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Everything posted by annpow

  1. I can't find the paperwork, and I can't remember whether it was paid to Lloyds or a collector on their behalf, all I have is a bank account number to make payments to. I thought Northampton would give me the details but as I say I've heard nothing back from them, other than the reduction in payment.
  2. A couple of years ago I had a CCJ issued against me for a Lloyd's bank account, I agreed to pay an amount each month which I have stuck to. I'm unsure how much is left outstanding and seem to have mislaid the paperwork. I contacted Northampton to see if they could help with a statement of some kind so I know where I'm up to but they just reduced my monthly payment by £20. I was just wondering if anyone knows the correct route to take to find out how much I still owe? Thanks
  3. I'm just trying to get an idea for myself really, he has been to a solicitor who wants £2500 up front before he will take on the case
  4. Like so many others it seems I am getting letters from various agencies requesting my £80 fine. Each time I contact the DC and explain my situation I am told that the matter will be returned to the DVLA, which it is but then is passed to another agency. I sent all the paperwork back as requested when my car as scrapped, but the DVLA "didn't receive it" I must have sent it at least three time. As this was over six years ago, can I send them the statute barred letter?
  5. I'm again having a bit of trouble with my letting agent, my rent payments go "missing" every now and again and last month I had to have a bit of an argument with them to get them to look at their bank account and locate the money. I either pay direct transfer from my account to theirs or cash over the counter directly into their bank account, either way I always put our payment reference on. I have been asking the letting agent to provide receipts for payments I make, as sometimes they say the payment that is missing is from a few months ago (but they fail to mention it at the time it is due). So far I have not had any receipts and they are saying they don't have to provide them. Surely I am entitled to a receipt for a payment if I request one?
  6. Hi guys, I'm just trying to get a bit of advice for a friend of mine who's mother has recently passed away. He has lived with his mother all his life and has been her carer for the past few years. The house they live in was left in trust by his grandmother, his mother and one brother were named as trustees. The house was left for his mother to live in as long as she wanted, after this the will states that if the house is to be sold the monies are to be divided equally between all four of her children, or her children's children if their parents are deceased also. As it stands there is one surviving sibling, but both siblings that were named as trustees are now deceased. Two of the deceased siblings both had two children, my friend is the only son of the other sibling. The questions that I have are: 1, If the will was to be dealt with by the trustees are the siblings of the trustees now the ones responsible as the last remaining son was not named in the will as a trustee, only mentioned as to he should get a share of the estate. This son thinks that he should be the one to deal with it, but is this legally the case? 2, My friend is still living in the house it has been his family home for around 20 years, and he is entitled to a quarter share of the house as stated in the will. His remaining uncle is keen to force him out and sell the house. My friend wants to continue living in the house but where does he stand legally? Thanks
  7. I know in my line of work, all the councils I deal with will not pay council tax benefit to those on ESA, as according to them, if you are on ESA you have no need for council tax benefit! PIP is a very unknown benefit, they will not even allow you to have a claim form until you prove you are eligible for it, therefore many people who are entitled are not told about it. When I first mentioned it to a member of staff in the job centre I was told that they had never heard of PIP!
  8. This a link to a petition regarding this, I've signed http://action.sumofus.org/a/nhs-patient-corporations/2/3/?sub=mtl
  9. If you were on incapacity benefit you would probably be better with the Personal independence payment (PIP) rather than the ESA. My brother in-law was swapped from IB to ESA and lost all his carers allowance and his council tax reduction. He has now been advised that he is eligible for PIP and he will be able to have the carers allowance and the Council tax help, which you are not entitled to with ESA.
  10. I found this article quite interesting http://www.gponline.com/bulletin/gp_commissioning_bulletin/article/1227222/should-gps-fear-sharing-nhs-data/?DCMP=EMC-ED-GPCommissioningbulletin-1227222
  11. I would wait for the results of the x-ray and then write to the the chairman of the hospital involved, I also wonder why her own GP did not refer her to x-ray sooner if she had been back and forth to them? Be careful with Diazepam, it isn't a painkiller, more of a relaxant and is highly addictive. I have a friend in a similar situation, she fell down the stairs, attended A&E and was diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, again no x-ray was offered. She was referred for physio which has caused her more pain. Last week she was sent for an x-ray by her GP and results show that her arm was broken! it has now knitted incorrectly resulting in possible surgical intervention.
  12. It seems to have all been designed in a way to give people as little time as possible to firstly be informed and then to opt out if they wish. A lot of GP's surgeries were given less than six weeks notice regarding this data extraction, some surgeries were given less than fifty leaflets to hand out when they had 5000+ patients. They were allowed to copy and forward to patients but it's a lot of time and resources for busy surgeries to spare, not to mention the financial cost especially when budgets are now so tight. I don't want my private and confidential information being sold, I don't want to be contacted by someone trying to offer me services etc based on my medical history. NHS staff are bound by patient confidentiality, why is the NHS allowed to sell patient identifiable data for profit?
  13. Which CCG (health authority as it was) do you come under?
  14. The council tax attachments come from the council, on their headed paper, they also wrote to her employer. I presume it will have gone through the local court. She also has one for a CCJ from Northampton court, which was passed to the local court to assess her earnings and work out what she could afford.
