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Everything posted by Amadaus_11

  1. it says Each party shall deliver to every party and to the court offive copies of all documents on which he intends to rely at the hearing. These may include: The Contract Witness Statements experts' reports Photographs invoices for work done or goods supplied estimates for work to ne done The copies shall be delivered no later than 28 days before the hearing The original documents shall be brought to the heaing. There is a hand written note that says "parties should note that the court may not take account of a document or witness evidence if the document statement or report has not been served" what does this mean?
  2. Hi Gimzmo111 This is my POC Between 25/06/2001 and 12/02/2007 the Defendant debited numerous charges from the Claimant?s account. 2. The charges are an unfair penalty under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, because they are a disproportionately high sum in compensation compared to the cost of the purported breach. 3. Under the law of penalties, the charges are an unlawful ?extravagant? penalty. 4. Under the County Courts Act, the claimant is entitled to interest of 8% per annum from the date they were deprived of the money. This totals £588.41 accruing at the daily rate of 0.021% until judgment or payment. 5. The Claimant asks the court to enter judgment in their favour for £3490.00 plus interest, totaling £4078.41 The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from 25/06/2001 to 12/02/2007 of £588.41 and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of 0.021 I copied this from the money save expert site. I know i have to get this court bundle together. But how do learn and understand all the legal cases included in it, when I just don't understand it. I'm likely to forget some important peice of evidence. This has all reduced me to tears. I can't see a light at the end I really can't
  3. Thanks for the response Gizzmo111 I used the standard letters from money saving expert i used the online small claims website MCOL I'm claiming against Barclays Bank - they put in a defence saying they are defending my claim. then i got a court date. Please advise what is a POC? (that's part of my problem i'm no good with abbreviations) Many thanks
  4. Hi All I've spent the last 3 hours reading items on this site. I'm more confused and frightened than ever, it's taken this long to figure out how to do my first post! I've read the faqs and the worst thing of all was the case guidance notes about going to court. It's absolutely terrifying. They will tie me up in knots there. I'm really considering giving up I can't do it. Do you think I should get a solicitor to act for me. My court date is 10th August 2007 and I don't know where to start, i don't under stand the legal speak and most of what I've have read in the court bundle pack i really don't understand. There is no way i will be able to learn the legal things in it much less speak about it in court. They will tie me up in knots. I'm really considering giving up I can't do it. Do you think i should get a lawyer to act for me? Oh and can someone explain this court buddy thing to me. I've search the site and can't find any explanation or guidance on what a court buddy is. Please please help me. I'm desperate
  5. Hi Jobese I'm really terified of this whole process and think i'm going to mess up as I don't understand all this court business. I have a claim against Barclays Bank and followed the instructions to make a claim on line. Barclays put in an acknowledgement on the 14th day. I then today another 14 days later put in a defence. Does this now mean i will have to go to court? Croydon is my local court, what should i do now? with this win by Lloyds I now think that I will loose as Barclays will probably now turn up in court as they seem to be keeping trackof my claim. I would get a solicitor if I could afford one My claim in for £4000 including interest and i was hoping to use this to get rid of my overdraft and other debts. Any help or advise would be much appreciated.
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