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Everything posted by MBMB11

  1. so im taking that as that they dont have to sell any of their items as a straight sale? not on credit?
  2. Thanks Sequeci, i know this is usually the case, but apparently this one is actually a bargain! Does anyone know if they have to sell items cash price?
  3. Please forgive me if this is a naive question, but here goes: My daughter in Law saw a setee in Brighthouse today, and wanted to just go in and buy it. She doesnt want to sign up to the credit plan, she just thought it wasd a cheap price and wanted to buy it there and then. She was told that she couldnt do this and she would have to sign up to an agreement, and then after a few [payments contact head office and ask to buy it out. I told her that this would result in here paying more than the cash price and to avoid at all costs. But what we really want to know is can she demand they sell her the setee for cash price, for cash!! Many thanks in advance for any help
  4. Call Natwest back. They should be able to give you an authorisation code for the transaction which you can then take to the shop to refund the amount with. This happened to me last week when i tried to pay my phone bill ove r the phone. Woman told me transaction had failed but it actually took the money out my account twice!!!
  5. Hi I have a query. I have 2 natwest accounts. One is a step account which i use for my benefits to go into and use as my main account. I also have a current account which went overdrawn by £90 due to nothing but charges getting added each month for a cheque they honoured for £5 that i didnt have cleared funds for. They contacted me and arranged to set up an overdraft for £150 to the account to cover some future charges due to come out the account, so that i didnt incur further charges and that i would pay £30 a month to clear this off until January 2011. Im still finding it galling that i am paying back such an extortionate amount in charges. Is there anything i can do When we set this up the bank said if id paid the owing amount there and then they would then refund the charges back to me, but i wasnt in a position to do that as i have lost my job and am on benefits. So im now lumbered with struggling to pay this. I went through an outgoings and income thing on the phone and they said i could afford £30 a month which i cant. My first payment i must make is due within the next day or two and im worried that they will take it from my benefits in my step account when they go in to that later in the week. Any advice would be most greatfully recieved.
  6. Ok, i have a problem. i am about 5 weeks late with my payments. (including late fees about £250) i have been made redundant and cannot afford to pay the amount i owe in full. they have said to me in the past that i can return the items to the store and hold them till im back up to date, but here is where the problem lies. two of the items are gifts i got for my older son and daughter who have since left home (with items). the other item is a washing machine. there is no point me contacting the store as they are very pushy and insistent that this is the only option. can anyone offer me some advice on where i stand legally or what other option i could take? ive paid way over the odds for these items already - i think 3 of them end in december this year. im not trying to dodge paying them at all btw, just behind and feel like im not catching up!
  7. phone them and tell them you cant afford it any more. put this into writing and send a copy to head office also. inform your local branch that you have notified head office of this. alternatively, pay for all your other items, but not the sofa - which they CAN do, contrary to popular belief, and theyll be round to collect it soon enough when the arrears start to build up on it. ive been with brighthouse for 4 years now, and thanks to this site, and my observations made when dealing with them, there are ways to deal effectively with this company. being firm, and assertive, and knowledgable about the situation tends to get them to back down. whatever course of action you take, keep written notes of everything between you and them. good luck x
  8. thanks eagle eyed. i went in today, they demanded the months payment. i told them thats not what i owe, im only paying what i owe. they then said i had to pay a week in advance, again i refused. they then said they would only accept what i owed if i signed a form agreeing to forfeit my goods if i fell behind. again i refused to sign this. they then tryed to tell me that if i payed what i owed id be a week behind! i stood firm, told them that if they didnt accept my payment then they can take me to court. and guess what, they accepted the payment! thanks for the help. these people are really terrible bullies that tell awful lies to try and pressurise people into agreeing to things that really shouldnt be agreeing to. i am very greatful for all the useful posts on here and the wonderful advice given.
  9. i know that on most hp agreements you pay in advance, at the beginning of the agreement with brighthouse you pay a week in advance, in fact, you pay on the day you make the agreement and then weekly, even if the item doesnt get delivered to you until 2-3 weeks after. Im just wondering if they can insist on a MONTHS worth of fees in advance when my agreement with them is to pay weekly?
