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  1. Yea, I forgot to clarify the differences between special delivery and recorded.
  2. I would have thought its better to play safe and sorry and get anything official recorded/signed for at the other end. I can understand why courts dont do it as not cost effective if you weigh the odds of something being lost vs the extra cost. This would add up to a reasonable sum and also means someone has to be at the other end to sign, not neccesarily the case if its going to someone who is working etc etc. Whereas you can assume there will be someone at the bank to sign for delivery.
  3. One thing to bear in mind with any purchase credit agreement is that you are legally allowed to return the goods and pay nothing further if you have got to 50% of the term of the loan. Seems like you had just a couple of months to go and this could have been avoided. Typical banking strategy where they think they are the customer, when in fact its the other way around
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