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Everything posted by lynski3053

  1. Hello, Has anybody heard of Create Services Ltd if so who are they, what do they do and does anybody have their contact details? They have appeared on my credit history and I don't know who/what they are. Many Thanks
  2. Hi Just looking for some general advise. A few years I was going to get a loan through Loans.co.uk (I did pull out and borrowed the money from my bank for home improvements). I have receieved a letter today to advise that my personal information had been sold to third party loan companies without their permission. Information provided to them have been my full name, address, tel no, details of my loan.co.uk application form such as requested amount, purpose of the loan, my date of birth and my mortgage details. They have said they believe the info may be used by the 3rd party loan companies to contact me to offer financial products. The matter is being investigated by the Information Commisioners Office. According to the letter neither Loans.co.uk or the ICO have found so far that the data provided has been used for any purpose other than for marketing. They have given me 12 months free access to Experian to check my credit profile and for this to alert me should anything happen to this. I was just wondering if there is anything I can do to protect myself more and how to go about complaining to Loans.co.uk Any help/advise will be much appriciated. Many Thanks
  3. Hi would it be worth sending her a letter before deducting the money or just deduct it anyway. She is coming to collect the refund on Friday 26/10 (this is the date when the cheque clears and the ex tenant is aware of this) I will have witnesses here of course. I have worked the charges out to be 204.73 however if the items are returned then she will only be charged 96.40 I found the rate of labour pay Thanks nightmare it's 9.25 p.h. you can also charge for miledge at 40p per mile if necessary
  4. Hi Many Thanks to everyone who has replied. The tenant has left yesterday by mutal agreement and I have returned the bond. However upon further inspection (after the tenant vacated and bond returned) there is some damage I have found and also some of my property has been removed from the premises. When the tenant first moved to the property a year ago I took a months rent up front she is dss so the housing benefit have been paying behind so this months cheque is in effect a refund for her on her rent she is right as I have double checked this. I have confirmed in writing that I will refund her the rent once the cheque arrives and clears from the housing benefit department. As I have now found these items missing and damage can I withold the money/ charge for damage from this or will I need to persue this down the legal route ( I do have a forwarding address). Sorry to ask but I am new to all of this and have only been a LL for 1 year and this is also my first tenant. Any advise will be much appriciated.
  5. Hi, Thanks for that. As she gave me her 2 months notice on the 7/10 will she need to leave the property on the 7/12. Sorry to ask. Also as her rent is paid every 4 weeks is it 2 months or 8 weeks notice that she needs to do. Thanks
  6. Hi. My tenant has just given me her notice on the 7/10 to leave the property for the 7/12. Her Shorthold Tenancy Agreement actually expires on the 19/10. She found another property and asked if she could leave on the 21/10. We both agreed to this and I have advised the new tenant they can move in on the 22/10. I put the mutual agreed leaving date in writing and asked the tenant to sign a copy today however her new house has fell through and she has advised she will stay in the property with squatters rights and will not sign this letter. Does anybody have any advise for me on where I need to go with this one? Any help much apriciated.
  7. Hello I'm helping my brother in law claim his bank charges back from HSBC. He sent the LBA 2 weeks ago and has called them this morning as he had no response. They advised him that all claims are on hold at the moment due to a court case that they are in the middle of and will only resume claims once the court case has been finalised. Does anybody know anything of this or were they simply fobbing him off. Many Thanks
  8. Hello I decided not to call and wrote a letter rejecting the offer and once again asked for the full amount. They have written today and have said that there initial offer still stands. Any advise appriciated on what I need to do now. Many Thanks
  9. Hello I got a letter today offering me 970. I originally asked for 1970. They have said that they will put it into my account within 14 days and if I do not accept the offer then I need to call them. Shall I call or send one of the letters from the library? Any help much appriciated Thanks
  10. Hello Just to keep you updated Royal Mail have lost my LBA!!!!! Fuming now got to do the whole 14 days again. Urrgggghhh it gets me mad. I'll keep you all updated. Thanks
  11. thanks tilly you are angel sorry to be a pain i'm new to this
  12. daft question but is the poc the statements that the bank sent
  13. Hi just another quick question if anybody can help. I have just filled in the N1 court form and just wondered if at this point I need to send all my letters to Halifax and the ones that they have sent me. Any help much appriciated Thanks
  14. The Haliax had until yesterday to respond to my LBA but they have failed to do so. What is the best method to use MCOL or Obudsman. Many Thanks
  15. Hi I am helping my sister to reclaim her charges back and am just about to send the LBA. However all the credits at the time going into her account were Benefits mainly Income Support, tax credits and family allowance. Do you think I should add something into this letter to explain about taking benefits? If so how do you think I should word it. Any help much appriciated Thanks
  16. Have you set another bank account up? If so I would call the tax credits and change your bank account details to have any future payments paid into there. I would then contact the bank who is taking your benefits and arrange a separate payment plan with them to pay them back. Alternatively copy and paste the letter at the start of this thread and send that into the bank.
  17. Hi I am helping my sister to reclaim her charges back we have had the statements and sent a letter requesting the charges back. On Friday she recieved a letter stating some of the Terms and Conditions and the letter basically said that it was her fault due to not operating her account properly. They have said that they will not refund any charges. I know from reading other threads that banks are not supposed to take benefit money ie income support tax credit family allowance etc. However all the incomings that my sister had going into her account were thsi kind of money. Is there anything that I could add to the LBA regarding this? If so what would I say, any help would be much appriciated. Thanks
  18. Hello I am new to all of this and am helping my sister to reclaim her bank charges back. Yestersday she sent the initial letter to ask for 920.00 including the interest at the 8% rate. The bank closed this account last year so she has nothing to loose with them. Yorkshire Bank originally gave her and o'd for 50.00 and this continued to go up to 500 over a 4 year period. During this time the only money being credited into her account was child benefit. child tax credit and income support. Obviously these were being credited by the DWP. Is there anything else she can claim apart for the charges and the 8% interest rate for them using DWP money which they are not legally allowed to take? Any help will be much appriciated Thanks
  19. Hi many thanks for all your help. We have had the statements back and sent a letter asking them to repay £2203 that figure includes the interest at 8%. Halifax wrote yesterday to advise that the account had been used inappropriatly and that all that has been done so far. We were due to post a leter today basically giving them 14 days to pay or we will take them to court. I have just rung him to say not to post it I will send the LBA from this site. Many many thanks once again
  20. ok will do i'll let you know how we get on
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