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Everything posted by Worried37

  1. I have worked for the MOD since 1993 to 2001 when I was then unfortunately a TUPE member of staff to a local NHS and worked for them in the same role until an Employment Hearing in March (which I did not attend as I have been off with depression, stress, anxiety and it was caused by my employers!) and I then hear nothing until I receive a letter from my local Council (for a personal benefit claim) in writing that they have contacted my employers and I am no longer employed to which I email my line manager (another new one from July last year) who then sends me out via Recorded a copy of the Hearing - again I did not hear about the outcome from my employers but from my local Council. So with still having and being signed off from middle March by my GP again for 6 months (for a separate benefit claim) I can only apologise to anyone who reads this that I have had some awful weeks, months whereby I could not leave my flat but would scurry for minimal supplies if I had to and head straight back home again - hence it's not burying my head in the sand - I honestly just could not and to be honest still cannot deal with any pressure with my OCD and anxiety levels. However, after 17 years Service and knowing that the other 2 members of staff who also held there TUPE have left (we were being relocated to a new hospital after ours was closed) and that they are now offering redundancies, but mainly because I have been treated appalling by this employer and know I have to deal with this because GROSS MISCONDUCT actually had me in tears - it wasn't the fact that I didn't work for them anymore, disgusting "employers" if you can call them that, it was the fact that I have never been dismissed since working 24 years in the workplace and GROSS MISCONDUCT suggests (which I am sure is the norm dismissal for these) theft, bullying, etc. So I wonder if there is some help for me. I will list below the main points - there points for GROSS MISCONDUCT (My friend read the original letter until I have finally read it this week as I knew I would be devastated by seeing this in writing: 1. Break arm, December 2008, off for 6 weeks in plaster. (Of note the Consultant stated that he had x-rayed it 3 times with a satisfactory position of my distal radial ulna joint but in fact he did - this is prudent also for later on in my notes so please bear with me). Return to work, no return to work interveiw or chat or health and safety but a "are you ok now" from a different line manager (they work through managers very quickly). 2. Around April/May 2009 old manager leaves, new manager appointed. Sets two on health and safety etc. Consultant review at this time also typing with elbow in air) and its "ohhh, errrrr" at the consultation because my wrist has malunited hence no pronation, but for the major operation to put this right best to wait about a year post trauma so physio given and told to push hard to work the wrist and try to avoid surgery! 3. Headphones etc all given + gradual return to work to full hours after seeing Occupational Health Doctor as the Occupational Health Nurse knew that I was very angry about the way I had been treated and ignored. (before this I came back 6 weeks post trauma to fulltime work etc as Number One above). 4. Around the June time I am issued by my manager (who apologies profusely for having to give me a letter and what it entails + waiting until I am leaving) and it involves "Capability to do my job" (Medical PA Orthopaedics - ironic eh!). Now the letter referred to a specific clinic for one of my consultants that I had handed to the Typing Pool as since my return 6 weeks out of plaster my workload stayed the same and I was now finding that my fingers were clawing at the end of the day and I was starting to get ulna nerve decompression at the elbow (still typing with elbow in the air!). Now this clinic was NOT even in my fulltime workload (But the Grade 8 would not have known this as she didn't know anything about my daily duties and even though line manager then was superb, she worked part time hours and was under serious pressure). But the best is that I was given this on a Thursday evening, and on the Monday the other secretary went off for a well earned 3 week annual leave bread (we were a secretary down as well because she had resigned and still awaiting an applicant to fill her post). So I sent an email to my Grade 8 Boss obviously stating that this clinic was NOT in my daily workload and also that she surely would not give me a Capability To Complete My Workload Letter (Never given any warning EVER before in my employment!) and then expect me to look after 13 Consultant Surgeons for 3 weeks - this email was never even acknowledged!!! My morale at this point is at the lowest. 