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Everything posted by derekpayne

  1. Myself & my wife had up until April this year, a limited company which ceased trading at the end of October 2015 & was dissolved in April this year. South West Water have obtained a County Court Judjment for outstanding charges for water usage before the company was dissolved, and they are adament that they are going to push for payment, even though we have informed them of the companies status. We used our home address as the Registered address and it was the address for correspondence, but we traded from a different address, and it is the trading address which ran up the debt. I am confident that they would be unable to pursue us personally for the money, as we are not personably liable, but would love to hear some reasurance on this, as I really don't want a bailiff calling at our home with threats etc, I think they are trying to call our bluff. Any advice would be welcome. Cheers
  2. Debit card online through Low Cost Holidays website
  3. Got an email back from them yesterday: "Ryanair -Unfortunately, email replies to this address cannot currently be accepted". "I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10th December 2014. Whilst we have noted your continued dissatisfaction, we regret that our position remains unaltered, as per our previous correspondence. Yours sincerely For and on behalf of RYANAIR LIMITED" What to do next is the thing? Cheers
  4. Well what a surprise, nothing, nil, ziltch from the Deputy CEO, will be writing to him via snail mail now. Just for the record the email address must be good as it didn't bounce back, also the email address to customer services is good too as it also didn't bounce back unsent, they are just ignorant by email!!!! The email to customer services has a subject line that states "unfortunately email replies to this address cannot currently be accepted" in other words they wont reply, but they may read them!! Will post here when I have more info.
  5. I have tried to claim compensation from my local authority for damage to my car caused by badly worn speed cushions but they are saying that they can't consider my claim for general wear over a period of time, they will only consider a claim for a specific date and time of incident. My N/S Track Control Arm had failed after about 10 months of a previous one being fitted and approx 4000 miles causing the tyre to wear on the insde edge, I believe this has been caused by daily commuting along a certain stretch of road which has badly damaged speed cushions along its length, which in turn have caused premature wear of the joint therfore causing adverse wear on my tyre. Is there any way I can make the council pay up or am I fighting a loosing battle? Cheers
  6. My wife & I recently flew with Ryanair to Faro in Portugal. We were asked at the gate to let them put both our cabin bags in the hold as the flight was full and there was no room for them in the cabin, we were instucted that we need to remove any items that we may need for the fight before we boarded. They put yellow bands around them and when we boarded the aircraft the flight attendant took them off us to put in the hold. When we sat down I said to my wife that I better turn my mobile phone off and she said that her's was still in one of the outside zipper pockets of her bag, and still turned on, I immediately informed the steward who said that as it was already in the hold it was OK. When we landed we went through passport control and to the baggage belt which stated that the bags would be on the belt by 13.05, it was now 12.55, so just a 10 minute wait, not so, they eventually arrived at around 13.20 and our bags were one of the first ones off. My wife immediately checked for her phone which was missing!! I then turned my phone on and called her number which rang with a foreign ringing tone (1 continuous ring about 2 seconds apart) so we knew it was in Faro Airport. We immediately reported the loss to the baggage handlers "Lost & Found" desk who called the dispatch to recheck the hold, but we knew the phone had been taken from her bag as the zipper was fastened back up, it had not just fallen out. I called her provider who put a block on both the phone and sim card straight away and reported the matter to the airport police, we have got both peices of the paperwork from the police and lost and found, and have done a lost baggage claim to Ryanair, but they are not interested. Its not worth claiming from our insurance as the excess is more than the phone is worth, but we do feel that Ryanair should pay up as it was them who asked us to put the bags in the hold, they keep saying that it is our responsibility to make sure there are no valuables in "checked in" bags, but these were "Cabin Bags" and if we were to have removed all valuables from them they would have been empty. The last letter to them explained everything as I have explained it here and I sent them copies of the paperwork from the police etc, but they keep saying they sympathise but cannot help any further. Can I take this further or am I wasting my time? Cheers PS. My wife didn't like the phone anyway and is happy now that she has gone back to using her old one, but it is the principle of the matter, and the inconvenience and Ryanair's attitude that annoys us.
  7. A friend of mine has a business and is in partnership with with his wife, he has decided to sell his share of the equipment to his wife in order that if the worst comes to the worst the equipment would not be seized as payment for a debt which he has in his own name and not the partnership's, how does the law stand on this. The partnership is forming a limited company but he will still owe the debt in his own name up to the point of the incorporation. Cheers
  8. One of our neighbourhood businesses is boasting to us that he is not paying any business rates, we all on the other hand are like everyone else struggling to pay ours, but we are paying!! The council have, as far as we know, sent in the bailiffs, who couldn't take any equipment, as it is all owned by the landlord of the premises and rented by the owner of the business, which is a limited company, so we assume that the only items that could be taken is stock unless of course he has had it on account and so therfore is not his until he has paid the supplier for it? What if anything can the council do to force him to either pay up or shut him down, as this situation is obviously unfair for everyone else in the neigbouhood who are towing the line so to speak? His lease on the premises runs out in September this year, and we believe he will just walk away at this point having pocketted any cash he can without the bills, we know he doesn't like paying bills and he likes to accuse staff of dipping into the till and refusing to pay them before they are sacked, we have lost track of the amount of staff he has had and disposed of. Cheers
  9. If a developer wants to buy your leasehold business, to knock it down and rebuild as part of a new development, is there a formula to follow to arrive at a figure which is what the business is worth? We have 4 years left to run on our fully insuring and repairing lease and we will not be taking up any offers of premises within the new development.
