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10 Good
  1. I strongly advise anyone claiming back from Nationwide, to aquire their statements, as well as a breakdown of charges. I have recently received my statements, as well as a breakdown of charges, and the figures do not tally. The breakdown of charges does not include all charges that have been levied to my account. Nationwide have taken 'unpaid direct debit fees' when, in fact their was no such breach. These have not been included on the breakdown of charges sheet. Also, beware of charges being included with the transactions, and not on the seperate charges sheet that comes with your statements.
  2. Standing Orders are controlled by you, so you need to change any amounts payable. Another alternative via online banking, is the bill payment feature. Not sure if all online banking facilities offer this though.
  3. I can just imagine his inbox now, or in the near future. Will be following that advice myself. Thanks.
  4. If anyone could translate and make any sense from this site, they are members of HSBC. Société Marseillaise de Crédit
  5. The more the merrier, IMO. Can anyone translate these french bank tariffs? http://www.bpnord.fr/docs/tarifs_part_07-06.pdf https://www.cic.fr/fr/banques/telechargements/tarifs/CIC_nat_tarifs_particuliers_janvier_2007.pdf http://www.transat.tm.fr/blob.asp?id_blob=344 I can't find English versions.
  6. Looks like Australia are suffering the same as us. Westpac Internet -Fees, charges and interest Interesting though, is the fact that the basic account, have charges that are half the other accounts. The basic accounts are for pensions, and such. This one works out to about £12.76. (Drawings without funds, near the bottom.) NAB - Personal banking fees and charges £14.88, ordinary account. £4.25 for basic account. http://www.anz.com.au/documents/au/feecharge/persbnkacctfees.pdf Section 3.7 Adelaide bank. Approx £17.01. http://www.adelaidebank.com.au/pdfs/PDS_pbfc.pdf £17.01. http://www.citibank.com.au/australia/pdf/MCG1063_Fees_Charges.pdf £12.76 Commonwealth Bank Group - Personal - Personal Lending - Fees and Charges £17.01, page 18. http://www.suncorpmetway.com.au/suncorp/img/assets/3635/personal_deposit_account.pdf
  7. On page 10 of this pdf file, are the charges for the Irish tsb. http://www.permanenttsb.ie/pdf/Personal_and_business_banking_charges.pdf Page 7 and 14 on the bank of Ireland pdf. http://www.bankofireland.ie/html/gws/includes/personal/pdfs/fees_charges.pdf Page 6-7 on the Ulster bank pdf. http://www.ulsterbank.ie/content/ri/personal/current_accounts/downloads/Fees_and_Interest_LB019529.pdf Page 4-5 for Northern Ireland Ulster bank pdf. http://www.ulsterbank.co.uk/content/ni/personal/current_accounts/downloads/Guide_to_Personal_Current_Account_Fees_Interest.pdf
  8. Fantastic. Will PM with email address.
  9. The act of being ignorant, Isn't always bliss, Unopened mail, Stuffed everywhere, Opportunities I've missed. I used to dread the postman, My bills all dressed in white, Pretending that they're innocent, Adding to my plight. Received email from Martin, Decided to research, A wealth of info on the web, Strenght and wisdom of the mass. My debt is now much bigger, Tho', this time I do not care, To all the folk from CAG, The debt of gratitude, I gladly wear.
  10. I agree with PPMAN159, about addressing Mr Beale himself, and using 'yourself, you etc". I like the letter that much, that I am going to send a copy myself. (Though, I will change any relevent details.).
  11. 1) No account number on the letter as stated above. 2) No allowance for a joint account, to add another name as for signature purposes.
  12. I really do apologise for having absolutely no advice to give on your problem. I did however notice in your post, the above mentioned in correspondence from Yorkshire bank. This is a direct admission that their charges are administrative. And not service charges, this may be of help to others.
  13. According to the Building Society Act 1997 A building society cannot "raise funds from an individual otherwise than by the issue of shares" This is covered under section 9 - Raising funds and borrowing. Building Societies Act 1997 Therefore from my understanding, all charges applied to my account have to cover administrative costs only. No profit is to be made at all. Otherwise, the Nationwide would have had to have issued me with shares, for the extra funds they made from me. I would be very interested to hear anybody elses opinion regarding this. As this applies to admin costs only, surely I have the right to know exactly what it costs to administer certain transactions on my account. Please note, I am not a practitioner of law, I am an ordinary individual and my thoughts are not to be taken as fact. Everybody should make up their own mind about this.
  14. Nationwide Building Society. Today I attempted to reduced my overdraft limit from £950 to £900. The request was declined. I phoned the number supplied, only to be told that if they put the request through via the help centre, I would very likely get the same decision. She also told me that trying to reduce my overdraft limit online automatically involves a credit search. There is no immediate information to advise of this. I am usually up to the limit, but in recent weeks I have been very careful, and have on a few occasions actually been in the black. Needless to say I am not happy about this, as according to the T&Cs, if Nationwide decided to call the overdraft in, they could do so without any delay. This I feel is grossly unfair.
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