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  1. Hi Guys, I have a question that is proving hard to get an answer to. I hosted a message board / forum site some months ago to support a group of people who had lost a lot of money to a certain individual / company. The website is private and the only means of access are through me. The conversations that take place are therefore private. The individual in question has since stated that he is seeking a court order so that an independent 3rd party can access the site to check for libellous allegations. Firstly the host's head office is in Denmark so can he apply for a UK court order and have this sent to Denmark, or would the individual need to seek a Danish court order? If he does manage to get a court order would I be advised before he was given access. Could I lodge a defence, or would the host simply grant access without my knowledge? If access was granted and libellous comments were found would the poster or website owner first be given the opportunity to remove the comment first to resolve the issue? I am sure there are more questions, but these seem to be the ones I can’t get answers for. Regards
  2. If you have been directly affected by the demise of Phil Martin or his company Rapid Property Group, please make your way to [URL Removed] and complete the application form.
  3. Same thoughts here Blitz. The response this evening was a complete contrast to what was said yesterday and it did make me wonder.....!!!!! I am just glad it's sorted out. Regards Matt
  4. Hi Guys, Thank you very much for your help. I have just taken a call by a PC World case worker and they have agreed to replace the TV with a new LG model as they no longer sell the Matsui. (this is the complete oposite to what I was told last night, and I am not sure what prompted the call back!!!!!!) Anyway Woo Hoo..... I really thought that I had to lump it and leave it. I have even received a text telling me when they are collecting and replacing the TV. Many thanks for your time, and especially the offer of a letter Blitz. Regards Matt
  5. Thanks Blitz, Renzokuken From my point of view the TV should have been replaced when it failed for the same fault a second time within the 12 months. If the repair had been done quicker it would have been 3 times, for the same fault in 12 months. To some degree dosent this make the warranty worthless? PC World have made it clear that the only options available to me are to have an independent Engineer diagnose the fault at my expense, and then they will talk to me about a replacement, or to have the fault repaired for a third time. I think it's clear that the unit was obviously sub-standard, and should have been replaced whilst in the warranty period, I feel annoyed I didnt argue the point more. I can see both of your arguments for getting this sorted out, but to be honest I do prefer the idea of going down the sale of goods act if I have a case, and would be like to know more about this if possible Blitz. They dont appear to want to sort this amicably so why should I!!!!! Regards Matt
  6. Hi Guys, I have a 42" Matsui which I bought from PC World on the 15th November last year 2008. Within the 12 month warranty period the TV had to be repaired twice for an intermittent fault where the screen would go blank, but the audio would continue to be heard as normal. In the first instance the TV was repaired and returned, and I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Within a month it failed again. I explained my concerns to PC world the 2nd time the TV was scheduled for repair as it was approaching the end of the warranty period, and likely to fail again, in my opinion. They advised me that under the circumstances they could only offer a repair even though I requested an exchange. Whilst the TV was at the workshop it went out of warranty. Within 24hrs of having the TV back from the workshop it failed again for a 3rd time. I have called PC world to complain, a pointless exercise, and have been advised that I have 2 options 1) they will collect it to repair the fault again or 2) I could get an independent report done to say the item is faulty due to a manufacturing flaw, at my expense. In either case they will not replace or refund me for the item. Can someone tell me whether I have a case to fight here or if I just have to lump it!!!!!! Many Thanks Matt
  7. I cleared the problem when I switched from my Laptop to my desktop. Woo Hoo........ Thanks BigMac
  8. No, pasting the URL into my web browser takes me to a login screen!!!!!! I can see that I am logged in.......it's getting frustrating now. Can someone paste the text in the thread for me please?? Thanks Matt
  9. Help, my SAR has been received at the A and L via regeistered post but I have not received anything back despite a phone call. I need to send a non-compliance letter but can access the thread. It keeps telling me to login when I am already logged in. Can anyone helpl. I really want to get it in the post. Thanks Matt
