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  1. Hi Nickieee, I spoke to Lloyds solicitors yesterday after someone posted on my thread that they had settled. No joy for me though - and now my case has been put on hold (also in Cardiff for 14th August). I closed down my bank account with Lloyds about 18 months ago because the charges were swallowing up any money going in so maybe that why they won't settle with me. Maybe you'll have more joy. Good luck!
  2. Just found this thread am gutted I did'nt meet up with you all in July. I dont know whether you've read other threads yet but I spoke to the courts today after reading another thread and all Cardiff cases for 14th August have been put on hold. Is anyone planning on opposing? If so I'll follow everyone else's lead and oppose to.
  3. Hi guys, After reading a thread posted by Emma81 on the Lloyds Tsb website I have phoned Cardiff this morning and they have confirmed that all cases on the 14th August at 10.30 including mine have been stayed. They confirmed that they would not be arranging another hearing until after the high court ruling.
  4. Hi emma81, I was due in Cardiff on the 14th too. I've just phoned them too for clarification and they have confirmed that it will be the same for everyone until after the high court ruling. It is gutting, I was claiming for just over £1,000. Never mind if the high court rule in our favour maybe we would need to go down the court route at all. Here's hoping anyway!
  5. Hi Maxine989, Decided to try the easy way out and ring them but no joy. They said that they have not had instructions from Lloyds to settle and they could not help me. I cant pretend I'm not disappointed - my husband left at the weekend and I could have done with some good news! Thanks anyway your advice was much appreciated.
  6. Thanks scoobydoo - dont actually know if I need a court bundle because the hearing is for directions - but will be great to be prepared anyway. Thanks so much for your help. I don't know why but I seem to be running two threads, is there anyone out there that knows how to combine them please!
  7. Help please! Have court date set for 14th August 2007 and am in the process of preparing a court bundle (which I think needs to go to the other side 7 working days prior to the hearing) - but - I am unsure of whether I need to submit a court bundle because it states in the General Form of Judgement Order that I received from the court that :- It is ordered that: 1. Directions will be given in this case by the Designated Civil Judge. Does this mean that the hearing is just for directions to be given to me? Anyone know!
  8. Thanks for advice - will ensure I am prepared as much as possible.
  9. Thanks GuidoT have started preparation. Have you heard of this happening before with 250 cases heard on the same day. Do you think SCandM might send someone down to defend if there are 250 cases?
  10. Phoned the court today for clarification on type of hearing. They have informed me that it is a FINAL hearing and that all correspondence that will be relied upon will need to be filed 7 days beforehand. They have also informed me that this will be heard as part of another 250 cases on that day. Anyone else in Cardiff on the 14th August??
  11. Hi 24nickp - I was reading your thread earlier - felt so sorry for you especially as you are expecting your first baby. Hope you keep going with your claim and are successful - you could probably do without all the hastle at the moment though. Chin up! We all appear to be in the same boat!
  12. Thanx GuidoT - have been doing a lot of reading this past week. After seeing Martin on GMTV assumed it would be an easy process, but it is not! After reading about the guy that did'nt show up in court and lost the case I just do not want to do the wrong thing and let them win again. So glad that so many people are prepared to give of their time and patience to help us "thickos!".
  13. Thanks mumof4by1996 glad to know there are others in the same situation. Will be glad when this is all over - its too stressful. Sometimes wish that I had'nt started process - but I do want some of the money back that they took from me when I could least afford it!
  14. Thanks Michael - I've read "Got a court date" so I'm assuming that I don't need the allocation questionnaire and court bundle. From what I can gather I won't need these until the final hearing. I feel so stupid - I keep reading all the jargon but I seem unable to absorb it - I just seem to tie myself up in knots. Thanks for advice though I'll give the court a ring tomorrow. Thanks again.
  15. HELP! Received a letter from the courts today stating "upon the courts own motion. The court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing. If you object to the order, you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of receiving it". " It is ordered that : 1. Directions will be gived in this case by the designatd civil judge blah, blah, blah. 2. The parties may appear in person or make written representations as to how the case should proceed provided a copy of the representations is sent to the court and the other side at least 7 working days prior to the hearing". There is no mention of the Allocation Questionnaire or the Court Bundle. What I am supposed to do. Is this just a directions hearing! HELP!! Any advice will be gratefully received:) Thanks
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