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Everything posted by jb07

  1. UPDATE - phoned NatWest, manager of the branch in next town was going to look into this, she phoned next day and was going to phone my son. Nothing heard, chased her up, the same woman I spoke to, phoned my son and denied having any knowledge of the whole saga?. I'm going to keep mithering till I get some answers?
  2. He bought the house for £30,000.00 with his 2nd wife, they split and she signed it over to him 1995, we remortgaged in joint names 1999, he was paying|£188.00 per month then, until the payments started to get into arrears, which he didn't tell me about. From Aug 2010 - Jun 2018 I have paid £66,800.00 for all mortgage payments and all utilities plus new windows ( have all the statements), The mortgage inludes 2 x remortgages - 1 to clear his business overdraft and arrears on mortgage and his credit cards and 1 to pay the Inland Revenue for his business. He hasn't paid any of the above, he would pay for bread, milk any 'bits' of shopping, I would pay for the 'Big shop'. Hes always been rubbish with money, which is why I paid for everything house wise, he was trying to keep his business afloat! The mortgage is £390.00 per month, no idea on rental costs, prob around £500 mark, I'm quite rural.
  3. thank you all for your replies, its much appreciated x
  4. hiya, Ive said for 2 years that the figure was unreasonable as Ive paid so much towards the house, but kept getting the same reply from my solicitor that 'ive benefitted from living here' and what ever Ive paid means nothing. The £45000 was calculated based on a sale of the house and what would be left split equally. I offered the £30000 cause I'm tired of fighting and didn't agree with the £45000 but was rejected. I feel ive been let down completely by my solicitor and now face loosing my house, while hes getting a cash payout and living with his new family in a house of their own.
  5. yes, the bank didn't agree but gave him £20 towards all his phone calls and being pushed from person to person. thank you for your replies.
  6. He settled the bill totalling £433.84 because he didn't want it affecting his credit rating even further plus the bank said they couldn't do anything as the account was older than 9yrs, he argued the fact that if the account was in arrears at the time, they wouldn't have let him close it anyway without paying the debt first? The transactions were to companies he didn't recognise - Yazbill, Ffn.com.Adu, LTrendF GB, Adacet.net ?
  7. Hi all, I need to remortgage my house and don't have sufficient means. My son earns more than me and I tried with my sons help to remortgage only to be told my son has a bad credit score? we did a credit check and we found out hed closed a Natwest account in 2005 to open a new Natwest current account and according to the credit check there was still £400 owing on the closed account, there was fraudulent activity on the account, he went through the NatWest fraud team and they cant do anything as the account is more than 9yrs old. He complained and paid the amount owing june 2017 and Natwest said they would remove it from his file. We did another credit check and they've only marked it as satisfied April 2018, we spoke to Natwest who had the account arrears as written off! on their system and he could not have a mortgage or account with Natwest, the account was paid in full and hes had a Natwest account for 7rs?? is there anything else we can do please.
  8. Hi, he bought the house with his 2nd wife 1983 she left him and transferred the deeds to him. I moved in 1993 and we put the mortgage in joint names, soon after he got into debt with his business so took out a remortgage again joint names. He then got into trouble with the taxman so another remortgage to pay his tax bill and a charging order. house was valued at £120k minus current mortgage of £30k = £90k = his entitlement of whats left £45k. I have statements to prove Ive paid all mortgage payments and utilities ( all via direct debit) going back 10 years and have helped him out with his business money wise. It was a local solicitor that told me basically it all means nothing the fact Ive kept the house going and that I have benefitted from living there? even though hes had all my statements and proof of payments, nothing has been submitted to the other party to argue his entitlement. I offered him £30k beginning of the year as was going to get a loan, his solicitor rejected the offer. Thanks so much for replying.
  9. Hi everyone, firstl, apologies if ive posted this in the wrong place. Im in desperate need of some advice/help, I lost my mum, brother and dad in the last 3yrs, last year I found my fiancé of 23yrs was having an affair, he left and said I could keep the house ( joint mortgage). I had a breakdown after he announced earlier this year he now wants me to buy him out. I paid the mortgage and utilities over the last ten years and I have sought advice to be told theres absoloutely nothing I can do. Im struggling to remortgage to pay him what he wants and now have been told he can get a court order to make me sell. Does anyone have anything that I can look into please.
  10. Hi all, Im sorry, Ive had a bit of a breakdown !!, not heard from my son...all the people Ive tried to contact on his behalf have not been helpfull, then I found out my partner has wiped out our savings and been on the verge of having an affair...wont bore you with the details...sooo basically it all got too much and I stupidly drank too much with some pills... I know stupid, stupid. Have kicked myself in the backside to get a grip. Soo Lee if youre reading this, can you e mail me a number I can contact you on please, just that Ive had to change all my numbers to stop harassment....thank you xx
  11. so sorry have had a bad couple of days, it didnt even register about the reference number!! sorry everyone
  12. Thank you so much Lee, Im trying to do the right thing in sorting out all his mail and accounts, but really dont know what else to do. I know my son was worried before he left, that if I knew his where abouts, I might get threatened too, I just wish hed contact me to let me know hes ok...but thats how scared he was. Thank you
  13. Hi Had a reply from voadafone, theres much they can do till they get permission off my son for me to access his account on his behalf...Thats a big problem, when I dont know where he is
  14. Hi have e mailed vodafone and heard nothing from them at all, now Ive had a letter that they are going to pass the account to a debt collection agency and add futher costs?
  15. Hi all, Im in the process of opening all my sons mail and trying to sort bills out. When I opened the vodafone bill the cancellation charge is £618.33. His plan is 600 mins,unlimited texts and 500mb mobile internet. Credit line rental -cr£18.38 Admin fee - £2.94 Cancellation charge £618.33 Theres no way I can pay this and my son has disappeared saying I'd be better off not knowing where he has gone, after he was getting threats off a so called friend who smashed his car up, robbed his debit cards, bank statements etc and then beat my son and put him in hospital. hes too scared to come back. What can I do with this debt, Im so worried. thanks
  16. Hi all, Dunno where else to post this one really, but here goes. I had to change my tel number cause my family were getting threats from people who used to be friends with my son....anyway he got beaten up and put in hosptal, had the windscreen of his car smashed, so changed my tel number, even my family dont know it, it was for emergency use only cause our mobiles dont work where we live...after 3 days of having this number HSBC phoned me about an outstanding amount of £180 from last year! thats not the problem, I want to know where would they have got this number from so quick, cause if they found it, someone else can too, they wont remove it from their system and wont tell me how they got it...please help cheers JB
  17. thanks guys for your help, will go through the papers today cheers Jill
  18. thanks docman, no not been in touch with the court, have had no notification of a CCJ. Still dont understand why theyve applied for a CO anyway as we are making payments as agreed with them, still have the letter from them accepting our payment plan?? cheers Jill
  19. had a letter from Land Registry yesterday about the charge on the house from DG's...are we supposed to have had a CCJ before they apply for a charge??? cheers jill
  20. Have to say also, its not my debt, I am joint named on mortgage, have read previous posts...but my brain is scattered, sorry
  21. Hi all, HELP!!! Had a letter from DG (client HSBC) this morning, its copies of an interim charging order on our property, hearing to be on 7th March. Its for a business loan taken out in 2007, they basically want £8,472. They say my partner has made repayments of £40 towards this debt..... But weve been paying MCS £40 every month since 2007 towards this debt by standing order, we have written to DG telling them this but heard nothing back?? what shall I do any help appreciated. cheers
  22. thanx everyone for your replies, have told the daughter to start talking Japanese , xx
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