5. I get a date for my major surgery whereby 2 surgeons undertake to break my wrist and pack it with my iliac crest (hip joint) and of note I was told I would be off for at least 3 months plus my son had to go to my grandparents for 2 weeks post op because of how poorly and how major the operation was. 6. I return in the February, hear the other Secretary being her usual self swearing, very aggresive and because I had time off for 3 months which is a very long time it hit me that I had got used to this terrible, degrading environment and as a few months ticked by I started to lose any morale I had. Hence in May 2009 a close friend found me just sat quietly at home staring at the wall and silently crying and my GP was called. In between my GP coming out and being signed off sick within 2 weeks I went into Day Surgery to have all my metalwork removed - it had to be done so I just starred, signed the consent and then had a friend pick me up. 7. Work were ok to start off with. Then I was asked in the October to attend an informal chat with my new line manager and the Senior Adviser in Human Resources (odd informal chat and senior member of staff attends). A close friend took me, I made sure I had my tablets about an hour beforehand as they would be at their "best" to keep me numb. I did not stop crying, explained Occupational Health had firstly cancelled the first appointment, second time they wrote to my old address, third time they address it incorrectly and ironically it was the name of my ex-husbands new wife and lastly. My line manager noted this, had copies and confirmed I was correct with HR and apologised stating a new appointment would be sent (of note the last and final appointment was sent to 52 not 51 where I live and they wondered why I did not attend any!!). Line manager stated I HAD TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH HER WEEKLY(?) and she would send letter out with the notes of meeting (did not state in letter that 3, at the time, occupational health letters had been sent incorrectly but that I had not attended 3 appointments, which I did email back and state I wanted this amended, but with medication, my wondering about the health of many in this country through my OCD I never kept on top of this. 8. I emailed her a couple of times over 2 or 3 weeks and then stopped but according to a friend it was down to my employers to check I was ok? 9. I had emails for a Hearing date, then an email changing the date and I was not going to attend either because I knew with my MOD Contract through my TUPE the Grade 8 had been trying for a few years to get rid of the 3 people in her department and 2 she had been successful with so why should I attend a Hearing which would tip me over the edge mainly due to hearing her say that I was dismissed (never did I imagine GROSS MISCONDUCT). 10. Finally the letter states (after I asked for a copy when the local council informed me!) I have been dismissed for Gross Misconduct: DID not attend 4 Occupational health appointments. DID not communicate with line manager on a weekly basis via email as agreed in October meeting. ATTEND a formal review with Line Manager in December 2009 or January 2010 PROVIDE Medical Certificates from November to date (March 2010) however one was sent covering me 6 weeks from December to January 2010. Finally, following an Adjournment there was significant evidence to dismiss me. As I am absent without leave and have a period of absence without leave last year in the November their decision was that this constituted gross misconduct and I was to be dismissed with no further notice and I would receive no pay in lieu but annual leave would be paid to me. I sent an email (late again due to anxiety and anxiety attacks) and asked for an Appeal via email on 14 May. I have since received on 28 May an email from the Senior HR advising that a chap with his name is now dealing with this. I have heard nothing since. More importantly do I have a case, and should I go to tribunal as you only have exactly 3 months from dismissal to apply and this is next Thursday 9 June (which I am sure my employers are well aware of! Oh and I now receive the minimal disability living allowance due to my wrist being better after such a horific operation but I cannot lift pans or indeed type at 110 words per minute and have a 8 centimetre scar on the top of my wrist and a 6 centimetre scar over my hip area. Also, I could not go back to myt original job as I cannot work on a keyboard anymore for long periods of time + my hip gets painful so I am now off work on benefits which after working since I was 16 years old full time, I am not very proud off. Any help be it points that I could use re wait for Appeal or go to Tribunal and information I use whereby my employers were wrong with regard to Gross Misconduct or to be honest any constructive critisim to tell me to leave it, I would very much appreciate and apologies that time is of the essence due to my head being in the sand through anxiety and depression. Yours truely
  2. Apologies, I have posted this again because I originally put that I owed Paypal when infact it was because I had just paid for something yesterday and my brain was addled. Anyway it's apparently a credit card debt and here goes with the history: I sent a Credit Card Company a letter last July 2007 giving 7 days to stop telephone me and that they could only contact me in writing. Also I sent in August 2007 a letter (sorry I have forgotten the correct legal word for this letter) giving them the correct amount of days to produce a signed legal agreement. I enclosed a £1 cheque and also have copies of the scanned signatures from Credit Card Company showing that an employee did receive both letters. All contact stopped until this week - February 2008. It would appear that a "Company" (I use that word very loosely) called ULTIMATE CREDIT SOLUTIONS now have all my details and want me to pay up. Most of the telephone calls are made on my work extension (they