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Everything posted by ohoh4312

  1. This thread made me cry, big time. I lost my Mum and my OH's Mum within a year of each other, and it still hurts now. I really feel for you. I wish your Dad the respect and dignity that he so obviously deserves. You, your family and your Father are in my thoughts and prayers. xx > xx
  2. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=5381&d=1231794691 I hope that link works - copied it from one of Ell-enn's posts on another thread. Good luck for tomorrow x
  3. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=5381&d=1231794691 I hope that link works - copied it from one of Ell-enn's posts on another thread. Good luck for tomorrow x
  4. Sorry, the formatting is all out, but this should give you an idea I hope. You need to make the request personal to you, and enclose any evidence (copies) which will back this up. Send it recorded or special delivery, keep the receipt and print off the delivery notification from royal mail. They can't say they didn't receive it then! Regards x
  5. Customer Satisfaction Centre Abbey PO Box 5129 Milton Keynes MK9 2YN Notice of Consideration for Hardship Status Date Claim reference Number Account number Dear Sir/Madam Please find attached a detailed summary of my financial standing, as evidence in support of my request, which I trust will be treated sympathetically and speedily in view of severe hardship. I have also enclosed an updated Summary of Charges to assist you in your decision. I am currently ..... under threat of repossession, facing redundancy, being threatened with CCJ's - whatever your circumstances, just explain it here. In making this request, I remind you of your duty to comply with conditions agreed in the waiver of July 2007 and continuation of July 2008 between yourselves and the FSA. I would appreciate an acknowledgment of this request forthwith, with an undertaking that you will proceed to process it in a timely fashion, as per the requirements of the terms agreed within the waiver. Yours Faithfully Enc: Financial Statement Summary of Charges Data protection act 1998. I give my permission for you to process/use data related to me, in the course of processing my claim/inquiry to a satisfactory conclusion Signed: Name: Date:
  6. This is the address recently advised as being correct for hardship claims: Customer Satisfaction Centre Abbey PO Box 5129 Milton Keynes MK9 2YN And yes, include your court claim ref on the letter, and enclose an up to date spreadie of the charges. hth x
  7. http://www.civiljusticecouncil.gov.uk/files/cjc-new-pre-action-protocol-mort-poss-cases.pdf
  8. Sorry you haven't had any replies, and I am not sure my opinion is 100% correct, but having been witness to a similar situation, these are my thoughts: You are under NO obligation to speak to/make an appointment with the "Counsellor." Normally they send these "people" out where there has been no contact, or threaten to in the hope that you will come to an agreement with them. (On their terms of course!) The fact that you have been in contact with the mortgage co., and are taking advice from CCCS etc shows that you are aware of the situation and are trying to resolve it. To my mind that says that mortgage co. are bang out of line here - and the worst bit is that in a lot of cases they charge you for the visit, whether it happens or not. Personally, I would write to the mortgage co. informing them in no uncertain terms that: You have been in contact with them, and been honest about your situation. You are taking all steps to secure employment/regular income etc You have proposed a payment plan. THEY have failed to respond to your requests/proposals. Sending a Mortgage Counsellor to your house, at YOUR expense, so that you can tell him/her exactly what you have told the mortgage co. is a pointless exercise and only exacerbates your situation by adding unnecessary and unwarranted fees onto the existing arrears. Also I am sure that they may be bending/breaching the new protocols laid down in light of the current dire times, by failing to respond positively and sympathetically to customers with financial difficulties. I will try to find the relevant excerpts for you, and in the meantime even if I haven't helped at least it will bump your thread back up to the top, whereby hopefully some of the more knowledgeable CAGgers will look in. Best regards xx
  9. Of course I don't mind landy. My understanding on termination is that it is when the creditor actually closes the account, so that you cannot order any more goods/borrow any more money etc. Therefore the point fuzzy is making is that you cannot be defaulted on a terminated account, because the account no longer exists; no account with no t & c's = nothing to default on. So all that is left is the existing debt - I believe that late payment charges etc etc should also stop on termination for the same reason. Hopefully someone else will step in and correct me if the above is utter ballhooks! Regards xx ps underdog13 - my name and address are on the DN, I just folded the top over to remove personal identifiers.
