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Everything posted by renegotiation

  1. So I send £10 off with Tom's '4th thing to do' letter? And do I cross the postal order?
  2. That's a relief! Hand on heart I am pretty sure they never called round even once. No cards were left or anything. Might they not tell lies though? Is it still worth sending off the CCA?
  3. They sent it in unregistered post. They certainly didn't try coming round, as my parents are almost always in.
  4. He has a little equity left in his flat. Apart from that he has no assets or valuable goods. It would affect my parents severely if the flat had to be sold. I have lived there all my life and have contributed towards the flat. I think I could possibly claim beneficial interest as well which would take down his share. I guess if they spent £1000 they might get back anything up to £2000 back in the end. It wouldn't surprise me if they tried it even though it might kill my parents.
  5. My father is old and is not in great health. I really do fear for him. He built up a lot of debt and manged to settle with some of his larger creditors at a reduced rate. He has no money left. He still owes a lot of money and though most of his creditors seem to have got the message (he did send them letters) a couple just won't go away. Firstly, he got a statutory demand through from Connaught. He owes them about £5000. 1. Has anyone actually received or know of anyone receiving a bankruptcy petition from Connaught's? Is it safe to ignore it? 2. It is for a credit card he took out at least pre 1998. If they couldn't find the C.C.A. would that be grounds to ignore the debt? Or would they jut have to prove payments made in the last 6 years? Secondly, he got a County Court Summons through from D.L.C./Aplins for about £5000. 1. Is it worth acknowledging service and asking for a C.C.A.? That would give him until 11th June to give a final reply to the court. Or would that make them harder to deal with after they provided it if they found it? Should we try and make a final settlement deal now? I could possibly borrow up to £1000 from friends at a stretch. Might they take £1000? 2. Would a request for a C.C.A. in itself affect the setting of a court date until it was resolved? Thanks for any advice.
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