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Everything posted by chrissieo

  1. Gosh this is nerve racking aghhhhhhhhhhhhh Any news yet? Chrissie
  2. Thanks for trying Dizzy, but I cannot seem to track them on there. My account was set up in October 2001 if anyone else can help. Thanks Chrissie
  3. Thanks for the advice, but can somone explain to me in simple terms exactly what a CCA is (I think I get the guist) and is there a template available for this. Thanks Chrissie
  4. I have also posted this on the T&Cs thread:- I requested my terms and conditions from MBNA(A&L) and made it quite clear that I wanted the ones from when my account was set up. I was told that those were not available as my original account was with A&L and MBNA did not have access to them. I told them I would accept the MBNA ones from when they took over the acount (2003 ish) and was told that would be no problem. Well they arrived yesterday, and surprise surprise they are the recently updated version stating the cahrge as £12. I spoke to the Customer Advocate Office today and explained that these were of no use to me and I needed the old ones. I was told they did not keep copies of them. I questioned this and I explained that I thought by law (for audit purposes) they would need to keep archieved copies of previous T&Cs and was told they could not help me. Can anyone shed any light on this please. Chrissie
  5. I requested my terms and conditions from MBNA(A&L) and made it quite clear that I wanted the ones from when my account was set up. I was told that those were not available as my original account was with A&L and MBNA did not have access to them. I told them I would accept the MBNA ones from when they took over the acount (2003 ish) and was told that would be no problem. Well they arrived yesterday, and surprise surprise they are the recently updated version stating the cahrge as £12. I spoke to the Customer Advocate Office today and explained that these were of no use to me and I needed the old ones. I was told they did not keep copies of them. I questioned this and I explained that I thought by law (for audit purposes) they would need to keep archieved copies of previous T&Cs and was told they could not help me. Can anyone shed any light on this please. Chrissie
  6. Has anyone any update as to what is happening since the take over. Has anyone had any luck in the past with this shower Chrissie
  7. I have 2 questions that I hope that soemone can help with. When I filed my MCOL I made a mistake and it was suspended. I spoke to their help line and they told me to create a new one, send them an email saying that MCOL*****1 replaces MCOL*****2 and they will refund the £80 for the first one. I had a reply saying that this would be submitted for refund but it was at the court managers discression, does anyone know what is the likelyhood of me getting my original £80 back and what is likely to be the time scale. I submitted my 2nd MCOL on the 18th and it seems to of gone through allright. The situation is that my account with Cap1 has been with a collection agency for some time, they have deducted their first offer from this account, which is fine by me, but if my claim is met in full including interest and charges it will be in excess of the balance due, will they clear the balance and forward me a cheque for the rest, I have heard many stories of banks paying claims into closed accounts and people having trouble accessing their funds, has anyone been in a similar situation and what was the outcome. Thanks Chrissie
  8. Apparently, they can only supply their current ones which, as far as I can gather, have been updated to keep them inside the law with regard to the difference between a charge and a penalty. QoFxx
  9. Despertely need a copy of A&L (MBNA) credit card T&Cs from around 2003. Can anyone help.............please Chrissie
  10. Just giving this a bumb as I am having no luck elsewhere trying to find a copy of the A&L(MBNA) credit card T&Cs for circa 2001-2004 Thanks
  11. OK here goes: - Stupid Question 1 I have got to the POC stage of the MCOL on line and it says that you are only allowed 1080 charecters. The only POC templates I can find elsewhere on the site are about 5 x that long. I eagerly await some help. Chrissie PS Me thinks this could be a record for the longest time ever recorded to complete a MCOL
  12. OK so Cap1 7 days are up since I turned down their offer and I am about to start the MCOL. I am feeling really daunted by this and have loads of questions. So all help will be greatly accepted and please bare with me as some of these questions may seem a little niave to some of you and I may become a bit of a pain in the butt but want to make sure I get it right as I have another 3 claims after this one. I wish I had someone with more experience in these things here to hold my hand while I complete the MCOL. Chrissie