  15. It's not really anything to do with the GP, he can advise that he thinks you may get "better care" or "be seen sooner" etc etc but it is your choice. The receptionist/secretary you spoke to is either being mean for the sake of it or she does not know what she's doing! Private hospitals have contracts with the NHS and you are perfectly entitled to use them via the choose and book NHS service, it's all part of cutting waiting times and getting seen sooner, usually if you go to one of these private hospitals you will normally be seen within a couple of weeks and a lot of the time it would be the same consultant that you would see in the NHS hospital. I would ask to speak to the practice manager (who would know more about it than the GP anyway) express your concerns state where you would like to be seen and hopefully he/she will sort it out there and then. If not let the know that you intend to complain either in writing to the surgery or to the CCG's patient liaison service. It's all about patient choice, it's not GP's choice!!
  16. Is there a limit to how many earnings attachments someone can have on their wages or a limit to how much can be taken towards these attachments per month ? My daughter currently has three attachments for council tax for various underpayments over the past few years and also one for a CCJ for a credit card. She has now received a further notice of attachment from the council for yet another attachment which will make five in total.
  17. You will need to go back to your GP's surgery for this one. It is your surgery that should give you the choice of hospitals, the central Choose and Book appointments line cannot alter this. In most surgeries this can be done with a simple phone call, any one of the receptionists should be able to add options for you (as long as they have smart card access to the service), you don't need to see the GP again. It is an easy thing to do to add other hospitals, the receptionist would just need to enter your UBRN and then check the tick boxes for the hospital(s) you require - a two minute job. The receptionist can't fob you off, it is your choice that's why the booking system is called choose and book!
  18. The LL is a really nice guy and has never been bothered by the rent being a few days late. i am on quite good terms with the LL. It's just the LA that seems to cause problems
  19. Agent 3 has also mentioned in the past that if I am consistently late with my rent (rent is due three days before pay day, have always paid when i get paid, never been a problem) he will serve me with a notice of eviction. Can he do that? I have asked him how much it would cost to extend the rent by three days to make it payable on the day I am paid but he is very reluctant t give me a figure.
  20. Hi everyone I have lived in my rented house for the past eight years, during this time I have had three different agents. Agent number 1 decided he didn't want to be a letting agent and disappeared with rents and deposits that he had never passed on to the landlords. Agent 2 was approached by my landlord to manage his properties, my current five year lease (which i am half way through) was signed with this company. Last year the agent retired, we received no notification until a letter stating that a new company was now dealing with our rental and we should make all contact with them and pay all monies to them. This new agent, agent 3, took over agent 2's offices but it is clearly stated that they are two separate companies and are under different names. I have never been asked to sign a new lease or anything. I have a couple of queries about my position with agent 3, the main one being does my old lease from agent two, still apply? He has mentioned verbally that he will charge £25 for any late payments and that he will make inspections of the property from time to time, there is nothing about this in my lease from agent 2, so can he really do this? When agent 1 went, I was advised by agent 2 that as we had (at the time) not signed a contract with him, that he could only oversee the rental of the property and would not be in a position to enforce eviction etc etc if the need ever arose. I'm just a bit confused, agent 3 seems a very pushy chap and I want to know where I stand with regards to my lease and it's validity. Thanks
  21. Hi Guys, I hope you can help me as I'm a little unsure of where to turn with this. Last year I received paperwork from Northampton Court for a CCJ that a debt collector was trying to obtain against a debt I had with Llyods TSB approx 5 years ago now. At the time I went online to lodge for an extension to 28 days in which to lodge my response as the amount they were quoting had nearly doubled from what I owed. I managed to get the extension and gathered all my information appropriately. When I tried to enter my response online about a week later I was unable to log in to my account. I telephoned Northampton and was told that they were experiencing serious issues with the online service and to send everything to them via Royal Mail. I did this and have never heard anything more about it. Yesterday a court bailiff called at my home whilst I was out and left a letter with a visitor to my next door neighbour. This letter states that I am in contempt of court, the reference number relates to the above CCJ application, because I have failed to return paperwork to my local county court. The letter then goes on to say "to avoid the possibility of this action" I need to attend the bailiffs office at the county court. I think the letter itself is purposefully not very clear, the bailiff that attended my property was obviously not bothered who he handed the paperwork to as he made no attempt to ask who my neighbours friend was before handing the letter over them. I'd be grateful for any help or suggestions about where I should go from here. Thankyou
  22. I was recently caught by a camera at a set of traffic lights. I thought that these type only triggered if you went through a red light. The light was green and the camera only flashed once. I have received a penalty notice through the post. Stating that I was doing 58mph in a 50 limit. To be honest I thought it was a sixty limit and I would have said I was in excess of this as I was late to pick up my daughter. Strangley my friend has received a fixed penalty notice caught by the same camera. He also says that the traffic lights were green and the camera flashed once. According to the notice he was also doing 58mph. He feels he was doing nearer to 70.
  23. I've been reading this thread with interest as I have a similar problem. Should I send the SB letter to the debt collection firm and/or the company I first had the loan with? Thanks
  24. Personally, Her not paying her rent does affect me. The farm was purchased as one lot, and it is mortgaged. The owner then split the place into three separate units to rent out. I have the farmhouse, the other lady has the cottage and the commercial yard and land. As this lady now owes upwards of £6000, it will definately affect me if the owner cannot afford to meet the repayments on the mortgage. I could then be made homeless because of her. I'm sure if you were in my shoes you might feel a bit upset about giving money to someone who is not doing as she states "I need to collect rent from you in order to pay my own rent" I see that as obtaining money by deception. I probably could find somewhere else for my horses but not anywhere local. Why should I put them through the stress of moving, and myself through the stress of travelling at least ten miles per day to see to them?
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