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  1. Hi there, that is something I have never came across. If it's a contract and they can register a default, then they HAVE to send a letter stating the same. It is not a utility company..... Cheers, TB
  2. Hi all, I have since found out that Three have registered a default to the pitiful sum of £50.00+ on a monthly rolling contract, not signed as a contract, but as a monthly only contract. This has had a disastrous effect on my credit rating and I am having all sorts of problems trying to talk to anyone, just the usual call centre in India. Various discrepancies of 3 different dates and no one knowing what date the default was registered. I never ever received the so called letter of 'Default' as it just appeared strangely after the amount was paid. I am now in the process of applying to the court to have it removed due to the odd dates, no reply to a recorded letter and the various discrepancies....not a nice way to treat anyone especially for the ridiculous amount of £24.00 + a charge of £25.00! Anyone any other ideas, experiences? Kind regards, TB
  3. Hi all, I have found a default on my credit file for £54.09p for a monthly rolling contract mobile internet dongle with Hutchison 3G. Included in this is a charge for £25.00 and then added to the monthly paid sum of £24.00 (don't know where the £00.09p has came from. I have tried to contact Hutchison on various occasions and always talk to someone in India who clearly don't know what a default is and how much hassle can be caused. Also sent a letter in May 2012 asking politely for them to remove the defualt of £54.09p. No default letter has ever been received and hey have never replied to my letter.... Have applied to the Sheriff court to have the Default removed....lets see what rubbish excuse they come out with when a court summons lands on them..... Anybody else had a problem? David.....
  4. Hi all, Not been on CAG for a while and just catching up on any new news. Regarding Kensington! I had a mortgage with them from 2001 to 2004 and redeemed my mortgage early, not by by much but early. (have to be careful who can be reading this!!) Anyway i sent a complaint letter regarding all excessive fees, monthly management fee arrears fee) amount roughly £1300.00 imposed on my account and the disproportionate costs regarding the ERC roughly £2000.00 when i redeemed my account slightly early. Well folks i have had an offer of just under £500.00 (Full and Final settlement as usual) with the various fees, arrears fees etc. They have however refused any settlement at all on the ERC stating they feel the charge/fee is proportionate and fair with their costs lost in the mortgage being redeemed early. Just a usual fob off with the first offer and letter. They have obviously had a scare from the input of my letter and the high profile fine that other sub prime lenders have had and others are due. I have accepted this amount as Part Settlement to the full amount as stated in my initial letter. I have however stated that all correspondence will be copied and sent to the Financial Ombudsman Service regarding their paltry offer. I find it amazing that they think that the ERC can be proportionate to their costs and losses with only a very short time to go on my mortgage. They have also quoted in the content of the letter that the seek to recover their costs over the term of the mortgage, well the mortgage term was nearly finished bar roughly 3 months or so. I think the FOS will be wanting to point out that this is VERY DISPROPORTIONATE to actual costs remaining if any.... I will keep you all informed of any news folks, but it is looking good so far.... I do believe that all sub prime lenders are running very scared with the impact of recent FSA rulings..... D...........
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