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Everything posted by 99point99

  1. GREAT NEWS - the bank have refunded me the show tickets in full. They took around 5 working days after I sent them an email last Monday. What a relief and thanks to everyone for the advice - it worked!
  2. Yes. I will call the bank and see if they can arrange a chargeback on my tickets. Thanks - will post the update later B
  3. It was with some annoyance that I discovered that Cirque Du Soleil's head office is in Luxembourg. After having our show (Amaluna at Royal Albert Hall) ruined by double-booking of my seats at Valentine's Day (of all days - myself and my date were appalled) I have decided to go after them for a full refund of the £150 I paid under the Goods and Services Act 1982. We basically missed the first 15-20 minutes due to their bungling of our tickets and jilting us into inferior side seats. I emailed them at their 'customer services' email (info@ ....) and have not had a reply. Like as if that's an actual customer service email address. there is no other contact for customer services. Another sneaky way to get out of dealing with annoyed customers. Mainly it's the principle. They think they can go and create some dummy office in Luxembourg and try and sneak people out of their consumer rights here in the UK, well they can think again. I have never claimed refunds from businesses based outside the UK but I imagine the process is similar, send letter asking for refund...wait 3 weeks, send final warning (however on this occasion I have already emailed them so they don't get another warning)....apply for European Payment Order....send bailiffs into the London venue if they do not pay with possible shut down of show due to health and safety because the bailiff took the show props and show equipment to recover costs. Anyway, I have written them a letter as of today which will be posted to their Luxembourg address: 16 Avenue Pasteur L-2310 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg I will give them 3 weeks from today before making my application for a European Payment Order and then possibly get to send the bailiffs in to Royal Albert Hall. Does this sound reasonable?!
  4. So it's 3 weeks since we sent a chargeback letter recorded delivery to Barclays and no reply. I am considering sending Barclays a reminder or follow up letter - thing is we expected a reply by now!
  5. Ok - I'll draft the chargeback letter tonite and hopefully we get some kind of response from the bank as soon as possible.
  6. My initial thought when they asked us to drop the bag off to be sent for 'quality checking' was that it was some form of trickery. Because... if we don't give them the bag and bring them to court they can say 'well Louis Vuitton offered to inspect the bag and the purchaser said no'. And we get chucked out. And yet even if we send it all the way to Paris at additional postal expense to us they can turn around and say 'this bag was damaged by the owner' which again leaves us in a difficult situation!
  7. Hello Cags, My fiance purchased a Louis Vuitton bag from their flagship Bond Street store in London. The day after purchasing she noticed an odd scuff mark (not caused by her) on the inside top lining of the bag and on close inspection the paint is revealed to be noticeably peeling off in an area of around 1 cm square. Not knowing her rights she approached me a couple days later with the issue and I took a look and believe that this item was sold to her defective and that she should be entitled to a full refund under consumer law. She was not afforded the opportunity to inspect the item upon purchasing as they gave her a sealed boxed item to take away. She paid using her debit card unfortunately. A week after purchasing she attempted to return the bag to the store only to be told by the store manager that 'the bag is worn and cannot be returned under Louis Vuitton guidelines'. We immediately sent a letter requesting a replacement/refund under UK consumer law. No reply for 2 weeks and we sent a letter before action with legal threat. My fiance had a phone call and Louis Vuitton refused to give refund however they have offered to send the item to their Paris Quality Control team for checking - however no possibility was given for a refund or replacement. We gave them a deadline of Friday 26th November after which time we have threatened legal action. They have 4 days. Do we need to hand the bag over to them for 'quality control checking'?!?!?! What madness is this!? I am guessing it's just a run around. Please advise. 99
  8. Hi Raydetinu - The contract is as follows and started on the 27 November 2012 (it was a one year extension) - notice under section 21 was received via telephone on Friday 3 April...the next day Saturday 4 April the notice arrived hand delivered for repossesion on Saturday 8 June. Last page of the 16 page tenancy agreement - the only page that mentions notice to move. SPECIAL TENANCY CONDITIONS 1. The Tenant agree that the Landlord has the right to terminate the Tenancy by giving the Tenant not less than 2 month' notice in writing by serving a Notice under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 on the Tenant to be sent by first class post or hand delivery to the address of the Premises to end the Agreement. 2. The Landlord agrees that the Tenant has the right to terminate the Tenancy by giving the Landlord not less than two months' notice in writing to be sent by first class post or hand delivered to the address specified in clause 35.1 of this agreement, to end the Agreement. 3......8.