  10. Yep, brilliant brain and tactician - probably explains why he is so seriously challenged in the height/good looks/personality stakes......... Can't have it all!!
  11. Ta for that x (Gave you a tickle coz I'm in a good mood!) The prancing horse was toothless today - or should that be legless? Looks like Ferrari have even more work to do than anyone else - shame!
  12. So did I! Still brill even 2nd time around. What was Trulli penalised for? Can't find anything about it - did he overtake behind the safety car? Its really bugging me, even though I am thrilled with 3rd for Lewis. Just read that Vettel has been penalised also, and the team fined for letting him continue in a damaged car. What a waste of a great race for RBR.
  13. WOW! What a race. Not gonna spoil it, but if you didn't get up this morning, the rerun is deffo worth watching. Oh, and CB................... :lol:
  14. OK......not so straightforward now. So, my understanding is this: The gang leader books x hours times y man days, eg 80 hours for 2 men. HE gets paid the total, and takes the hit for the total tax, then pays your son his cut, nett of tax. Fair enough, except NO deductions are then showing against your sons NI number. I will PM you later with contact details for me, as I need to have a think on this one, and it may be easier to talk to you directly. xx
  15. No probs - you are right, both Maclaren and Ferrari seem to have pace issues, and Maclaren with reliability issues is very worrying. Heyho, at least it has opened up the field and should make for some great racing. And yes, although the programme starts at 6am it will really be 5am.
  16. :lol:ROFPMSL Bookworm............ sad, but true.
  17. 'Scuse me, but just to set the record straight - Hamilton had to pull out at the end of Quali 1 due to a drive-train failure, so your statement is slightly misleading. Sorry, not digging, just a bit of a Maclaren fanatic. (And another mad idiot who was up at 5am to watch the whole thing!) However, I wholeheartedly agree with you re the Brawn GP cars - stunning pace! And yes, I would love to see them replicate that dominance tomorrow. Of course, it does help that the cars are powered by MM engines. I'll be glued to telly in the morning too - even though we lose an hours sleep tonight. ps was it just me, or did you think that commentator with Martin Brundle sounded like he was watching horse-racing??
  18. Oooh I will, AC, I will ...... Bet the tpots won't turn up now though. Mind you, it's a long walk from glasgow to surrey, so I guess they are still "en route!";)
  19. Received an email reply from OFT just now: It starts off by saying that they cannot enter into individual disputes etc - saw that one coming a mile off, so not surprised. But, they do say: "In considering fitness we take into account whether a business has engaged in improper business practices. Where we receive complaints about the business practices of licensees, we investigate them and where appropriate we take enforcement action; that action depends on the evidence and circumstances. Action the OFT can take includes revoking, refusing or suspending a licence; or placing conduct requirements on the licence of the company or business in question (failure to comply with a conduct requirement can result in a financial penalty being levied). I have noted the details of your client's complaint, and we will consider this alongside any other complaints we have received with a view to any licensing action we may decide to take. The OFT can and does take action to protect the collective interest of consumers, where there is sufficient evidence. Unfortunately, we cannot disclose any details about any action we may take, due to restrictions on the OFT relating to disclosure of information. If we do take any licensing action against this trader, it is likely that we would need to disclose your partner's identity to this trader along with details of the complaint. I should therefore be grateful if your client could sign the enclosed consent form and return it to me in the enclosed freepost envelope." Is that normal practise that they actually identify complainants to the company involved?? Well, at least I got a reply, and hopefully enough other people will complain about this shower too.
  20. Thank you fuzzy for that, and yes 42man, just retrieved the envelope from the recycling box. It is a tnt post envelope, with a big S in the postage paid box. Means nothing to me - is that 2nd class then? Sorry, dumb blonde here.
  21. Ah, answers my question on my thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/191166-dn-compliant.html So, DN dated 21st (Saturday), received 25th, gives me till 4th April (Saturday) to comply. Incorrect, yes??
  22. Hopefully I can paste it here: http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww223/ohoh4312/Default001.jpg It is dated last Saturday, received today, and only gives me till Friday week to comply. Any thoughts please?
  23. OK, this is the best I can do for now, but it should help: go to the ConsumerWiki at the top of the page, and type the following into the search box: Data Protection Act - Non-Compliance. xx
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