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  1. Andy - no N157 as yet Youre right dx but finding the threads without knowing the search words or keys I guess is the important thing? The help here has been invaluable and I apologise if it seems all I do is ask, without doing any self help I guess looking for how you deal with court appearances should be one and how to fight a case another? What happens if they dont comply maybe another? What happens in the future? - am I along the right lines?
  2. Allocation. I think everyone here was hoping a time closes and etc.... What does that mean Andy?
  3. Hi All, Spoke to the courts service re mediation last week about the fact the others had requested mediation and then did nothing. I asked the question why was this allowed as my research showed this co in particular are well known for doing exactly this? They said they couldnt comment but they had until the 28th, or it would be cancelled. We've heard nothing at all from Lowell, pretty much since they started all of this and the date has passed but surely this cant be it? The people I'm helping are sort of sitting hoping they dont hear but I think thats more in hope than anything else Any comments?? Thanks...
  4. I thought that mediation was a way for both parties to put their argument foward and 'negotiate. Telling these people that this has been a waste of time and they will have to go to court because even although the other party agreed to mediation will be a blow. Having spoken to these people many times, they 'do not' want to go to court and they are frightened of the whole court process . They thought theyd get a chance to tell this party the account they allegedly bought was at all times in dispute and if it came down to it, rather than go to court that could make some kind of payment to make this end!! If anyone has any ideas to attempt to put an end to this, please let me know?? Thank you....
  5. We agreed to Mediation and so did they but what happens next? Mediation services will contact you to make a mutual agreed time for both parties...they will ask or should have already if you have received all the documents to enable to proceed with mediation...99.9% of claims do not proceed to mediation because the claimants are not compelled to disclose documents until after allocation of the trial and nearer the trial date OK so what youre saying is because lowell [have not] sent us anything requested that they simply ignoe us as they are not compelled to disclose documents? So what good is the mediation service. Am I missing something glaringly obvious? If I say the the MS that lowell have not supplied the documents require to enable us to negotiate. What happens then?
  6. Hi, We agreed to mediation and so did they but what happens next? Should we be approaching the other side to let them know this account they say they've bought was disputed and lloyds never honoured their promises they made? Should we approach the other side and make an offer if they have bought this debt? Whats the best thats likely to happen from the mediation services? Just dont know what to expect or do next??
  7. Sent to MCOL - well I hope so that is? I'm posting this incase it can help anyone else who may find themselves late on a deadline and just to ask the mods on here if they know of this? Although it has always been the case that you have to send in N180 by post, it seems they have a workaround that allows you to email! It takes a bit of work though, answer the questions in the N180 form the courts will send. Sign it, then scan the entire document, Its only 3-page as the back page is blank. However if you're this stuck for time and worried it could be a life saver. The Defendent emails the above to ccbcaq@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk and when you get an 'auto response' it means they've got it. Its still a bit hairy becuse all youre looking of course is - A confirmation that all is OK! However I called the court helpline on 0300 123 1057 and they confirmed that was the case. I'll keep you posted on this as I dont want to be misguiding but it might just be a lifeline for people haven't for whatever reason not sent in the N180 in time and theres a less than a day to go?? Regards, Hitback I hope this actually helps as this site has been so helpful to me and I wanted to TRY to give something back!!
  8. Hi, Yes, I said I had received the n180 but it hadnt been filled in and as I was away it didnt get filled or sent I just thought I'd be able to fill it in for them on the MCOL site where everything else is? However it seems yoy cant so theyre going registered today. The copy that goes to sols, I understand that they dont get a signed copy but on their copy is that page just blank or will I type in a name in the signature box? DX said..std n180 HB that comes with any claim yes to mediation yes to Small Claims Track State your local County Court 1 witness you rest is obv 3 copies 1 to the court 1 to the sols minus sig/email/phone 1 for their file
  9. Should I be getting back in touch with them, or should I be telling them that this account was a disputed account. That lloyds agreed to freeze, to make credits, to reduce interest then broke all of these promises and the account remains in dispute to this day? Also the N180 form - do I find this on MCOL and fill it online? Thanks
  10. As a point of (possible?) interest. Lowell form. D2) How many witnesses, including yourself, will give evidence on your behalf at the hearing? They have put a 0 in the box?
  11. There is a Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Small Claims Track from the court dated 29 jan and we must complete the Small Claims Directions Questionaire (Form N180) and file it with the court office by 15 february. A1) Do you agree to this case being referred to the Small Claims Mediation Service? B) Contact details C1) Do you agree that the Small Claim track is the appropriate track for this case? D1) Hearing venue at which county court and why? D2) Expert evidence ? D3) How many witnesses? D4) Any days within the next six month you, an expert or a witness will not be able to attend court for a hearing? Interpreter ? Signature CCA/CPR. No thay havent as far as I know. I'm going over there tomorrow to find out if there is anything else?
  12. Hi All, Family crisis took me away for 2-weeks and couldnt do anything on this. In the meantime they received a letter from lowell solicitor dated the 23rd Jan saying: Dear ....... We refer to the matter shown on the side of this page. Please find enclosed a copy of the Directions Questionaire which we have now lodged with the Court. You will shortly receive a copy of the same directly form the Court for completion and return. The Court will use the information contianed in both our copy and yours to make decisions about how the case should proceed . If you have any questions or wish to discuss this furthere please contact etc... Can I ask what do I do now? There is another form with their name. Asking for Small Claims Mediation Service, agreeing the track is correct, no expert evidence, saying they will be available any day within the next 6-months ??
  13. DONE! Should I call the court offices and make sure its there? Thank you very much DX and Andy
  14. so before he got the claimform pack he did get a letter titled letter of claim? - YES it only is the addition of one line if he didn't get a PAP letter of claim. - As it stands NO - I have no PAP reply form. it would be bad for them if they didn't send it. - GOOD but theyre going to say they did anyway? doesn't harm him if they did. - OK Thanks DX
  15. Hope this helps as I need to get this in tomorrow. My friend DID send them a letter in 2016 asking them to confirm certain things but they ignored that. *Aslo this account was always in dispute and Lloyds promised to reimburse and freeze the account for 28-days but then 13-days later they instructed yet another DCA. Can any of this of this be put in the defence?
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