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Everything posted by granny50

  1. Hi Jan good to hear from you again hope you enjoyed your hols. I had been thinking of filing my claim against them, they seem to have gone very quiet lately infact I'm begining to think they are asleep. Hopefully I should be able to go to the court by next week, I am not sure what the outcome will be. I did think that I have won by default but will have to wait and see. Thanks .
  2. Hi all not had a lot happen for a while so here is the latest. Had a letter from Wragge&CO saying they intend to apply to the court for an order to stay my action until the resolution of the legal proceedings with the OFT. Not heard from the court yet.They had until the 28th September to file and serve a response to my schedule which they have failed to do. If they fail to comply with the order the defence will be struck out without further order. I have phoned the court this morning to tell them they haven't complied and was told the judge has their file to stay the order and will be aware they have failed to serve the responsce and I should hear from the court in a couple of weeks if not contact them again. Should I wait the 2 weeks or apply to the court for default? Thanks
  3. Hi you need to take all your original docs to the hearing 15 mins is a quickie mine is 1 hour. good luck don't panic.
  4. Hi Jan case is still proceeding my hearing is in 3 months. Already have the bundle for dummies in my favorites curtesy of Mimi she read my mind. Hope all goes well with yours.
  5. Hi Jan just dropped my file off at the court they don't want the bundle yet so now I have to play the waiting game. Hope I have done it right only time will tell. thanks.
  6. Hi all latest update: Just posted letter to Wragge by way of service upon them. Been in touch with the court and up to now they are still proceeding with my claim. I will now wait to hear if Wragge file and serve a response. Be inetersting to see if they comply. Just hope I have done all that the judge requested of me, I hope so.
  7. Hi Jan typical of Wragges, you have done the hard work so try and relax a bit now maybe another cocktail is in order. Good luck:)
  8. Hi Rose my letter from the judge is similar to yours seems we are at the same stage. I can't see A&L showing evidence as to the true cost of dealing with the charges are. good luck hope all goes well with you.
  9. Hi Jan sounds like the b/party went well. Hope all goes well on 28th focused you know you can win.
  10. Hi Alice I too have the same letter so they must be sending them to everyone. I have a court date for November so I am waiting to hear if it gets cancelled. Any one wanting t&c I have been into my branch to ask for backdated copies, they said no problem they will post them to me. I will wait to see if they keep their word. I have also been on wayback machine and have got some from there.good luck
  11. Hi Mimi great news they finally paid up hope SIL enjoys it. Enjoy the celebrations .
  12. Hi Janus A&L wrote to me yesterday saying they are asking for claim to be stay till after the test case. I have called the court today and they haven't got any information on mine yet, but they havn't gone through all their files. Sounds to me as if this is the banks way of holding off again. I'm goning to carry on with my bundle and wait to hear from the court. There is so much to be done looks like we will all be busy. good luck
  13. Hi I also had the same letterit seems we are all in the same boat. I shall have to check with the court again let me know how you get on.
  14. Received letter from the court while I've been away. This is what it says . 1. Allocation Questionnaires are dispensed with:this claim is allocated to the small claims track. 2. the claimant shall file by 31-Aug-07 and serve: (a) A schedule setting out each charge repayment of which is sought, showing the date,amount ,and alleged reason(if any) for that charge being made; (b) Copies of any statement or other document relied upon showing that each and every such charge be made; © A statement of the Claiment's own evidence, if such is to be relied upon as tending to show that the alledged charges have been made, or that they are irrecoverable as penalties. If the claimant fails to comply with this order, the claim will be struck out without further order. 3The Defendant shall by 28-Sept-07 file and serve a response to the claimant's schedule,stating in respect of each item claimed: (a) Puruant to what contractual provision such charge was made, producing a copy of the contractual document relied upon; (b)Whether such charge is accepted to be a penalty, and if not why not; © If such charge is alledged to be a pre-estimate of the Defendants loss incurred by the claiments actions ( wether or not such action is to be treated as a breach of the contract berween the parties), all facts and matters intended to be releid upon as showing that such is a proper estimate of such loss, and all evidence to be adducted at trial as to the true cost of dealing with the matter was. If the Defendant fails to comply with this order, the Defence will be struck out without further order. 4. Decided cases and other legal materials should not be filed, but brought to the hearing with additional copies for the Court and opposing party. 5.1 hour estimate time for the judge. has any one else had this? Oh my hearing date is for end of November. not sure how to link this with my original thread still usless at this sorry. Also had a letter today from A&L saying they have asked the FSA to suspend the normal timetable for dealing with copmlaints in relation to charges. they have asked both the FSA and the courts not to proceed with any more cases they are dealing with till the outcome of the test case. If I continue with my claim through the court they will ask for an order to stay my action till the outcome of the proceedings with the OFT. Not sure what will happen now. A lot of work to do now.
  15. Hi Janus just read about your daughters boyfriend and friend sorry to hear about the trouble, but glad to hear they are ok now. some people are never happy unless they are causing trouble or attacking people. They should be dealt with very harshly in my opinon seems they always get away with it. Hope you manage to get justice for your daughters boyfriend and friend. Thankfully not all youngsters are like that. My best wishes to you all. Sue
  16. Just got back off hols and read about your good news well done you desreved it. good luck for the future and enjoy.
  17. Hi many thanks looks like I'll be busy for a while good luck with yours.
  18. Hi just reading up on your post I seem to be in limbo with the courts at the moment and don't have a lot of time to spare so I am trying to get my head around this court bundle:confused: I have also read what Mimijane says, and I have down loaded the court bundle but am not sure what to do next. how do you get the 200 pages is it because you have to make 3 copies? Sorry I sound so thick but don't want to mess this up. Any advice would help.
  19. Hi keep reading the FAQ only you can decide what's best for you. It can be daunting at times but there's lots of people to help on this site. Use the template letters if you need to. I'm at a standstill at the moment waiting to hear from the court. good luck.
  20. Hi Janus many thanks will have a look have not had much time lately so need to do some catching up. many thanks for your help.
  21. Hi Janus have tried the link but I can't access it some thing about my computer not having the correct programme:? So am in limbo as to what it says.
  22. Hi all not sure if i'm doing this right this is the update on my original thread. I have now recevied transfer of proceeding papers from Northampton court dated 23/06/2006 for my local court. this is what they say Without hearing it is ordered that the filing of an allocation questionaire be dispensed with in this case unless the district judge of the transfer orders otherwise. So what should I take to the court?
  23. Hi Janus phoned court today and it has been transfered to my local court. Called them and was told they have only just received the notification and are waiting for the documents which should arrive in a couple of days. The judge will look at them then they will send me a hearing date.
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