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Everything posted by Ell-enn

  1. I understand you how must feel but it will be his sole responsibility to repay the loan. I assume it's an unsecured loan as that would need to be joint if the house is in both names. Who is it with?
  2. If the loan is solely in his own name (not a joint loan) he wouldn't need your consent. It will be his responsibility and not yours. do you have any reason to think it is a joint loan which would need your signature?
  3. It's probably best if you ring them first - I don't know if you can get a certificate from a court other than the one that issued the ccj. Whatever, you should be able to get it sorted tomorrow. Please post when you have got your certificate and let us know if you got it at Northampton OK. Any information you can give will be useful to someone else in the future. Good Luck.
  4. Hi UnderSeige, glad you're beginning to see the light. Hope you're feeling more relaxed about things now. Onwards and upwards as they say:D
  5. I was under the impression that Northampton was a bulk centre for multiple applications and online apps. However, give them a call on Monday morning, 0845 408 5302 Info About - County Court Bulk Centre - customer comments if they have an office open to the public, then you can get your certificate. I know local county courts issue certificates.
  6. subscribing too - ODC and Curlyben you make my day when I read your comments on these DCA's - Brilliant!
  7. You've gotta luv em haven't you - where do they get the nerve. The one thing I've learned being in an HR job for so long - just when you think you've seen it all - they come up with something that takes your breath away. Admittedly its sometimes funny--- but mostly it just beggers belief!! Ah well, all in a days work as they say.
  8. Goldlady - I hope your staff know how lucky they are to work for you and give you the appreciation you deserve.
  9. I'll have a go on Monday - I've got a desktop publishing set and printer at work (I do all the company newsletters), and post it when done. Going back to Pounds Till Payday - they're registered as Northway Finance in Malta - anyone know how that will affect their chasing/enforcing the debt in UK?
  10. Hi there, I'm sorry you're having to go through all this anguish. I helped my friend through a really nasty divorce - every time she reacted to something her ex did her ran to his lawyer. He almost broke her in the end, but she had a brilliant solicitor.. I know it's hard - but - keep quiet and work with your solicitor, don't let him know what you are doing or planning - let the soliitor hit him with it when the time is right. My late father had a brilliant saying - "revenge is a dish best served cold" and believe me it's true. I've proved it more than once! Good luck with your cold dish!!! I sincerely wish you well.
  11. When I said tip my scales - I didn't mean make a donation - you shouldn't donate until you know if you still have a job and can afford it. Tipping scales is another way of saying add a reputation point (the scales are at the left hand side at the bottom of the box with my name and details.. lol
  12. Hi there, did you sign a training agreement? Also, how long have you been employed there - is it a permanent contract. Is the car assigned to you only or is it a pool vehicle for use by other employees? Sorry for all the questions - just trying to get background. Cal37 is right - you can't be sacked on the spot, but we'll deal with that when you let me have the answers to the questions.
  13. That's great. We'll get to work on your appeal when you let me have those details. I'm happy to answer any questions any time - you'll probably think of a few more soon.... lol If you think I've been of help, please feel free to tip my scales:)
  14. Medsec, they just shouldn't be allowed to charge such extortionate rates of interest - it's shocking. There should be more legislation to cap the rate of interest that can be charged - if only to stop people already in debt getting into a worse situation.
  15. Thanks - it would have been helpful, but not essential, if you'd taken a colleague with you. However, we have to deal with what we have - you must make sure you take a trusted colleague (or union rep - are you in a union?) to the appeal. Have you had any written notes of the disciplinary meetings? Once you can let me have the details of the company's disciplinary policy/absence policy I will be able to give you more information. What kind of business are we dealing with - is it public or private sector? manufacturing or administration. Also - what is their track record with dismissals for absence? I know all these questions will be a pain - but we have to get it right to take this forward. Hope this is helpful to you - try not to worry too much until we get to the appeal.
  16. Thanks for the info -we're getting there .... Its important that you do appeal - the appeal should be heard by a manager or director more senior to the person who made the decision. A few more questions - (sorry, I'm just trying to get as much of the picture as I can to be able to advise you further). 1. At each stage of disciplinary were you advised in writing that your attendance was subject to an investigatory meeting? 2. At each stage were you advised you had the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union rep. 3. If so, did you exercise your right to be accompanied?
  17. Can you give the following information in the meantime: 1. Are you on a temporary or permanent contract? 2. If permanent - how long have you been there? 3. Were you advised of your right to appeal against dismissal?
  18. Do you have a copy of your employer's disciplinary policy and absence management policy i.e. what levels of absence trigger each level of disciplinary action? periods of hospitalisation should (in best practice) not be counted in absence discipline. We need to establish if they are following their own procedures and applying them fairly. Can you give more details?
  19. By the way Sosumi, great idea about the libraries and their having internet access.
  20. Steven / Sosumi, After my first post on this thread I did a poster for our notice board in the canteen (which is why I'm a bit busy with questions to all of you at the mo) but it was done under our employee welfare notices. I'll cobble something similar from that for the p.o.
  21. Dave's thread is a brilliant read - if that doesn't give you confidence, nothing will. Chin up Medsec - all will be OK in the end. The brilliant CAGers will see to that........ you're among friends (and fellow sufferers, which makes a BIG difference)
  22. Steven, thanks for that - forewarned is forearmed as they say....... I'll know where to come if need be. Well done with your win against BH - that's fantastic. It fails my understanding as to how these people get away with it...... P.s. This morning I persuaded my little local Post Office to allow a CAG poster on the wall near the counter - is there a template for one anywhere or shall I just make one up? Given that people on benefits are liable to be vulnerable to debt problems - the queue in po's is probably a good place to get message across. (I'm probably telling you something you already know - but I'm new on here so be gentle with me!)
  23. Stephen, not come across them yet, but there's nearly 300 work in our manufacturing facility - so I bet it rears its head at some point!
  24. Just a quick point.... when you are filling in the N245 form, remember to put the words "I respectfully request that the warrant be suspended because....." (put your reasons). Wherever you are asking for something to be granted always put "I respectfully request...." If you are affixing any paperwork in support of your request it is always helpful to: 1. put it in date order 2. write a number on the top corner (i.e. if there are 2 or 3 attachments put consecutive numbers on each one) 3. If you refer to any of the attachments on the form put the number of that form in brackets next to the reference. All this will make it easier for the judge to decipher. Hope this is helpful
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