don't seem to have the direct line so are going through my employer's switchboard).Firstly, I had the misfortune to speak to a "lady" who had a scottish accent earlier this week, I say misfortune, because her knowledge of the english language was quite dire and I really did feel for her - all she could do was keep on repeating the same question "Don't interupt me, you know you owe this debt, pay it!". Then, yesterday I had the same misfortune (for the same reasons as the scottish spoken lady) to speak with Mr Wigton who works for ULTIMATE CREDIT SERVICE. He also could only revert to shouting down the telephone line at me with the same statement as the other lady, but did add that "I WASN'T TO PUT THE PHONE DOWN ON HIM" (I'm presuming on their charts this is the last box if all else fails!).This is serious enough, but because I work at a Hospital and my line is used for RED FLAG patients, this is now being taken further by my employers (Update - they left a recorded voice message today on my work answering machine stating I have to ring them and the number is an 0870 - I thought this was illegal to ask someone to call an 0870 number? but either way I now have the verbal proof I have been wanting) My question though is I know I can now quite rightly report the credit card company to Trading Standards (I wasn't going to, but as you can see from the above this is unacceptable), but do you have a draft letter I can send. I also want to report Ultimate Credit Services to them as well, I mean they have stated that they are recovering this on behalf of the credit card company? Lastly, and one which I need to get ASAP, is the transcript from a particular call yesterday morning, that went through my work line from Ultimate Credit (Mr Wigton) and I know under the Data Protection Act you can ask for this. Does anyone have a proforma I could use for this please.
  3. Sorry, it's not Paypal its a Card totaling about £500. Thank goodness it's Friday.
  4. Opps, I was having a blonde day after buying something on eBAY - it's
  5. Afternoon all, Wow, its been a long time since I posted on this site, but if anyone has the answer to my questions, I know it will be someone on here: I sent Paypal a letter last July 2007 giving 7 days to stop telephone me and that they could only contact me in writing. Also I sent in August 2007 a letter (sorry I have forgotten the correct legal word for this letter) giving them 40 days to produce a signed legal agreement. I enclosed a £1 cheque and also have copies of the scanned signatures from Paypal showing that an employee did receive both letters. All contact stopped until this week - February 2008. It would appear that a "Company" (I use that word very loosely) called ULTIMATE CREDIT SOLUTIONS now have all my details and want me to pay up. Most of the telephone calls are made on my work extension (they don't seem to have the direct line so are going through my employer's switchboard).Firstly, I had the misfortune to speak to a "lady" who had a scottish accent earlier this week, I say misfortune, because her knowledge of the english language was quite dire and I really did feel for her - all she could do was keep on repeating the same question "Don't interupt me, you know you owe this debt, pay it!". Then, and today as it happens I had the same misfortune (for the same reasons as the scottish spoken lady) to speak with Mr Wigton who works for ULTIMATE CREDIT SERVICE. He also could only revert to shouting down the telephone line at me with the same statement as the other lady, but did add that "I WASN'T TO PUT THE PHONE DOWN ON HIM" (I'm presuming on their charts this is the last box if all else fails!). My telephone line then continuiosly rang by them for about an hour. This is serious enough, but because I work at a Hospital and my line is used for RED FLAG patients, this is now being taken further by my employers. My question though is I know I can now quite rightly report Paypal to the Financial Ombudsman (I wasn't going to, but as you can see from the above this is unacceptable), but do you have a draft letter I can send. I also want to report Ultimate Credit Services to them as well, I mean they have stated that they are recovering this on behalf of Paypal? Lastly, and one which I need to get ASAP, is the transcript from a particular call this morning, that went through my working line from Ultimate Credit (Mr Wigton) and I know under the Data Protection Act you can ask for this. Does anyone have a proforma I could use for this please. Have a happy Thursday
  6. I sent Paypal a Telephone Harrassment Letter last July (2007). They stopped calling, but have passed it onto numerous debt collection companies. Currently I have Ultimate Credit Services calling me (Mr Wigton - obviously this is not your real name!) and am keeping a record of their calls. Unfortunately, for them they are calling the MOD switchboard where I work and the girls who work on this switchboard are now willing to back all telephone records I am keeping of calls made to work! Whoever, does work for this unfortunate, misguided "company" (the lady who is scottish and screams down the phone and then the delightful Mr Wigton who will not listen to any answers but shouts "Do you owe this money, it's a simple yes or no answer" ha ha) unfortunately, your Employers are in trouble for breaking the law - but you will be hearing about this in a more formal manner.