  10. I have a cafe which is seasonal and right on the seafront. We have tables and chairs on the terrace and pavement outside. Adjacent to us is a major development being carried out of a former hotel etc and right in front of our cafe is the delivery entrance where large vehicles ie cement mixers and articulated lorries carrying all manner of building materials are being delivered, and this is going to intensify as they progress and will carry on for at least another 12 months. The vehicles pull up outside our premises and reverse into the site, when they have finished, they then drive out of the site again in front of our premises, this is causing all sorts of airborn debris to come over to our premises landing on tables etc and in some cases onto food and drinks, and we believe it has had an effect on our passing trade, as they have removed the parking bays and there are red and white barriers everywhere putting foot customers off coming to our area. We have had a preliminary meeting with a solicitor who has suggested we try for some compensation for the disruption to our businesses, this will initially cost each premises owner £350 + VAT of which there are three of us, and we anticipate the cost to spiral from there if we decide to carry it further. Is this kind of claim generally successful or would we be spending good money after bad?
  11. Hi Is Council Tax Benefit means tested? Cheers
  12. Yes he did appeal the final written warning but it stayed. Whilst on a final written warning he was doing the same as everyone else, not following correct proceedures, and there are mitigating circumstances, and evidence was fabricated for other things he was supposed to be doing wrong, yet nobody can prove it was him, yet he was the only one that was disciplined and consequently dismissed. He is in a union, although they appear to be as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Our belief is that the RM wanted to get rid of him without redundancy, as he was the only remaining employee in that department that had transferred over from the previous company, and he had got wind of a possible grievance against him, so has invented reasons for dismissal. My Son-In-Law has evidence to prove that he was not responsible for what he is being accused of but wishes to hold it back for an ET if necessary.
  13. Right: Employed for 5 years. Yes the correct proceedure was followed. Reason for dismissal - not carrying out proceedures as required after final written warning (which was in itself we believe and can proove there was fabricated evidence) also other members of staff have been "not carrying out proceedures as required", but have not been disciplined (discrimination?) He is appealing against his dismissal but does not expect to have the decision changed, and is already compiling an ET application.
  14. Yeah I understand about the discrimination, although surely all employees should be treated equally? The Greivance, yes the RM would find out as and when he initiated the action but surely the GM should have kept quiet about it as he was consulted in confidence?
  15. Hi I am writing on behalf of my Son-In-Law who has just been sacked. He is putting together a grevance against 3 of his peers, as well as an appeal against his dismissal. The questions he needs answering are: His company was taken over by another company and he was made to re-apply for the managerial position he allready had, this was by way of an interview and exam, he failed the exam by 1 point and also was told that he didn't have the relevant experience to remain in that role as manager, therfore he was moved sideways but retained the same salary, the person that got his position didn't take any exam initially but was given the position, he later took the exam after my Son-in-Law complained about the discrimination, under different conditions than my Son-In-Law did, and he had the General Manager with him, locked in a room whilst the exam was taking place, scoring 96%?!?!. On that basis we feel that there was discrimination against him? Secondly, my Son-In-Law spoke to his General Manager, and indicated to him that he was thinking about putting in a greivance about the Regional Manager, later in the day his Line Manager spoke to him and said that he had heard from the General Manager about the greivance and was it true, and also that the Regional Manager had got to know about it from the General Manager, this caused my Son-In-Law to retract the greivance. Is this breaking confidentiality These we feel are just 2 of the reasons why my Son-In-Law has been dismissed, there are a lot more fabrication of evidence and discrimination details in his appeal but I don't need to list them for now. I would like for someone to give thier opinion on the 2 points above though. Cheers Derek
  16. Hi My Daughter was overpaid a bonus in June 2009, whilst on Garden Leave from her previous employer (they made her redundant), they have requested that she pay this money back, which she ignored, she has now received correspondence from a debt collection agency demanding payment before court action, does she have to repay this back by law or not, her previous company made the mistake not her? Cheers Derek
  17. So what is meant by: "Bailiffs (except bailiffs acting on behalf of the magistrate's court - see below) cannot seize the following goods: tools, goods, vehicles and other items of equipment necessary for use by you in your employment, business or vocation;" Taken from, "Bailiffs - know your rights" The Insolvency Helpline.
  18. Hi Just had a "Liability Order" slapped on me from the local magistrates court for non payment of business rates (NDR), and if I do get a visit from a bailiff, what is he allowed to take from my business? I would assume he is entitled to remove any stock, but what about any equipment etc, as I believe a bailiff is not permitted to remove any tools or equipment that is used for the sole purpose of a job or business. Any info would be gratefully recieved, just in case. Cheers
  19. Hi I have just recieved the 1st standard letter from Natwest regarding claiming the charges and by the wording of the letter, it is telling me that the hold on claiming is only for personal accounts, I quote: "You may be aware of the ongoing legal proceedings regarding the enforceability of terms imposing unauthorised borrowing charges and although this relates purely to personal accounts" Is the "hold" on reclaiming charges, applicable to business accounts as well as personal? I am about to send the next letter, but would be interested to know what the position is with regard to business accounts, as I have a friend who I am helping with his claim on his business account with Barclays, and they are adamant that the hold applies to business accounts as well as personal. Cheers Derek
  20. Hi I am helping my daughter claim back over £3,000 from Abbey. It has been transfered from Northampton to our local county court and the Allocation Questionaire has been dispensed with, dated 19th June 2007. what does she have to do now as there seems to be scetchy information about this stage in the proceedings? They have offered to repay 65% of the total claimed as an out of court settlement, but she does not want to give up at this stage, all help would be appreiciated. Many Thanks Derek Payne
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