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Everything posted by Kier1986

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 08 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  5. I've finally been offered a full refund on all bank charges plus interest!
  6. If I had any money and if Halifax hadn;t of suspended my account I would of donated along time ago! I only get paid £50 a week and thatss cash in hand!
  7. considering i sift through all the threads any othertime to no avail i thought i'd save myself some time.
  8. I have just received notice that acknowledgement of service has been filed, in which the defendant responded to the claim indicating an intention to defend all of the claim. Has anyone else had this? I really can't be arsed sifting through all of the threads on here to find out what to do! I've got this sneaky feeling mine will be the ONLY case to get defended against in court...at least I'll get on tv...right?
  9. Here's a copy of the reply to my "gracious" offer Dear Mr Robertshaw, Thank you for your recent letter dated 6th June. I am only glad that after a month of me trying to contact someone within your company that you have found the time to do so. I am sure you will appreciate that after nearly two months of correspondence regards the unfair penalties, in respect of charges, levied from my account that my patience has been amicable. However, it has now worn thin. I would like to remind you of your “gracious” offer of goodwill as stated in your letter; “I am prepared to refund £137.00 of charges in full and in final settlement of your complaint.” Firstly I would like to thank you for your offer, but I must turn it down. As I have previously stated; I calculate that you have taken £429.03p in charges from my account in the passed six months. Hopefully this will illustrate why I am both disgusted and shocked by your offer. I would like to point out that I have filed an N1 claim form with my local Small Claims Court, which you should of received copies of on 7th June 2006. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for this offer and invite you to make any further offers that you feel are fair, before the 14 day deadline of my court claim (21st June 2006).
  10. That's only because the threads I make disappear! I'm sorry
  11. haha! that's disgusting! I wonder who decides on thses stupid offers? Maybe they have some sort of low random number generator...or they all just pick the lowest possible amount that they think they can peeve us off with!?
  12. Right so Halifax owe my £469.03p and have made a "gracious offer of goodwill" of £137.00p :-| Now excuse me if this sounds stupid but... WHAT THE HELL!? Why would I accept such a "gracious" offer when it wouldn't even cover the unauthorised overdraught?! They must think I'm stupid! Anyone else had any ridiculous offers?
  13. Thanks everyone, I've agreed to pay £30 a month starting on the 13th June to clear the balance and requested a stop on the account...Now I'm definately off to revise for my exam and then going to give in my N1 claim form as I have now got the £50! yaay Thank you all!
  14. I haven't started it because I didn't have the £50 fee! I have it today and depending on what advice I get I'm off to file the claim! What a rude awakening this has been! On such an un-holy day! 6/6/06 !! Not my day is it? AND I have my theory exam today
  15. i have just received this letter from Halifax and it has completely put me off claiming and all i wanna do is pay off the account...unless its a load of crap! there's two parts to it just follow the links to them and please help me! Shoul I go to a solicitor? first letter http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9425/bankletter3eg.jpg second letter http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/2493/bankletter0016xc.jpg
  16. I was wondering...if I won my case in small claims would I have to pay back the amount outstanding on my account? Cos its now -£230 odd! I only have an overdraught of £100, someone said that is all I'd have to pay back but I'm not sure!
  17. Someone suggested I pay it off then claim it back, but I can't afford to yet. If I don't am I liable to get in serious trouble? I've had letters like this in the past from them saying that I would be taken to court if I failed to pay up!
  18. I sent my LBA on 18th and got a reply dated 24th saying: "Your account is overlimit by £107.18 without our authority and the situation is now serious. You need to pay this amount and the value of any recently written cheques or card transactions made. If you do not make the payment or contact us with proposas immediately on the above helpline number, we may be forced to recover any cheque book(s) and cards you may hold. Matthew Ball Senior Collections Manager " Few things spring to mind the first being that it wasn't a "serious situation" when I was £300 overdrawn! Also, is it just a coincidence that they've sent this after recieving my LBA? Do I have to wait out the fourteen days or can I file my court claim now? They're begining to get right on my tits!
  19. Thank you Neil! The only problem is...if it goes to court I cant afford the increasing amount it'd cost to sue them! so far I'm claiming £290 but by the end of June it'll be £387 !! It's gonna be a long few days til I hear back from my prelim letter!
  20. I don't want to have to pay £220 (worst case scenario) if the claim is only for £248...despite it being my own money! :-|
  21. I tried doin a search on the site before posting as I'm unsure how much it will cost to take my bank to small claims court...I remember (despite my age) when it used to be £10...no doubt the government has seen a chance to make money from it and thus disuade people from using it... so any information or links would be useful!
  22. I sent my prelim letter today so in 14days I will hear something hopefully, sent it recorded and everything!
  23. Ok I got a reply on the 22nd so they saved their arses to date they have given my nan a refund of £85 (which I was told to my face was reasonable). I fail to see how £85 refund makes a "generous offer" for a suite ordered and paid £1000 for that doesn't turn up for nearly 6months!! Not only this but for the passed week they have still been messing us about! We received TWICE the wrong door and now have a new delivery date of wednesday the 3rd May on which date EVERYTHING should be sorted...I seriously doubt it will be. If it is not I am going to send them a preliminary letter requesting a full refund and compensation...if that doesn't work I will send the LBA if that still fails to work I'm goin' to war...I mean court
  24. Right I sent my DPA request letter and 10days later I recieved only my bank staements...is that all that I need, I also received a letter telling me that they are not under any obligation to make notes on manual intervention. So I have my prelim letter and have gone through my statements and found that in charges they have taken £288 in 5months of being with them and as for the interest that was only £1.49. I have put that I am requesting the amount calculated to the date of 29th April 2006 but what about the other charges that they're applying after the letter has been sent? Will I have to carry on claiming until they stop or what?! I'm sending my prelim letter on Tuesday recorded and business class, should I send it to the branch and let them send it to the head offic thus using up their 14 days whilst the fanny about delivering it, or just send it straight to the head office? heeeelp!
  25. here's a copy of the letter that I was sent regarding my DPA letter... http://www.badongo.com/pic/159116 "With regards to your request for information relating to manual intervention on your account, HBOS plc is under no statory obligation to record this information and therefore, I am unable to assist you further wth your request" plus I am a mistress bitch to Halicrap... ok I added that lil bit in but you know its true! So what does it all mean??
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