  7. Thank you for highlighting the last question livelylad, but my comment at the end with regard to "sitting on the fence" was not aimed at one specific answer by the moderator so please, this did not need to be highlighted. I shall be obtaining a copy of the booklet of all items covered/or not from the insurance company (or easier still from my father). I can then work through this, their response and the answers I have been given on this forum.
  8. Thanks Ladybird, I am going to go through mum & dad's booklet and highlight/mark all that I think is relevant and then when I compile my letter I can quote their clauses etc. Will keep you informed x
  9. Many thanks Bookworm for your quick informative response, but one which still doesn't say "yes ask for the telephone calls to England" "yes ask for the faxing etc". Maybe I'm having a blonde day, but the answers, albeit informative, seem to be on the fence.
  10. Louisamc1 I do understand some of the points you have made with regard to the amount of homework, but with regard to yourself and your partner working fulltime, the school cannot adapt for those parents working fulltime and those parents who do not (i myself do work fulltime + the same as you). Of note, is he not in aftercare or with friends between the close of play of school at 3.15 pm until you see him at 5.30 pm - could he not do some of his work then? The school my son attends does not have teaching training days, I have the set holidays and that is it, thank goodness, but I thought you were given prior warning for these days? Also the personal development days you say your son has, do the schools not have to do these now because some parents (most excluded) do not bother with time and development with their children. Lastly, I do not see school as the only place for my son to be taught - he learns just as much out of school as in it and most of the time doesn't realise he is learning!!! I'd make an appointment to go to the school and discuss it with notepad in hand.
  11. Hi, my son who 8 and in Class 4. He now has 9 pieces of homework a week (2 each night monday to thursday and then one piece over the weekend), plus any projects, plus weekly spellings, weekly maths and his weekly book that he picks out from the school library. I tend to let him have time out when he first comes home with his grandfather and then about haf 5 whilst cooking the evening meal he sits and goes through his homework and I am there in the kitchen. He doesn't sit and read his book then, but leaves this until it is his bedtime, as I myself read a book before going to sleep. Personally, I don't have a problem with the amount of homework he has. He has a homework diary, marked by myself and his various teachers each week, but must admit to having to be ontop of all of this with his weekly out of school sports and other activities he likes to do. I must say some of the local schools in my area give children one piece of homework a week on a friday and this really is quite terrible. As with everything in life I suppose a happy medium has to be found and if I thought my son was struggling or he was not having any time to himself I would ask for a meeting with his teacher.
