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  1. Hang on...how should I know? I use this website to find out and on the front page of this site it says, i quote.... " ." So has it won or not??!! Trying to find definitive information on this site is virtually impossible unless you have little else to do all day.
  2. Hi all, so now the OFT has won the case - how do we get our money back? My claim is frozen in the county court system - what do I do now to get my money back asap? What do I do to claim back the further charges I have suffered since my claim was submitted? I am just looking for simple direction - simple answers to simple questions. the thread system on this website disperses useful information. Surely importnat advice on the key issues that affect the majority of users should be in one place. Regards, Chris Roberts
  3. Hi all, I have been on hols for a while and then away on business. Just opened a letter from the Leicester County court - notice of allocation to small claims track (hearing) and a deadline of 17 Aug for claimant to provide copies of statements; statement of evidence (is this the CAG court bundle??) etc. In light of OFT test case do we still need to submit all this??? If so, I have another challenge apart from the deadline............ CAG bundle is 40 pages plus OFTsummary action (4 pages) plus Government EDM (1 page) plus my copy bank statements (another 40 pages) makes 95 pages x 3 sets= almost 300 sheets and probably 2 print cartridges = £50 - and my printer has packed up!!!! Can I ask for more time? Should I call the court manager? Any suggestions???
  4. Thanks Dave, sorry to labour the point, but I know I can get Nat West to remove their default notice (as mentioned in another thread) but are they likely to agree that their charges caused another default with a different company and hence assist in getting those notices removed. Thanks, Chris Roberts
  5. This appears to be the only thread dealing with default, but asa a newbie, I am not sure whether I should be starting a new one or not. Anyway here goes!! I have been served default notices by other creditors thanks to my bank (Natwest) not paying a direct debit due to insufficient funds CAUSED BY THEIR EXCESSIVE CHARGES! A classic chicken & egg or is it cake and eat it situation!! What I would like to know from one of the esteemed and knowledgeable writers on this forum (suck!!) is - once Nat west have paid me back their charges (accepted liability) can I then get Nat West to get these other creditors to remove the default notices on my credit history? I am about to send first letter to Nat West. Do I use the first one or can I go straight for DPA? Regards Chris Roberts
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