in good hands now.
  10. In the meantime - while you try to sort this out you could download Form N245 from www.hmcourtservice.gov.uk (Look for section on County Court Forms). N245 is Application to Suspend Warrant of Execution. Fill it in with as much info as you can (you can always ask the court staff for guidance) get your OH to sign it and TAKE IT to the court which issued the warrant. You will need to pay a fee of £35.00 (they don't usually take credit or debit cards!) They will give you a confirmation notice that you have applied for a suspension. Keep it to hand in case anyone turns up at your home. This should buy you some time to get stuff together. Hope this is helpful.
  11. Excellent idea - it would make it easier for new visitors to the site to identify their particular DCA and see other threads from people suffering the same as them without having to search through other unrelated threads. A sticky about the associated trading styles would be a godsend too. Incidently, what software do you use for your analysis (just curious - I spend half my working life analysing stuff for management - when I should be doing more productive employee related stuff!!)
  12. Steven, know what you mean........... I usually find the following: Holiday year runs Jan - Dec - 1) Increase in sickness absence Oct - Dec because they've all run out of holidays!! 2) Increase in sickness Jan - Mar -because they're all keeping their holidays for the good weather (supposing we get any!) The pattern is the same every year - never varies......... at least it gives us something to plan cover with !
  13. Andrew 1 - thanks for the info, letter being composed P.S. they say there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity - fortunately, (or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) I've usually managed to stop short of the line - it's got me into one or two scrapes and no doubt this letter will be no exception..............
  14. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending how you look at it, lol) I'm not anyone's boss - I just get to pick up the pieces and take the flack when other employees line managers give them problems......... The job does have it's lighter side though..... it's amazing how many different spellings of the word diahorrea you can get when employees fill in self cert forms .......
  15. ukjoel25, Did you inform HR in writing that you had changed your address? From what I can make out it would seem that although your employers continued paying you the allowance, albeit in error, you should have informed them that they were overpaying and kept the money to one side in order to repay. Unless you can give me a bit more information -it seems they may have a case for asking for the money back.
  16. Do I reply to FIRE? if so is there a standard letter or suggestions for content please.......
  17. If you visit Her Majesty's Courts Service - Home you will find Form N245 which is an application to suspend a warrant. Fill it in and take it to the court which has issued the warrant, get your dad to sign it. If there are any parts of the form you are unsure about leave them blank and the court staff should be able to advise you. You will need to pay a £35.00 fee but it will give you time to sort out the mess and stop the bailiffs removing goods. Hope this is helpful. Good luck.
  18. What were the circumstances of your overpayment?
  19. What worries me are those who don't have access to the internet and so can't get help from CAG. If they don't have the courage to go to their local CAG they're in a right fix. I know someone who wouldn't go to his CAB because his neighbour's husband worked there!!! it's that old "shame" thing again......
  20. Under Seige, you will get the most tremendous help from the wonderful people on this site. They will give you so much confidence that you will soon begin to believe that you will come out of this situation once again in control of your life. Try to sleep easier tonight - you are in good hands. There is nothing that cannot be tackled - all the information you need you will get here. I can vouch for it!
  21. Have you seen this warrant? is it for possession or for removal of goods? are you sure it is from a court?
  22. Only way I could get Welcome to cancel unwanted PPI on son's car loan was to email their parent company's Chief executive. They soon moved when he kicked their asses. It took 6 months of writing letters (all by recorded delivery and signed for) to the branch and to head office in Nottingham, never got a reply to any one of the 8 letters sent. Apparently the CEO of Cattles (parent company) is unhappy with the bad press that Welcome is getting (Aw shame). Finally got a new agreement without PPI but still waiting for refund cheque for £300 of PPI already paid - so CEO got another email this morning!!
  23. Challenging - wonderful news, you must have been soooo relieved when it got passed 12 noon on Wednesday and you realised you were safe. Having being involved (albeit second hand) in the prevention of an eviction at the same time on the same day, it gives confidence to carry on and give these "thieves" what they deserve. Go get em.......
  24. I just don't know how they get away with it............... good news is that they are prodding a sleeping giant - the CAG!!!!
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