  12. Morning all, I do hope someone can help me, saving me the time and cost of a solicitor in my initially response to a holiday insurance claim I made on behalf of my parents. My mother was taken ill whilst we were in Spain, falling and hurting herself on the Wednesday of the first week. Having her E11 card and private insurance, one felt that as long as we were able to get her better to be able to fly home, most things would be covered. Whilst in Spain I contacted the 24 hr emergency line with the Insurance Company my dad had booked with (CSIS). I spoke nearly daily with an allocated officer in their office who was exceptional and couldn't have been more helpful. She requested that I send all paperwork, pharmacy bills etc, via fax and keep them updated which I did. She did telephone me back sometimes to save on my mobile bill, but being in Spain I still get charged for these calls. Eventually the doctor who mum was under gave permission for her to fly on a Tuesday (we should have left the Saturday before) and thankfully we did all arrive home safely. No nurse was needed on the flight or a special flight just for our party. The insurance company are paying the extra cost of the villa for the 4 days. I completed the form, giving all information, including the original receipts/bills and the company Towergate Chase Parkinson (who CSIS use as their broker) duly acknowledged and said they would respond within 20 days. On Saturday my father, gave me a letter from Towergate Chase Parkinson and showed me the cheque they had included. They will not pay for: 1. Telephone calls, all of which are itemised by my mobile company showing registered calls to CSIS, the Doctor etc. 2. They will not pay for food for the extra 4 days (all receipts included) because they have stated you would have had to eat if you were in England. 3. No recompence for faxes, email, photocopying, all of which was requested by CSIS as they consider this consequential losses. 4. They will not pay for the 10 days at the villa, ie holiday lost. 5. I had to contact Easyjet, which could be in a forum all on their own, but I digress, I had to cancel and rebook our flights at an extra cost. The insurance company asked who was in our party and will pay only for my parents and not also for my young son and myself. Is this correct because I do appreciate we were insured with a separate company? 6. They will not pay the petrol bill needed whilst spending 4 extra days in Spain, but yet they have paid for the extended hire car. I know long winded, but I really would like some help with regard to the above and where to go next. Many thanks
  13. Hi it's me, back again. Ok Ruthers had until 5 July (giving them one extra day over 12 working days (allowed due to recorded letter) to get the CCA to me - in case of them getting a flat tyre on their BMX) Well as I have said before they cashed the cheque on 21 June 2007 and nothing. Ok so being blonde what was the next step again ODC?? Oh and the biggest shock of all - my apparent debt for over 4K is NOT listed with any Credit Agency. Next move would be appreciated or is it a 30 days waiting game?
  14. Oh that makes sense ODC. From how they acted so immaturely I did presume they were either A, school children (Very Primary Class though) or B, from The Stone Age!! My phone lines have been silent since I spoke with a young girl from their company and I got all excited because she said I was being recorded and I said fantastic cause under the data protection act I could get a transcript copy - the phone line went dead, but thinking about it now, maybe she dropped her lolly pop!!!
  15. BigBearUK - do NOT worry. I came on here after having a bankruptsy letter from Ruthers and, like you, stupidly telephoned them. They also refused any payment plan wanting full amount in payment for an apparent credit card debt to egg. After ODC and many others helping me through each step my CCA letter went, they cashed the 1 pound cheque the same day they sent another threatening letter, and I have never received a copy of the Original Credit Agreement as per the 1 pound fee. They have 12 days + 2 WORKING days to respond. Send the CCA request (an example of this letter is on this site) by recorded post to them and put on the envelope - "payment enclosed". I have been told that because sent recorded delivery (and make sure you go to Royal Mail and get print of the receipt which will show delivery day and a scanned copy of signature 5 days after delivery) it is only 12 working days, but hey they are monkeys so give them the benefit of the doubt. I am now waiting 30 days after the said 14 days before my next step. I came on this site after doing a search engine with Ruthbridge and I can't thank my lucky stars enough. This was after spending the night before staring at a bottle of pills - I know how immoral and illegal they are at bullying you on the telephone. DO NOT GIVE UP - do the CCA letter (they won't have a copy) start a file on Ruthers and just keep it diarised. When they ring you mobile refuse politely (they don't like it if you keep you cool) to deal with them via verbal communication and state that they have to only contact you in writing. Or you could just put the phone by your music stereo and pick a tune - mine was Elton John and Kiki Dee "Don't go breaking my heart" I sound very flippant now with regard to this RUTHLESS, PATHETIC, ILLEGAL, IMMORAL company who's staff are NOT getting their bonuses as much as they would like each month. That is why they should and scream at you because they too have bills to pay ha ha ha. Chin up - start your own thread, but remember "Knowledge is Power!"