  10. Hi Guys, Here is the update. I have now sent SAR's to all the lenders and the mortgage brokers. I have not sent the CCA's as suggested earlier in the thread. I have sent a letter to the Blackhorse who he has a secured loan with asking them to defer the loan payments for 28 days to give me some breathing time. Not hopeful though after speaking to them on the phone the other day. The best bit (I think), is that I have talked to the local authority who are sending me the paperwork to have a new referal done as suggested by Tomterm, I am hoping this will provide some further protection and go for me when I start complaining about the careless manner in which the banks lent him the money. Is there anything else I could be doing whilst waiting for the Data from the SAR's Thanks P
  11. Hi Guys, One thing I am strggling to get my head around is that surely the banks with just contest that as he had the capacity to take out the credit cards and subsequently the loans to continually pay them off he must have known what he was doing. After talking with him today it appears it snowballed from one credit card, when it got maxed out he got another one with a bigger limit and used the cash advance facility to pay off the first one. When they both hit the limit he consolodated with a loan and then repeated the process until he eventually got to the state he is in now. He had no idea the money was being lent to him on the security of his home though. P
  12. Hi Lula, Thanks for the advice. I am just about to host a family meeting at my house so I can pass this information on today. This is what I hope to accomplish today. 1. SAR's to the lenders of the settled accounts 2. SAR to the mortgage broker who set up the mortgages 3. CCA to the open credit card, mortgage and secured loan accounts. I would be thankful if someone could confirm that this is the correct starting point. P
  13. Hi Lula, The debt on the credit cards is now down to about £250 on one and £1000 on another. The £250 card was taken out in 2000 and the £1000 card was taken out in 2005. Can I send the same letter to the bank who have loaned the £12K, because that would be really helpful? I will certainly ask for the agreements though and post as requested, becauase I need every penny I can get to keep him from loosing his house. I just wish he never consolodated the loans recently. Oh one thing I did forget to mention, the credit report states the £12 loan is unsecured but the copy of the paperwork I have for it says secured, which one is more likely to be correct? Thanks P
  14. Hi Tomterm, Sorry I got off the beaten track a bit there. From the credit report I will send SAR's to the banks with settled accounts and CCA's requests to the lenders with open accounts. I also plan on sending a SAR to the brokers who set up the mortgages before starting to draught up letters of complaint. I just wish I had picked up on this a few months earlier as the debt was mostly in the form of unsecured loans. I am not really sure where I stand now that it has all been consolodated. Where would he stand if he has simply been using the credit card with disregard to his spending and then paying them off with the loans, surely that is going to be a bit problematic to prove negligence with the banks. But, I suppose on the other hand if they stopped giving him bank loans he wouldnt have been able to meet his payments and then surely and slowly he would have got himself blacklisted before getting into a repossession position. I feel a bit better now that I have put a few things down in words. P....
  15. Hi Tomterm, Unfortunately he has recently consolodated the debt and secured it on his flat with the help of an independent advisor. Currently he has 2 credit cards a secured loan and a mortgage which is now on interest only. I am going to clear the loan as he can just about manage the mortgage but god knows how we will ever tackle the capital because he does not have much left over from his £800 wages per month after we have paid the credit cards and bills. In terms of his disabillity he went to a special school outside of mainstream education. He has a very limited abillity in reading, writing and arithmatic about 8/9 year old. My parents took him to see a number of specialists when he was younger and they could never diagnose him with anything specific and finally stated that Johnathon was simply Johnathon and that his development would always be retarded. An example of his behaviour was that he once changed all the lightbulbs in his house during a power cut because he belived the light came from the bulb. I quized him on secured and unsecured loans, his response was one came as a cheque and the other went in the bank. All in total he managed to swap and move about a total in excess of 250K in 6 years with a total debt in excess of 55K and he has no idea where the money has gone. I suspect frivolent spending on the credit card and the rest in heavy fees, particularly redemptions and set up costs, but he hasnt anything material to show for a penny of it. It's all very sad to be honest as now he realises that the people lending the money were not helping as he thought and he feels stupid and cheated. P ;-(
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