  10. Ok cut a long story short. ive been off work sick and for the past 3 months and brighthouse have been getting their payment from me 3 or 4 weeks overdue during this time. I let them know, and i pay up to date when i get paid (which has been haphazard due to my employers cocking up my pay). I am in the same situation again, and am going to pay what i owe again on friday (3 weeks payments). I have told them this. they are now saying that when i pay they also want me to pay a months worth in advance because of my payment history for the past couple of months. can they enforce this? i cant afford to pay a month in advance as well as what i owe! before this time id always paid on time every week. any advice would be most helpful.
  11. On Oyster, if you touch in and out within 5 minutes a the same station, it charges you the full possible fare for your journey. This is because a lot of people would touch in, then immediately touch out to 'complete ' their journeys, and before tfl cottoned onto this were being charged the minimum fare possible. I would always advise if you finish a journey and notice a problem, go straight to a ticket office window where most staff will resolve your journey.
  12. Ok, back in September my i had to help my son move his belongings to kent from east London. It was a weekday, midday, and i looked online to view the exempt congestion charge route. I followed what i thought was correct, but got completely lost and as such called the congestion charge ppl to see if i had gone off route and as such be liable for the charge. They explained to me that i would basically have to wait and see if i got a penalty through the post as nothing would show on their system so soon. I heard absolutley noything until early this week, when i have received a letter saying i have ignored their penalty charge and owe £180!!!! Theres no information on this showing how to write and complain or appeal this, only a number to make payment. If anyone could advise i would be most greatful. The notice is dated 21st October and it gives me 14 days to pay or it will go to court and bailiffs will be involved.
  13. i know! i wasnt having a dig, i meant change the card details when youve had enough of thier service and need to stop the service and them trying to take money for a service you no longer want!
  14. oh yeah and i would also obtain a free cert of posting from now on as proof!
  15. i know, but as your an existing member they dont pre authorise when you change cards, i know, ive done it!
  16. i agree the broadband service in itself has been pretty good when ive used it, never a dropped connection but customer service sometimes takes over an hour to answer, live chat help seem to give completely different info to someone at their call centres, and i too was advised by a PC guy to steer well clear in terms of how AOL software attaches itself to all parts of ur PC, and often makes other programmes become corrupt.
  17. ok, you need to log into your lovefilm account and change your card payment details. that way they cant access your card anymore. i had the same issue so to speak, i kept the service after the trial for quite a long time until after paying months on end for films and games but never once recieving a game, i cancelled online, and at the same time i changed my debit card details to one that wouldnt give them any money as i know these kind of things happen! but then they strated claiming i hadnt sent them back their dvds and i strated to get debt collection phone calls. (however on a positive note the debt collection people actually chased lovefilm for me to resolve the issue thanks to a very kind lady who called me chasing the debt that didnt exist!)
  18. also worth noting that the memory included with the free laptop is abysmal!
  19. i think the amount of homework being set these days for primary age children is a direct result of the schools now feeling pressured to do well in the SAT tests, which incidentally have no real baring for the kids anyway. they are primarily used to assess how 'good' the school is, or how well it is performing. unfortunately these are now determined by these SATs, so these poor kids are being bombarded with work in order to achieve high grades for the schools SATs results tables. there are many many kids who are gifted in art, drama etc but are being forced to concenrate all their efforts on passing the SATs instead.
  20. If You Have Nil Income, You Are Actually Entitled To The Full Amount Of Child Tax Credit And Basic Family Element. This Is What Can Cause The Overpayment!
  21. i too have a step account with natwest and if you register for online banking you can send payments out of your account to wherever for free!
  22. ha thats a thought! go to a refund and replace supermarket, scan all the aisles for damaged food, buy it, then return it! all your items replaced for free and a refund for them all also!!! lol (this is intended as a joke)
  23. Sorry Forgot To Note That They Phoned Me Again The Day Before I Got This Letter, And I Requested They Dont Phone Me And Write Only. I Was Basically Acting Ignorant On The Phone To The Guy, And Just Kept Saying To Him To Wait For My Letter As I Aint Discussing It On The Phone. Do You Think They Might Have Sussed That Ive Taken Advice?
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