  13. Steven I am also concerned as Providian(Monument) has been sold to an American company call CompuCredit who took over operations from 1st June. Should I still continue against Monument. Thanks again for your help, just knowing someone else is out there provides the moral support I need to keep going with my claims. Chrissie
  14. Thanks I am only at the stage of requesting charges and now not sure how to proceed when I get them. SHould the claim still be made on Monument? Chrissie
  15. chrissieo


    As T&Cs become more key to all our cases going to court, is there one place on the site where any of these are held. I am struggling to find 3 sets at the moment and do not want to have to go to court without them as supporting evidence. I have tried using the web link to the archieve site but with no success. I am looking for:- Providian (Monumnet) Credit card circa 2001 Halifax Credit Card circa 2002/3 Alliance & Leicester Credit Card (MBNA) CIrca 2002/3 Hope someone out there will be able to help Thanks Chrissie
  16. Hi I have just started my process to reclaim charges from my old Providian (Monument) Credit Card and one of the things that has come to light over the last few weeks is how important it is to have T&Cs to support your case. Does anyone have a copy of these T&Cs from around 2001. I have tried searching the website that has all the archieves but never seem to be able to find what I am looking for. Thanks Chrissie
  17. I am now in the process of preparing my MCOL. Can some please tell me if I complete it reflecting the full amount or do I deduct the part payment already received? Thanks Chrissie
  18. While I think your post certainly clairfies things for many of us, the post on Martin Lewis's web site today, referring to a case against Lloyds in Hull court does get you wondering. The judge has apparently instructed in favour of Loyds TSB unless the claimant has the case "set aside" quoting the "Birmingham" case as a precedent. I feel that the Judges/Courts are becoming displeased with the amount of claims in the system and while most judges so far have found in favour of "joe public" unless the defendant appears in court this judge has gone the other way, and perhaps thought that it is easier to put "us" off perusing claims than the banks with their emense legal resources. I hope you are able to correct me and the chance for so many of us to carry on reclaiming these illegal charges back from the banks. Chrissie
  19. I have been dealing with Capquest for some time now (approx 3 years), 1 of the debts was for a Cap1 account. After the initial threatening stuff I have found them OK to deal with. The do not own my Cap1 debt but manage it on their behalf. I find that they do chase me every 3 months to up my payment, I find as long as you offer them an extra £5 a month (depending on the size of the debt) they leave me alone again till the arrangements comes to an end and I have found If I ring them before they ring me they are far more amicable. They regularly offer me a greatly reduced settlement figure, which I have not been able to afford as yet, but since my debt has been reduced by Cap1 paying a part settlement to them they no longer seem interest in offering me a settlement figure. I am about to issue court proceedings for the balance of the reclaim amount from Cap1 this will more than cover the remainder of the debt and should leave about £200 over for myself. The other debt I have with Cap1 is far bigger (now down at about £2800) and I am fully expecting them to ask me to up my payments on this one once the Cap1 debt is cleared. I will probably be proactive and ring them to offer an higher payment figure as I want to clear the debt as soon as possible and I have always found being proactive with Capquest far more to my advantage. Would rather deal with Capquest than RMAI any day of the week. Chrissie
  20. I have just cleared all outstanding debts from an old Providian (Monument)credit card via a collection agency (RMAI). Today I contacted Monument to request statements. I have since find out that an AMerican COmpany called CompuCredit will be taking over accounts from the 1st June. How does this effect my claim for charges from approximately 2003. Chrissie
  21. Can any one help, I have just received my statement of charges for my A&L (MBNA) credit card and now wish to send of my letter for repayment of charges. I have the MBNA chester address but was wondering if anyone has the details of the actual department to send it to to avoid it being passed from pillar to post and this used as delaying tactic by MBNA Cheers Chrissie
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