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Everything posted by tonycee

  1. They dont. You just think they do. Its called media hype. It sells newspapers. You turn up the volume when you hear it on your TV/radio. Dont forget they have also put over £1.2 million pounds into the enquiries. When new evidence comes to light, we as a society do investigate. Its called justice.
  2. Its for that very reason i have to bite my tongue. You are all acting as judge, jury, and exocutioner. I defy ANYBODY who has children to say they have not left them alone for whatever reason. This is NOTHING like the baby P case. Dont change the subject.
  3. Wont be getting a TXT offering me a job then.
  4. Driving past a sign saying "Flood" Best continue the hosepipe ban then.
  5. I read the title and thought my favourite prog was making a comeback. Shame on you.
  6. Im having to bite my tongue here. Sure they made a mistake, do you not think they are being punished enough. Different circumstances, but i lost my 9 year old a few years ago. The pain is unbearable. I can only imagine the not knowing is even worse. I currently, by choice, do not have a T.V. I have only bought a paper once in the last goodness how many months. That was only to see how Fabrice Muamba was doing. I was at the match. I just want to finish by saying, "Let He Who Is Without Sin..." You probably know how to finish the saying off.
  7. 5 years 17th April. We should start a 5 year club. Or a new thread titled, " Oi mush, ow long you been ere "
  8. I understand your need to stay in the property. I am afraid this may be a situation way above my head, so dont want to mislead you. I have scoured BR websites but cant find anything regarding charging orders in your situation. May i suggest you ask the I.S. for anymore information, or a link they maybe able to provide. Are you able to seek advice from a local Insolvency Practitioner. It could be money well spent. The initial advice should even be free. I hope somebody more knowledgeable than me comes along with better advice soon. Dont despare.
  9. Hi Loz. Having been through BR and repo, im not quite sure what you are trying to achieve with a charging order. I assume you have a joint mortgage, and if so the house cant be sold without your permission anyway. However, the insolvency service might show an interest in any share of equity your ex might have in the property. Its difficult to advise further without more details, like equity, value, kids ages. ETC. Something you might not want to disclose. I have posted a link titled What will happen to my home from the Insolvencys own website Will help if i can. Best Wishes.
  10. If you go down the banruptcy route, you will at least be able to bring this to a close. He WILL NOT be able to hide from The Insolvency Service like he can with a bailiff. Hes laughing at the bailiffs inability to carry out their claim. He will not laugh at the Insolvency Service.
  11. If this character is messing you about, issue a statutory demand. Very effective, much cheaper than Sherfarce, and carries the full weight of the law. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/ManagingDebt/CourtClaimsAndBankruptcy/DG_187711
  12. A personal request to ask you all to be sensible and not drink and drive over xmas. On leaving the office party last night, i done something i never do, and took a bus home. Now i dont know what to do with the bus parked in my drive. I know, the old ones are the best. Seriously, be sensible, be safe. Merry xmas.
  13. Happy Birthday 4 the 25th. SODEM. For some reason i cant post a new thread. ( Barred again ) ????????????
  14. I hate red anyway. Arsenal red, Man U red, Liverpool red. Red shoes, post boxes, cars, red, red, red, boo hiss hiss.
  15. Thank you for your replies, and apologies for the delay. The arguement was that he was the third of 3 ( 18.45 pm ) viewing, and advised the landlord 13 hours later ( 08.00 ) that he was no longer interested in the room. Not 4 days as suggested. The advert was back online within one hour. He expected to pay reasonable costs, but could not see any, and therefore asked for the money back. After a couple of days emailing each other, we said we will let a county court judge decide if the "contract" was legal, and the non returnable deposit was just if no costs had been incurred. He got his money back in full. Thanks again for your help.
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