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  1. The book sells on the U.K and U.S platform so I am not sure, all u.k sales have been paid it is the U.S sales that I am not getting paid for, this is the problem if I pull it then I will lose all sales but if I am not getting paid what is the point. It is more if they keep dragging their heels and not paying then I will pull it but I am unsure if I could sue Amazon U.K or not, as not sure who the contract is with via kindle sales.
  2. Just a quick question, Amazon owe me $3000 for sales of a book I have on the kindle store. Basically they have paid on time in the past but they say an error has occured and I have been chasing this money for 6 weeks now and just keep getting fobbed off. People buy the paperback version also so I don't rely on these sales as a sole income. I am going to give them more time to sort this out but don't want my book on the store for them to make a profit and me get nothing as I feel I am getting nowhere. This months payment has not been paid either. I am based here in the U.K and the sales are from the U.S, quick question if I pulled my book could I take them to court or not for the money owed or put pressure in any other way as it is like talking to a brick wall at the minute with generic replies.
  3. Hi I am just after a little advice. I went into a new town the other day and there was parking all around the streets in the centre, but I was struggling to find a spot until I finally did so. There was a 4x4 in front of me and another car in front of that. The ticket machine was right outside my car and I duly bought one then went on my way. When I came back an hour later there was a ticket on my car and once the 4x4 had dissapeared there was painted on the road 'Loading Bay'. Well seriousy this was impossible to see with the 4x4 parked over it and with the other car in front there was no way of knowing it was, I would expect to see vans or wagons in a loading bay, not cars. Not only that, but there was a parking meter right where I parked. I parked and bought a ticket in good faith and I really don't know how I was suppose to know I should not have parked there. The question is, is it worth contesting? Thanks Paul
  4. OK rang them and all sorted they were fine with me due to me having another policy with them Thanks for the replys
  5. OK thanks for the reply I will ring them now and see what response I get, one thing though, should I say I threw the renewal notice away without reading or claim I did not receive it, without proof of postage they can't prove it was sent? And should I accept a charge or contest this? Paul
  6. After a quick search I found this elsewhere Phone them up and tell them a contract requires three things - offer, acceptance and consideration, and they are faltering on one thing - your acceptance. Silence is NOT acceptance, and they cannot simply renew your policy because they did not hear from you. It is common practice to have auto-renewal - and most of us just let them get on with it - but the fact is, as I said, silence is not acceptance, so they'll have to refund your money - if they don't, issue a claim at www.mcol.gov.uk. Also is it too late to ring the bank and reverse payment or will they do nothing anyway? Surely the same firm insuring me twice is beyond idiotic I just want to be clear on where I stand etc before I ring them (Just been on to the bank who can't reverse payment but stated they can open a dispute) Told me to just ring them and they should reverse straight away when they realise you are already insured with them , yer right
  7. Hi To cut a long story short I went with Admiral car insurance last year and when it was due for renewal I had a quote for £616 which I threw in the bin as I always get it cheaper by comparioson sites. I then went with Elephant.co.uk who have not sent me any documents online or through the post, all I get is blank emails saying welcome with no text on them. I then looked on the reviews and found they have terrivble reviews for all kinds of thngs and that they are the same company as Admiral. Well lone behold after paying elephant £414 for this years insurance I checked my bank today and Admiral have taken £616 out of my bank, the same bloody company. I have heard about auto renewal after searching and as it has never happened to me before I did not think about it, no one has ever come back the year after and took the money out, the other point is I never pay by DD and thought if you paid yearly on your card then they did not have your bank details to do such a thing. Before I ring and try and sort this out can anyone advise so as to help me on my next step They only took the money out yesterday by the way and the insurance ran out over a week ago Thanks Paul
  8. But it's not relevant, as the debt is half mine if we are together or not, I started the thread when we were apart and stated then that I was taking this on because I would not leave her to pay it, so being back together has no relevance, it changes nothing. So I did not 'change' my mind, we got back together, this made no difference to the situation or the thread whatsoever, no one has mentioned it but yourself and it's my business, nothing something I feel i have to tell people because as stated, together or not, it's half my debt and I would not leave her high and dry. Not having a go and appreciate your advice, but please can we let this go, being together or not has no bearing on me asking for advice Yes she was on the electrol roll at my address, the first letters came there, I told them she did not live here anymore, they found her new address, sent letters there, she has moved again with a flat swap type situation, the new letters are going to the old address, they still think she lives there.
  9. Can we move on from this please as it's not relevant, it's like a police interegation trying to catch me out. The simple truth is we were apart when I started the intital thread, now since then we got back together a few months ago, but it is no one elses business, so I am not going to say half way through the thread, 'Hey by the way me and my partner are back together' Firstly no one cares and secondly it's not relevant to sorting this out' I just carried on the thread as it started. The only reason i said we were back together is because you asked why I was doing this work for her, otherwise I still would have said nothing as it's not what the thread is about. Secondly thanks for the second piece of advice, they have yet to find her as she has moved again, so it probably would be better to let the 6 years pass and then see if they wish to carry it on. So the letter they sent saying there client were no longer going to pursue it was a hoax or they had a change of heart? I thought once the debt was sold to them the client had no say anyway as it's the D.C.A debt now.
  10. We have since got back together, the initial thread was a few months ago. And yes it was in her name, but it was both our debt and even when we were apart I felt obliged to help and sort it out, it was just in her name, it was not her debt, she just happened to sign the papers. Anyway just see what the next move is I guess
  11. No you have got this wrong, we are still together, but now live apart. I am not doing all the work, you can't have 2 different people answering someone on a forum, I run my own forum so it is far better for me to take the reigns, she actually no longer has internet access at home, just work. If there was any payments then I would have to pay half, the boiler was for both of us no matter who signed for it, yes I could be a rsole and leave it to her, its all in her name, but I would not do that.
  12. Don't know what poss acking means sorry? I remember you helping initially. they are not chasing me, they are chasing my partner who no longer lives with me. I sent the letters in her name last time (although not signed) the reason for this is I am better on puters and forums and was helping to sort it out, not just that, but although the debt was in her name, we were paying it back together, so I told her half the debt belongs to me, the boiler we paid for is in the house I now live in. So to cut a long story short it is my interests to sort this as I would not leave her to pay it all if it came to it.
  13. Sorry can you expand on the bullied part, in which letter do you refer to? Also it is around 4 months to S.B, but my partner has since moved, so it is going to take them a while, the space between letters is around 2 - 8 weeks, it seems they just forget it, then start up again. So your basic advice is just to ignore any further contact?
  14. Thanks for all the reply's to this post, there has been some significant developments to this never ending story and I could really do with some advice. Firstly the D.C.A sent out a letter saying the initial creditors who were the council had decided to no longer persue this debt and that it was now written off and basically that's it. I was extremeley stupid and did not keep this letter as I thought that was it, only for them to come back last week and go on about the debt again? Can anyone shed any light on what has or is happening here? Secondly the debt is getting very close to the 6 year statue barred. I just need some advice, is it fact or fiction that any letter of acknowledgement has to be signed? As none were. Secondly I have only ever sent one letter with acknowledgement which stated I would pay the initial debt, but not the interest and is this acceptable, well they can't have this letter as they never responded back to it, in fact it was 4 months after this letter before they got in touch again, just bleeting on again about the debt, so it maybe unlikely that they have any proof of acknowledgement anyway. Could anyone advise on both points, greatly appreciated.
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