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Everything posted by renegotiation

  1. As I said, that's still not the same as the Supreme Court ruling on it. I have previosuly addressed that issue in the following post: You still think it is questionable in nature? I used the term 'largely inhabited' and you took it to mean 'all of'. I don't find that ambiguous in the slightest and I don't think I am being frivolous at all. I think you need to reconsider your opinion. Furthermore, I thought it interesting that, as well as misrepresenting my words, you tried to throw a spanner of division between me and the site team. You tried to make out I was speaking ill of them. I find that a bit suspicious. Yes, and JFK got shot by a lone gunman. So, you are a heroic citizen then? I find it bizarre how you seem very reluctant to add your name to the list of those calling for mass peaceful demonstrations. Why on earth wouldn't you? It really doesn't make sense to me. I reckon you may still be with the banks. I am suspicious that your remit is to gain the trust of the site team and try to influence their actions. M.P.'s expenses, corrupt Lords, a promised referendum not delivered and illegal wars where more than a million innocents have died. Perish the thought that the Establishment might have been corrupted by the banks. I must be insane! Get my padded cell ready! Like I said, people will not get their money back without mass peaceful demonstrations. End of story. I will lick turd of your boots if that happens. Even if you believed they had a chance, which I definitely don't, I still don't understand why you wouldn't put your name down in support of mass peaceful demonstrations. That just doesn't tally with your stated desires in my view. I reiterate, I am stunned you deny awareness of Establishment corruption and how this could be linked with the banks and then make yourself out to be someone folk should listen to. Absolute poppycock. I don't believe you. As I said, make sure you get your name down on the list in support of mass peaceful demonstrations. See all the examples of corruption I have given above. Ok, good, i'll stick with that then. As I said, there will not be mass payouts without mass peaceful demonstrations. We will see though, won't we... I have never referred to Bookworm as being a 'gatekeeper'. LOL. I do maintain that this case was supposed to be about the jurisdiction of the OFT and some lines have been blurred along the way. A 'gatekeeper' is someone working for the opposition who is keeping a close eye on what the other side is doing. They would try to control and influence the other side as much as possible. They would try to send them down cul de sacs and nudge them towards, and condition them to accept, ultimate failure. A bit like Grima Wormtongue. I know full well the banks would try and send their people in amongst us and the folk of the other dissenting sites. I just don't trust you. Tell me, as you claim you are not one of them, do you doubt that the banks would do something like that?
  2. I have explained that in full on this thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/243968-way-forward-2.html Let's both, no blame attached, leave this thread well alone now please. It's all on that thread.
  3. As I said, any support is welcome. All I ask, is that you get your name on the list and voice your support for massive peaceful demonstrations. I know you will stand with us on this. It's all pretty straightforward. I see you still haven't done so. Here's the link again: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/campaign/234784-march-fair-financial-system-4.html
  4. Tell you what. How about I see that working in our country before expanding it globally? Furthermore, I take it you are of the opinion that the people should have no say in this? You were supposed to be backing up your point that a NWO is already here. Giving a history lesson on currency doesn't do that. They have got the Euro, but have a long way to go yet. Again, you don't think the people should have a say in this? Some people in the world still have a chance to fight back, especially us in the U.K. regarding the pound. If we had got our referendum the Lisbon Treaty probably wouldn't have been ratified. We'll see about that though... As I said, and you haven't challenged, the 'War On Terror' is a crock of ****. Yes, the Iraq inquiry is just hot air. We can at least agree on that. I'm not daft and understand the world is a grey place and some dark deeds may need to be done. That isn't the case here. Things could have been done differently. This was motivated out of greed more than self-preservation. It's massive control and they own governments as it is anyway. It's completely f**ked up. They are psychopaths. You surely can't be supporting this? I hope the third statement is indeed sarcastic. If so, then three credible statements. Are you making a specific point here?
  5. Well, back to the thread then. That question really is some chestnut isn't it folks? I can't help but notice that even Tez is completely tongue tied for an explanation for once. Hardly surprising when there isn't one. Not one involving terrorism anyway. Crazy meteorological theories aside, they sure had those body scanners speedily ready to wheel out didn't they? As for Yemen, they sure got the intelligence in quick to call it 'an incubator for terrorism' didn't they. I thought it would have taken several months for that sort of thing, but what the hell! P.S. I just want to state for the record that there is no oil, I MEAN NO OIL WHATSOEVER, in Yemen.
  6. I have what is a shocking case in the pipeline. I am 'intending' to take the F.O.S. to court. I am sure this must be possible. I reiterate, this is a real shocker. If that started a trend they would be forced to behave.
