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Everything posted by scoobz

  1. Let me know how you go on... really push it that you want to be there on 29th to sort the matter out and that you have already waited long enough.. they surely would have plenty of time to get you scheduled for cmc in 2 weeks... Good Luck !! Scoobz
  2. Hi Guys... Great Thread ! I've just sent an email to MP Edward Balls (Normanton - West Yorks) so I'll let you know if I get a response... Regards Scoobz
  3. Thanks for that sea-sidelady and christinajanep.... Could someone please flag my thread up to a mod so that it can be moved to 'halifax credit card successes'. Thanks Scoobz
  4. Good Idea Jenny about seeing if you can be at the hearing on 29th otherwise it will be Oct before the next one. I'm sure there must be plenty of places on 29th as there's hardly any people been on this thread, not like last one. It would be great if you did get a slot in 2 weeks, the more the merrier and it would hopefully get you sorted... Keep your chin up! Scoobz
  5. I bet you are fed up Jenny it's really dragging on for you! Like you said it would probably be a good thing to hang on and wait to see if they turn up for the next cmc (bet they don't), and then you can really lay it on thick with the Judge and demand that their defence is struck out? Try get your case flagged up to a Mod and see what they think.. what about trying a pm to Garyh? I've got a feeling same thing will happen on 29th in that they don't show... Keep me posted..... Scoobz
  6. Hi Jenny I'm all set thanks, counting the days down.... I can't believe that your case hasn't been finalised, like srfrench says there must be some kind of action you can take as they are clearly abusing the court system! I'm sure one of the mods must be able to point you in the right direction so you can get this sorted once and for all! You must have a strong case...... Scoobz
  7. Thanks for that tilly49 & juicyd... Can't believe how easy this claim was but maybe because it was only £500 and it was credit card. I think credit cards are a lot more straight forward due to the OFT findings last year. I haven't heard of many credit card claims being stayed (thank goodness) as I believe the OFT action being taken now is for bank accounts. Filing my next N1 for MBNA tomoz so hope this one goes through quickly too... Regards Scoobz
  8. Hi Peeps Started my claim mid May 2007 and got the usual fob off letter so filed my N1 on 5th July 2007 at Wakefield CC. Received an acknowledgement of service on 2nd August stating that they intended to defend all of the claim. Received a letter from Halifax on 9th August and they are willing to reimburse my full claim amount plus court costs and will refund the amount to my account but without any admission of liability! YIPEEEEEEE MBNA next on my list ....... Scoobz
  9. Hi Peeps... Filed my CMI with court today and paid £50 to amend my claim amount (increased so I'll have great pleasure in sending a copy of my revised schedule to Scraggey Wraggey tomoz special delivery... It's business as usual at the Mercantile Court so roll on 29th... only 20 days to go.... See you all there... Keep positive Scoobz
  10. Thanks Jenny Can't believe you still haven't heard anything... A&L are really taking the MICKEY! If I get chance I'm gonna phone court and see if I can find anything out about the next hearing... Keep you posted... Scoobz
  11. Hi GrayB The date you put in is the date you are filling out the form... I'm at Leeds on the 29th against A&L.... going to take my CMI sheet down next week. Only 4 weeks to go... Keep smiling.. Regards Scoobz
  12. Hi peeps... Has anyone spoken to Leeds Mercantile to see if any stays have been requested (especially A&L)? I was wondering what Judge Kaye's views were on the announcement by the OFT? I've not heard anything although there is a postal strike going on.... I'm going to take my CMI sheet in next week and I'm also filing an N244 to amend my claim amount (increasing it) so that should upset scraggey wraggey! Keep smiling...
