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Everything posted by tonycee

  1. Another example of non realisation of whats really happening in this country. Only this very weekend i had dealings with a, shall we say, non british couple. The wife gave birth on Friday, was told she was well enough to go home on Saturday afternoon, and the reply was, we have no home, we are sleeping in our car in your car park. By Sunday social services were involved. By Sunday night they were housed. Last week a nineteen year old laughed at me when i asked her why she came to England @ 8 and half months pregnant. Yes she got a flat, yes you are keeping her in benefits. Im all for people being stopped from abusing the system, but when we are faced with such massive abuse, we have to start with the REAL cause first. This new rule is an excuse because there is no social housing left for BRITISH PEOPLE. Go on, call me racist i dont care.
  2. AND MY FAVOURITE:- Me Too. How did them red crosses get in them white boxes...... :lol:
  3. Thank you. Its not meant to be threatening in anyway. But if people want to hide behind barriers and throw bricks, they might just drop one on their foot.
  4. Really? I didnt start the slagging off. I dont hide behind another user name either. Do you? Well that is just an addmission that you dont know what you are talking about. It was neither i, nor Fred, but YOU that started the insults. If you had been as credible, i would have tried to discuss them with you. But no, there is nothing to discuss. You are always right, and we are always wrong. You readily admit that nine tenth of facts are never made public, but you dont want to believe those do you? Just spout your own self worth. I excuse you. I used to have the utmost respect for what you have done to help make this site what it is today. ALL that respect went out the window the day you hid behind another user name and started slagging people off. If you are SO genuine, why dont you come out and tell people who you USED to be on here. I have no problem with immigration, just mass saturation. But there lies part of the problem, you wont accept that. As soon as the words, immigrant and whats wrong with this country are mentioned, in the same sentence, you go off like an atomic bomb. And not for the first time either. I dont make up the statistics. But you choose to ignore them. You go off and file your claim. They wont stand a chance.
  5. Im not, and never have been looking for an arguement. What i am, is irritated by somebody who thinks they know everything because they " Read the Book " Its there in black and white, so it " Must be true ". I was trying to be nice about your age. Something you seemed to lack. I know who you are, so if you want to get really personal, maybe you have more to lose than me.
  6. Im flattered but bored by your sarcasm. Young lady, believe me, you DO NOT know the facts, only government statistics. And of course, what you WANT to believe.
  7. So odd. I will bow to your obviously far superior knowledge. You say you dont work in the system, but know better than somebody that does. Also very odd. Prior to this post i worked at Heathrow airport for 5 years. Believe me or not, there are FAR worse things going on than i could ever post on an open forum.
  8. Sorted. So i work in it and im wrong. You know nothing and im wrong. So you have no idea what goes on. You just pay invoices. Sometimes its not just an ice float. Its the iceberg that sank the titanic. The name may be different, but the arguementative hollier than thou attitude hasnt changed.
  9. I visited a hospital recently and spoke to a gentleman who was a few months from retirement. After nearly 40 years with the same hospital he told me that three quaters of his department had been sold off to private companies, of which 2 of them were foreign. there are now 15 people managing the department where 2 used to manage it all. Sound familiar?
  10. Its not my CLAIM. Its the facts. If as you say, you are in the know, then you will KNOW that that is just the tip of the iceberg. nine tenths of icebergs are never seen. A liitle knowledge can be as clearly shown here dangerous. So what EXACTLY is your position in the NHS? Foreign are we? Clearly you have worked in the system at some time. Now or in the past, but clearly you DONT know it all. Sounded better than keep reading the books.
  11. A voice of reason. and never a truer word spoken To add to this you can count things like me travelling all the way to Lyon in the south of France with equipment ( You will know it as "kits" ) for an operation which has been cancelled before i even left. Cut out bureaucrasy, bring back common sense. Bring back Matron.
  12. None taken. So glad im not the only one singing from that hymm sheet. Been banging this drum for 5 years.
  13. If you ever go into Cannock Chase Hosp, give Hollie the receptionist a hug for me.
  14. Thanks for that, I dont buy a paper anymore. Even got rid of the tele 18 months back.
  15. Then you should know what REALLY goes on >>>>>>>>>> Here is just a small clue >>>>>>>>>> And Another And here is just a little quote for you, Or is that just completely unsubstantiated sun rhetoric. Not me claiming to know it all. If you really have the knowledge, you wont repeat comments as above. If not, just keep pushing your pen.
  16. Actually YES. I work in the system. But for obvious reasons, i will say no more. I could also sicken you as tax payers about where your money goes, or not as the case may be. Your idealism is nice, but unrealistic.
  17. Labour got it wrong. Oh thats alright then 2.5 Million imigrants in ten years. Eastern europeans that fly over once a month simply to claim benifits. Polish man claims benefits for wife and children who have NEVER been to this country. Why am i NOT suprised. Fecking country is on its knees
  18. Me? Sarcastic? Never. Heard a great joke on Talk sport this morning. How do Chelski fans pee off Spurs fans. 1. Beat them 5-1 in the F.A. Cup semi final 2. Win the C/L to prevent them from entering next years C/L. 3. Send them AVB. Everybody was ha ha ha. until a Spurs fan came on and replied, How do spurs fans pee off Chelski fans 1. Remind them that without Abramovichis £1.1 billion pound investment over the last 9 years, they have won less than Blackburn Rovers. 2. They are ONLY famous for being near Londons Kings Road. Im STILL laughing at the reply.
  19. Its the space bit that worries me most. In between my ears.
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