  7. I agree we can't just lie down. I will get on Caros' thread. Oh and don't doubt that some junior spook reads this stuff. Come and march with us you little toerag. Don't hide behind your keyboard. Or do you support the banks?
  8. Society is morally sick. A significant proportion of the population are dumbed down and brainwashed by the mass media. The people at the top need to be good people. The situation is indeed dire. I don't think i'm being melodramatic in the slightest. One can argue and debate about how deep the consiracy goes, fine, but the elites are conspiring for complete control. A lot of people have woken up because of the internet in the last few years, but not enough. They are hastening their agenda and that's the truth. No one take my word on this. Think about it. It may be too late. I am for mass peaceful demonstrations all over the country outside any bank, town hall, council etc.. If we tried for a mass single march the powers that be would derail it and send in their goons to start a riot with their own officers. I will ask for my 'March For Fairness' thread to be moved to the 'Campaign' section and see what I can contribute on Caro's thread. P.S. Two litttle gems. How is Lord Mandelson, unelected, pretty much running our country? How is Baroness Cathy Ashton, unelected, the E.U. foreign minister? She's never been elected to anything in her life. WTF! Another thing, you could probably see the Prime Minister caught shagging kids at an after school club nowadays and some smiling female newsreaders would just spin it away!
  9. Determindator told me the punishment was worth the thrill... How old are you in that picture by the way? You look like the butter wouldn't melt...
  10. What utter nonsense. Now, where do I begin? Some times it's best to just agree to disagree...
  11. Keep up the fight mate, but always take a break if it gets a bit too much. It is never worth your health as I found out. Best wishes.
  12. Firstly, if it is all here 'already', then why are they pushing so damn hard for more political union and mass adoption of a single currency? Secondly, you say 'we know'... Who do you mean by 'we'? 0.1% of the population? That would be about right. That's like saying everyone knows the 'War on Terror' is a crock of ****. If that was remotely true they wouldn't beam it across the airwaves every day would they...
  13. Everyone, you heard it here first. There are going to be no refunds through the courts. If a new POC is devised they are going to be watching like hawks to get a new set of stays and that argument will just end up going the same way as the old argument. Why? I'll tell you why. It's because the banks are in bed with the Establishemnt and are BENT. There you go folks. Don't say no one told you so when you get 'Wiggy Phillips' telling you the same thing in 2 years. His speech will of course go thus: 'Hear ye, hear ye. This verdict is not about whether bank charges are fair or not. I have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with your royal rogering and absolve myself of all responsibility. However, you still aren't getting any money back so **** off home peasants!' And everyone lived happily ever after. Cheers. Baron Renog. P.S. You have all been charged £20 for reading this post and consider yoursleves damn lucky it isn't more you chavs!
  14. That's not the same as the Supreme Court directly ruling on it. I maintain that the Supreme Court ruling was BENT. Like it or lump it. You have just been libellous towards me haven't you? I used the term 'largely inhabited' and you have conflated that with painting them all with the same brush. Not so i'm afraid. It's called 'gatekeeping'. Sending people in the wrong direction and controlling the agenda. Everyone knows the banks have people on this site. You seem to be very pro-Establishment and supposedly ignorant of corruption despite an amoeba being able to see it. I find that bizarre considering you are supposed to be an ex-insider. I find it suspicious. Support and awareness is precisely what I am currently try to gain. You do live on the same planet as me? Well ok, but i'm not fussed what it is called. How on earth can you say that when in the very next paragraph I say the following: You expect to be taken seriously? Please. I have pushed the issue of writing to the County Courts, which is harmless and not time consuming, but I have not deviated from the line that I am only raising something for discussion here! We all know where that is going to lead though don't we... Well that is what the Banks are trying to sell us backed up by the Establishment. I still maintain that the case was supposed to be about the jurisdiction of the OFT and some lines have been blurred along the way. They have already decided that i'm afraid. I honestly think you are a 'gatekeeper'. You can argue all you like.
  15. Everyone is entitled to their honest opinion.
  16. I have bumped this thread in case you can't find it Yourbank.
  17. No kidding! I was of the opinion they found them on street corners. Generally speaking, i've never encountered such a bunch of morons.
  18. I disagree with you. I think he/she is a 'gatekeeper'. I fully stand by my comments, as I saw him/her viewing the said thread before he said he didn't know where it was. In fact, that makes my comments too kind. Save your pluck for the corrupt banks...
  19. I'll lay odds of 100 to 1 to anyone that he doesn't. Baron Renog always knows these things you see. You can all trust Baron Renog... Any takers?
  20. It would be nice to see you add your support on the thread with some helpful comments.
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