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Oh Boy!

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Everything posted by Oh Boy!

  1. Satan If you contact HPi they there will be a record of the search by the dealer, you will need to ask for an ANNOTATIONS report, this will show every check done against that vehicle, from the time it was financed, to when it came off, interim checks by others either members of public, dealers, finance companys, etc. What i am concerned about tho is that it was "clear" when you purchased the vehicle. However you have a clear title claim under the Hire Purchase Act 1964 section 27 part III, the finance company can now only claim the money from the dealer direct, you have clear title to that vehicle. In this regard, please make sure that the vehicle is put away for safe keeping, and come back to us for any further info and/or guidance you would not need to report this to the police at this stage because it is not a straight forward case of fraud. Don't forget you will always have a claim against HPi if you did things correctly. You may need to give us more detailed information about just before the deal and just after the deal, who said what etc?
  2. Well said Cosworth! Good correct advice, Also bear in mind, that sometimes the HPi "falls off" the system,, but sadly like you are not obliged to check HPi, neither are FINANCE companies are obliged to register them although it makes good business sense, and of course legal back up in the event these horrible things occur. Can you PM the Agents Name that took your car?
  3. Hmmmm, Did you sign a direct debit mandate? or was it electronic, by the creditor?
  4. I have now been told that :- Default is being removed Charges Returned Credit File amended to reflect this HOOOOOO FUC*ING RAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  5. You lot are giving the WRONG INFO and ADVICE to this MEMBER! STOP IT!, THINK ABOUT IT, RESEARCH YOUR ANSWERS IF IN DOUBT SEEK ASSISTANCE OF QUALIFIED MEMBERS. Bump, call LBL, ask to speak to GINTARE she is the manager that deals with these problems, you WILL be compensated, subject to everything being ok, and from what you have said it sounds ok. Try not to talk to any other staff member. Let us know how you get on, I don't like the idea of having to start looking thru the paper work for a way out of the deal, etc, solve it as suggested, if they become stupid and uneconnomical to deal with then get the magnifying glass and look for holes in the paper work. REMEMBER : This SITE so as to keep its REPUTATION does not advocate DEBT AVOIDANCE AND for the LAST TIME.........in fact see the advice for member wearecarless Site TEAM : - Should I just write a Long Advice Piece for LBL suffers so as to avoid bad advice?
  6. This advise is getting a bit tideous. 1-Buyer Be Aware. 2- All LBL vehicles are on the HPI register, so HPI should be checked for outstanding finance. 3- You or Your Solicitor have absolutely no rescourse to the vehicle whatsoever. All LBL cars are are owned by LBL, when the person from whom you purchased the vehicle from Sold the car to LBL they gave up all rights to it. LBL then rented the car back to the Person from whom you purchased it. The Seller had no right to sell the vehicle, and as such the ownership never transfered to you. You are not covered under the Hire Purchase Act 1964 Section 27 Part III, this act only gives protection to persons and vehicles who have purchased a vehicle under a Hire Purchase Agreement, Conditional Sale, or some other Hire Purchase agreement. As LBL cars are not Hire Purchase there is no recourse to that law. As for their agents, or at least their current agents, they are all bonafide, and made of teflon thats officially at least, what they do to recover your car is another matter. It is of no relevance looking for agents and their details, because Bounty Hunters, if you like, work for many other finance companys and probably have done for many many years. Now all you need to do is liase with your lawyer or show him this advice, do not spend your money on trying to get your vehicle back, because you will not. So in essence its a bit like a mortgage, you buy a house for cash from Joe Bloggs, only to discover that it was never Joes house, and worse the owners just returned from their holiday and want their home back, you get the jist. I have seen it, done it, written the book, got the shirt, and done a cameo. P.s LBL do not need to use a court order or a bailiff to recover the vehicle, because they give authority to any person to assume their (LBL) role as the owner, so any person acting on behalf of Lbl DO so as if they own that vehicle. (sorry if sound I condescending not my intention) Any Time Any Day just like Martini (for the older viewers) __________________ ** Credentials ** 10 Years Finance Fraud Investigator 5 Year High Court Sheriffs 2 Years Tip Staff Royal Courts Currently : HMCS Enforcement Officer
  7. Thank you TOMTUBBY Some of the early posters scared the poor girl..tut tut. In addition to Toms advice, please also note that Bailiffs dont just turn up with a warrant of arrest, thats utter rubbish, firstly you will be summoned to appear before a court to answer to those charges of non payment, you will be given time to consult lawyers etc,if you fail to show THEN And ONLY then there will be a Warrant of Arrest issued, these are of course to force you into court. And so....fear not you are not going to prison....DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM GHASTLY PRIVATE BAILIFFS:-x Someone close to me is in the same boat as you with these problems including the benefits side of things same claim etc, the advice i have given that person is no different to yours, so far all is well.