  13. Good luck to you both lozza and srfrench... I think its going to be another big hearing again but hopefully most will pay up before (doubt it with A&L)... Sounds like you've got your hands full srfrench with all your claims going through at the one time... bring on the money... If we all end up attending then it will be nice to but a name to a face and compare stories... Onwards and upwards... Scoobz
  14. Thanks Jenny Hope you hear something soon from scraggey wraggey and from Judge...A&L are really taking the mickey with these claims... surely they know that they will have to pay up in the end so why not just do it now and save all this messing about and the bad publicity it's bringing them. It must be costing them a fortune with the solicitors bills (they would be better using this money to pay us). I'm sure they are going to do the same thing with the next hearing and just 'no show' and drag it on and on and on... I think we're in for a long wait! Scoobz
  15. Hi Donna Nice to know you're going to be in court on same day... more the merrier .. Can't believe A&L's attitude towards these claims, like you said don't know why they don't just pay up and shut up!!!! I haven't done my CMI yet but I've printed off the links from the CMI thread as to what to put on it as some of the questions are beyond me.... Calculator and j.barton1 have been really helpful on these links... if you need any help just shout up... I've just filed my next claim with Halifax Credit Card so I'm hoping they will be a little easier to deal with... Scoobz
  16. If any of you are claiming from Halifax Credit Card, Dunfermline and you are at the N1 Claim Form stage (filing at local county court) and you don't live in Scotland, please ensure you include the following statement on your claim form (under poc will do)... "I state that the High Court of England and Wales has the power under the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 to hear this claim and that no proceedings are pending between the parties in Scotland, Northern Ireland or another Convention territory of a contracting state as defined by Section 1 (3) of the Act". RSC 11.2 (a) & CPR PD 73.5. I was advised by a very helpful lady at Court Office to put the above statement on my recent claim which I filed at Wakefield County Court. Scoobz
  17. Re: Scoobz v Alliance & Leicester... Well I've booked my seat at Leeds on 29th August 2007. Received my confirmation today that the hearing will take place at 10.30am before His Honour Judge Kaye QC. I'm taking bets that A&L don't show as per June hearing and also yesterday in Hull! I really do hope that the Judges take some action with them. Bring it on.... Scoobz
  18. Hi Donna Sorry for the delay in replying but been working... Don't know if you managed to have a read of the mercantile hearing on 28th June but here's the link - if you read through it and look for j.barton, she is still waiting to hear from A&L about her claim... judge gave them another 28 days to sort it out... (they really do drag it out don't they).. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mercantile-court-cases-stays/91947-leeds-mercantile-court-hearing.html If you read all the links to the mercantile then you don't need to do court bundle, just fill out the case management info sheets which court send you .. there's a list of all the paperwork you need to take on the links. There's also a new thread for the hearing on 29th August and this has useful info too.... Just spend as much time as you can reading all the threads as it really does help... I'll keep you posted if I hear anything from court or Wragge & Co... Keep smiling, only 59 days to go (and counting)... Scoobz
  19. Donbracho Fantastic News.... Sounds like banks paid up for most people! Bet you are glad that's over and you can just wait for your big fat juicy cheque to arrive.... Can't wait to hear what happened with Jenny & A&L.... Scoobz
  20. Hi Donna... Good luck with your claim... I'm in the same boat as you with A&L and got same hearing as you on 29th August at Leeds Mercantile (can't wait)... If you go on to the main 'Mercantile hearing Leeds 28th June' and keep an eye on 'j.barton1' (Jenny) she is at mercantile court today with A&L. I've heard from 'mothership' that no one turned up to represent A&L but still not heard if claim has been settled. I expect there will be more updates on this thread when people get home... Fingers crossed... Keep in touch and we can compare notes and I expect A&L will drag us all the way.... Regards Scoobz
  21. Mothership.. Thanks for the information regarding A&L, it doesn't surprise me that no-one turned up for them... Lets hope Jenny is sorted then and that Judge sides with her... why do these solicitors drag you all the way and then don't even turn up? Its crazy.... Hope your cheque clears quickly for you and you are all done.... Scoobz
  22. Lee Heard your interview on Real Radio lunchtime news... Well done and congratulations on your settlement.... Waiting with interest for news later to see what happens with the others, especially Jenny (A&L)... Onwards and upwards!! Regards Scoobz
  23. Good Luck tomorrow Jenny! I'll be watching with interest regarding A&L (can't believe they haven't settled yet).... I'm sure all the news channels will be there as this looks like its going to be the biggest hearing at Leeds since they started (unless they all settle before). Regards Scoobz
  24. Hi Jenny Just spoken to Leeds CC and they only received my papers on 6th June so I won't be joining you I'm afraid as its too late. The next hearing is 29th August so she said I should be in that batch (shame)! She also said that majority of cases are being settled before hearing or actually on the day (solicitors walking around with cheques) so it sounds really promising! It's gone very quiet with A&L claims, I think most people are just waiting for court dates and I haven't seen many that are going to Mercantile? We could do to see some more "wins" to keep us positive.... I don't know about you but the days just can't go fast enough (14 days for you and 75 days for me)! Unless they settle before... Regards Scoobz
  25. Hi Jenny Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on 28th at Mercantile.....I'll be keeping an eye on your thread! Not long now.... I believe there's about 200 people on the list for that day so if you all have to attend (which I doubt) it will be very busy (hope the coffee machine can cope!!) I'm claiming from A&L and I was transferred from Wakefield CC to Leeds CC on 18th May so presume I'll end up at Mercantile too (I hope) but not heard anything from Court yet so maybe will miss the hearing on the 28th (shame)... Keep smiling Regards Scoobz
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