  9. SURELY if we have requested a move out date of 2 months to the day then they should honour that rather than expect us to move on exactly the date that suits them - which is unsuitable for us, which is an oddly shaped 2 months and 5 days...?
  10. Yes, they had a break clause that the landlord could give 2 months notice - and according to the law you can't give notice before 4 months have passed and they made me pay £120 for the extension then greedily waited almost 4 months to the day before giving me the weird notice date which suits me not one bit and will cost me loads - probably on purpose I imagine!
  11. Any property rental gurus with advice would be most welcome. We (my partner and I along with my 6 year old) rent a managed property through Ellisons and 4 months into our 1 year contract extension (our 2nd extension) they served us a 2 month Section 21 Notice requiring possession dated 4 April.Exacyly 6 months into the extension. The effective notice is 8 June. Our monthly rental due date is the 27th every month. A few days after the notice was served I told them that we would prefer a moving out date in accordance with our rental which is the 27th May as it would cause complications for us otherwise. They refused. Then I requested the first weekend after the 27th to do our move - the weekend of the 1/2nd (to check out on Monday 3rd of June as they dont work weekends)...and they said they would contact the landlord and get back to me if he was prepared to let us leave early. 7 weeks passed and I heard nothing until the Friday of the weekend I was to move. I organised my moving schedule and email the agency the friday before the move that I was moving out the pre-arranged weekend and would be at the check out on Monday the 3rd. They then informed me that I could not check out until the 8th and that i would need to pay extra rent to cover 3 - 8 June, plus any council tax and other utilities. Even though I have cancelled my bills already! i am a bit peeved as I am now sitting in my new place after having moved and having to continue to pay Ellisons rent even though I told them I was moving 7 weeks ago, and also wasted my afternoon today as I intended to check out today and they told me they werent going through with it . Now I have to schedule MORE time off work to check out on the 8th - which is 2 months and 5 days after I was served my notice requiring possession. I am also now likely to lose hundreds of pounds in extra rent and bills and a full day of work (I am a highly paid contractor and stand to lose £300 because of this). Anyone know what I can do to even the score? I told them I was not happy having to wait 7 weeks for a response to whether the landlord would allow me to move out on the 3rd (which as it happens is exactly 2 months after the notice was served and would have worked out fairly for me). I believe that their bespoke notice of the 8th is unfair because it's mid-month and not our rental day, and there are no decent rental properties available on at that time of the month either. To top matters we now have to wait an extra week or so for our deposit (minus the extra £250 in rent and other deductions I am sure)- and I just know they will try and shaft us even though we have looked after the property and cleaned it to a higher standard than it was when we moved in. Please help.
  12. Alright stress is over folks - they finally paid !!! What a relief - think I am going to have a stiff drink now. Thanks for your advice peeps - it will come in handy next time this happens, at least I have learned a few valuable lessons. A: ALWAYS specify terms in an invoice. B: ALWAYS have a signed contract BEFORE starting a job. It seriously sucks being owed money.
  13. Ok - so I will wait until 19 April - then send a letter before action giving them 2 weeks to arrange final payment before submitting a claim through the county court. Just got off the phone with a debt collection agency CPA and they reckon my claim is slightly handicapped because no contract was signed initially and payment terms were not on the invoices (ie. they were not bound to make a payment within any set timescales). He said that the debtor could claim that no set period was agreed and that they may say 90 days is sufficient payment terms for them. However he did say that it would be in my best interest to present to small claims anyway. The fact that they have ignored my invoices so far and even so far as ignoring a reminder should hopefully indicate that they have no intention of paying their debt. But then they could show up at court and say no payment terms were agreed and then it's gonna be up to a judge to decide who is in the right. Hopefully I can claim that I am a small contractor and need the money more than a large business and was paid my original invoice within a month and assumed payment terms were in place at that point.