  16. Oh I did just laugh ODC, then again I don't think they're thick, I think they are merciless and play on people not knowing their rights - take me for one I stared at a large bottle of pills a couple of months ago - all down Ruthless..........................yet they don't have a leg to stand on!!!!! Pathetic, truly, and as for taking commission and working for them, I couldn't but then again I am human!! Evening Jason, Evening Susan - how's life at Ruthers!!! I am goading them and I don't care ODC, they are beyond contempt!!!! Oh I love the saying "what goes around comes around" - lets hope neither require NHS help because I might just be busy......................xx
  17. I have no idea to be honest, that's why I am asking for a copy of the agreement so that I can establish exactly what is going on. I don't remember any paperwork, so maybe went to our old marital address, yet the CCJ's are at my own address to that moved to after the divorce. If I get copies of agreements I can see what it is all about and then make decision as to my next step x
  18. Oh Goldlady, a fax number - fantastic. I will put this out to my friends who sadly can't afford a Recorded Delivery letter (they are not only worried sick as I was in the beginning, but also trying to sort out their pennies). I can get a faxed receipt to say it was delivered and even if they change their number it will show it was registered to them at the time of the original fax being sent. Thanks for info. I am well past my 14 days and just counting down the 30 days. They are not only illegal, but also immoral. No matter how desperate I was for a wage, I would never sink so low to become pondlife (actually even that is too good for them). They need to be held accountable. Actually I might take a little drive this week and visit their supposed address just so I can see if it is indeed humans that work there. Ohhhhhhhhh better still a hand delivered letter in less than a month - geeeeee my mind is working overtime!! Knowledge is power - never forget that with these monkeys!!
  19. Nannamoon1 - from what I have heard most judges just seem to stamp it off and yes I know amazing as it's a Credit Agreement. I did not receive any information with regard to these apparent CCJ's and also from memory one of them re Barclays Bank is actually when I was married because this was our marital bank. Therefore, I will be very interested to find out because my husband and I have the exact same intials - SLS. Could they have done a CCJ against me when in fact it was my ex-husbands, or is it a joint debt that should have been halved? I will find out and that is why I have done my CCA letters.
  20. Oh and CMAD these people know Consumer Law and what they are doing - it's just that general public do not know - hence their bullying tactics. It's criminal !!!!!
  21. Well as I have said on another thread they are well past 12 days via recorded let alone 14 days - what a shame ha ha!!! No post whatsoever when I got in today. Have sent off numerous CCA letters to DCA's and nothing so far - unless postman off sick. Do feel for Ruther's June couldn't have been too good for them for commission - wonder about July? I am passing the word to friends that I know and helping them out with all DCA's....................4 are being hassled with Ruthers !!!!
  22. Think ODC best to answer on this one. Meanwhile - re my account - blast well over 14 days and now on the count day to 30 days for the main complaint. My file is huge, monsterous, mahhhhooooosive ha ha. Got to dash - have a celebratory dance to do!!!! Nearly forgot - how rude.............................. Evening Ruthers, how's the commission going so far this month?
  23. Afternoon all, Quick update, have sent DCA a letter that in a round about way states that I require all copies of paperwork to show that this outstanding balance pertains to me. Have also stated if they cannot produce this then they have 28 days to remove all reference to this alleged debt off all credit consumer files. Will keep you updated sent i Friday via recorded. Have a good week. x
  24. Afternoon, Letter sent as per Rory's example on Friday via Recorded Delivery. Will keep you all posted. I am working through my credit file - yeah - taking control x
  25. Thanks Powell, have CCA letter all ready to go tomorrow via recorded delivery. Will keep you all posted. Have a good week.
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