  8. Right Bailiff can come back after the stated time, however you do not need to open the door and the police do not pick locks. Locksmith pick locks. Sadly all private bailiffs act like animals This a simple problem ignore bailiff pay council direct via their web no matter amount you owe refer also to my first post above. No judge in the land will ever send a defendant to prison with mental health and baby. I will elaborate further later on. Do not worry you are in good hands here, I will be back to deal with you
  9. Hi The writ of fifa is another name for warrant of execution the diff with a CEO from a bailiff is that they can come anytime day or night. However they must abide by the same enforcement rules. Niether bailiff or CEO have to give you any dates or warning that they are coming. HCEO does not have any more power of entry than a normal county court bailiff does. Also if the warrant is for a limited company at a private address then normally the warrant is not executable, because it is difficult to establish ownership, if on the other hand they wanted to be difficult then they could levy and the owner of the goods would need to do an interpleader. It would however be helpful if we knew the debt amount the CEO charge type of business the debt belongs to, get that info and we will be in a slightly better position to give specific advice
  10. 1ST CREDIT HAVE BEEN ISSUED WITH A CCJ Date Court Amount Status Case Number 21/07/2008 NOTTINGHAM £275 Judgement 7NG11542
  11. Date Court Amount Status Case Number 21/07/2008 NOTTINGHAM £275 Judgement 7NG11542
  12. Hi Just pay your CTX direct to the council, whatever it is you owe, IGNORE THE BAILIFFS. The Bailiffs really need to collect the money off the back of the warrant it would of been a liability order from the Magistrates court for that amount whatever the amount, the warrant would not of included the bailiffs fee's. In essence the bailiff cannot alter the Warrant of Liability to show a new amount. IRRESPECTIVE of what is suggest by other panicking members- REMEMBER : - The Bailiff or B/Company have not really spent or lost 200 odd quid writing letters have they? its not a figure they spent so they would not be bothering to go out and try to enforce, they will simply move on to a softer target. I KNOW THIS BECAUSE see my credentials.
  13. Yep, There are many many enforcement options open to you, to use a private bailiff is a big risk Marstons being Drakes, this debt is tiny and not worth the hassle for them, they'll sit on it for a while and then turn to you for the money, they are in win win situation, your not, your debts will rise, lets face it, where is the landlord? what can be seized by the EO at the place, bugger all if you ask me. I would go and get a Third Party Debt order and seize his bank account, or get an N61a issued from the court order for questioning etc, there are other enforcement procedures and options, stick a chrge on the house and then get a forced sale order, I hate landlords like that I once got done for £400.00 bloody thieves
  14. OK Have you taken leave of your sense's? if YES then GOODLUCK. If NO, then What the hell is wrong with the County Court Bailiffs, Give us more information on the type of debt, and the debtor private or company etc. EO will stitch for max amount of money if he cannot enforce. ** Credentials ** 10 Years Finance Fraud Investigator 5 Year High Court Sheriffs 2 Years Tip Staff Royal Courts Currently : HMCS Enforcement Officer
  15. Please complain to Office of Fair Trading Immediatly as they are inviting information on companys like Capquest. This is your chance to resolve the SD confetti. IN the meantime if the debt is statute barred fear not nothing will become of it.
  16. Mr N. Nathoo, the Director of 1st Credit, also President of CSA, the body that is supposed to represent and uphold fair trade and professionalism amongst collection agents/companys. How can this be? 1st Credit are a company that is complained about more than any other, what would the point of complaining about 1stCredit to the owner Mr Nathoo, he is hardly likely to fine his own company! Baised corrupt behaviour. The Claim by CSA is that debtors are Aggressive check out the info packs sent to members :- CSA.pdf Course Booklet tel colls1.pdf
  17. Mr N. Nathoo is indeed the president of CSA can you imagine complaining about 1st Credit, and getting a F U back from CSA about his company, how could he be impartial. Anyway look at this CSA advice handed out to DCA's about aggressive debtors LOL Course Booklet tel colls1.pdf CSA.pdf
  18. Confession Time : I got a letter from 1st Credit, which disgustingly said you owedebt we are not aware of any reason of why you dont pay up, we propose BANKRUPTCY proceedings please contact us with a date and time we can serve this on you. One week later i.e last week, that was cancelled and a simple letter was sent, THEM Errr, you owe someone money, any chance of a couple of quid? ME: PHUCK off.
  19. When had you taken the credit card out, what year?
  20. Thanks Andy, but I may have to attack Nationwide from a diff angle, thanks for your bump. Attack begins tommorow.
  21. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have seen many posts where the Council has refused to accept money from tenants because the Bailiff is involved. Problem is when the Bailiff gets involved then massive charges are applied and therefore it becomes more difficult for you to clear your debts. To solve the problem Please do this :- Firsty if the Bailiff has aready been involved, and he/she has been making threats to come round and seize your assets, obviously do not let the Bailiff into the property as they have no Powers to force entry anyway. To Beat the Bailiff, and avoid extortionate charges, Please pay the council direct either online or at the town hall or where-ever they accept the payments in your parish. Do not be mislead by the council saying You Can Only Pay The Bailiff, this advice from the council is bogus. The council just want the Bailiffs to do the chasing for them, and because the word "bailiff" is synon with Power to sieze and remove, then people are more inclined to pay and be ripped off by these bailiffs. There is NO law that says you have to pay the Bailiffs. If there is Specific advice you need please post here. Otherwise do a search on my username Oh Boy!, for advice that has been posted for other users in similiar situations. Regards
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