  14. Ok so is it better to do a moneyclaim or actually file a claim at the county court? They are based in Surrey and I live in Wimbledon - do I do my local court? Sorry I failed to mention that they have a good £190K owed by debtors, £200K plus in assets, £130K in reserve cash with £180K owed to creditors (like me I guess) surely they can cover a measly £3k if I wind them up? Isn't it quicker and easier and more of a sure bet to get the money owed doing it this way than a protracted small claims process because they would be worried about going out of business? I am so not keen on having these guys drag their heels through the small claims and then maybe not even honour the CCJ - they are meant to be moving premises at the end of this month too. What about a CPA? Can I get someone else to go and run around after the £3K Im owed? Thanks in advance
  15. THE STORY I worked for a design agency on-site for 2 months Jan-March on an initial contract bases with promises of a perm role after a month or 2. The first month I got paid after 8 weeks (they didn't raise any questions over payment after my first month and ignored my first 2 invoices until I sent a signed for invoice in the post after week 6 - then it was toward the end of week 8 that I actually got paid for my first month. From that point onwards I realised I would only get results if I sent everything 'signed for' royal mail (1st class) - and this ****ed off the director. He told me 'why do you need to send this in signed for mail when you could have just handed it to me'. So alarm bells were ringing I can assure you and I knew getting money out of these creeps would be like getting blood out of a stone. Anyway, after exactly 2 months and 1 day on March 11 they terminated my contract with no notice. I had already submitted my 2nd invoice for month 2 which ended 8 March and a 3rd invoice for the outstanding single day on March 11 was sent a few days later. They have not paid my 2nd and 3rd invoice. I sent a reminder letter dated 8 April for both invoices and a message that if the invoices had not been paid by 19 April I would seek further action. On the 10th of April I filled out a 'Statutory Order' demanding payment or a petition will be made to county court for a winding up order. The company are an LTD business with £180K in debt but with £130K in reserve cash with fairly decent finances I think. FURTHER ACTION I am indecisive about what the best course to get what is owed swiftly and efficiently. Maybe they don't have the money to pay me? They haven't at all been in touch since I left or responded to either of the initial invoices, the reminder or the statutory demand. Should I file a separate moneyclaim for each invoice after my 19 April warning has passed? for £2730 and £140 respectively and can I do this? Can I also add compensation as they really are messing me about and it's costing me time and money to reshuffle finances as I am just a contractor after all. Secondly about the statutory order - should i just ditch the moneyclaim and go full force on the statutory order? HELP - WHO HAS DONE THIS BEFORE?!!
  16. Just to report that Santander the CC company have reimbursed me £420 for the computer to be fixed! Even after all this time it is still possible to use Section 75! \o/
  17. I m happy to report that Santander have agreed to reimburse me the money I requested they pay for my computer to be fixed under Section 75 - a total of £420. This comes five years after I bought my computer - I am finally getting the money to have it repaired! I may as well just go and buy a new computer instead.
  18. Would'nt it be better to go to the Financial Ombudsman?
  19. In my case it helps to ask the bank to remove the default if you have a good enough reason. In my case I requested the bank remove my late payment default because at the time it occured I was moving home and the estate agents lost my keys - and because it was on a Friday night nobody could do anything until the Monday, costing me a fortune in hotel, locksmith and extra time for the removals people - all of which meant my account was cleaned out virtually and my credit card repayment bounced...so when I found out on my credit report that the banks had levied a 'late payment' default I was quite angry and explained what happened - and well they took me at my word and removed the late payment default and I am 51 points better off than last month! You can always ask.
  20. Surely with something as important as your ability to receive credit, a person should be privy to that information? What I am getting at here is that if there is something stopping a person from obtaining a bank loan, yet the person has jumped through all the necessary hoops and obtained the necessary good credit history, and the guy has a good credit rating and there is no way of obtaining WHY he failed through the regular channels then you can't rule out some kind of discrimination, because the basic law of discrimination means that if you have 2 people with equal skills and equal ability, treating one person favourably over the other and not making it clear why you are treating the other person unfavourably is discriminatory in the eyes of the law. Yes, no? Surely banks need to disclose this private information - the reasons for failing people with good credit scores - because surely it would open them up to lawsuits for discrimination...also brings the whole 'black-list' (another illegal practise) question to mind.
  21. My score went up 51 points in the last week since having a late payment default removed!
  22. I spoke to the Ombudsman - and they have sent Barclaycard a letter on my behalf asking them to remove any information longer than 6 years from my account. Hopefully this works - but the FO did say this is no guarantee as this might fall outside the general record keeping rules as it was a paid off account and they may be within their rights to hold this information - actually they didn't really know for sure!!!
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