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Everything posted by purplemushroomfairy

  1. Hi, my new boss has been trying to cause me difficulties since she started in September. Most recently she tried to give me a formal verbal warning for thinking out loud. My union sorted it and yesterday it became informal. Then three hours later I was asked to the big boss office. I was informed I was being disciplined for gross misconduct based on a letter that was full of lies. This upset me greatly because I haven't done any of the things I have been accused of, the letter even states it isn't a complaint, isn't dated and isn't signed. I have grievances I need to submit over bullying and harassment and the way these last two events have happened. I don't think they have followed Acas guidelines as it suggests the investigatory meeting should be before they decide on the conduct, then it's the disciplinary. They have already decided I am guilty even though I haven't done any of the things I have been accused of. I have a number of chronic illnesses covered under the equalities act 2010 and the stress has made me very ill. They don't like that fact and trying to punish me. It isn't safe there anymore so I am getting signed off sick before I end up in hospital. Can anyone direct me to grievance templates please or offer any advice? Thank you
  2. Your previous posts detailed exactly what I should put in. I did that. I requested full details of the event and manes, Caldicot etc the advice is in a previous reply. I virtually copied your post into my letter so you know what was in the letter because you told me what to put on. There is no need to be so offhand. I have followed the advice that you so kindly gave and while those questions were answered they have refused the FOI and I still waiting for the SAR. I have been offered a face to face meeting.
  3. I followed the advice from previous posts, so no information was actually given as it would breach their data! Oh the irony. I will get on to the ICO. Had no response at all re the SAR has either.
  4. I really want an apology and some form of compensation, though I haven't directly requested that. Now my letter etc has been passed to a complaints depot. I received a letter answering my questions refusing FOI because that would have effected their data protection. Basically told that despite the original letter stating it was my entire record now it is apparently not. I had an exercise referral and I self referred for counselling - the reasons are private and even my doctor who referred didn't know. It is that information that was shared and was told 'it isn't much' I informed them that that was confidential and should only have been shared if necessary to another medical professional and I wasn't happy with the response. Still waiting....
  5. Thank you, I am working on catastrophising the events and will attempt to see the gp if the panic continues. My files were emailed to people working in an IT firm they were sent apparently mistakenly. So while they probably have done nothing it is highly unlikely they would have undergone the stringent checks those actually working for the trust would have. Writing my letter now.
  6. Thank you for you advice. The breach has been made by Kent NHS Trust. I am already finding that my anxiety levels, which I had managed to control, are rising rapidly to the point where I am needing medication to bring them down. As this has coincided I can only conclude that this most recent event has tipped my levels.
  7. I received a letter from my local NHS informing me that all of my medical records, personal information etc had mistakenly been emailed without anonymity to 6 people within the IT firm who were updating the IT systems. They apologised and said it was serious, they had asked for my details to be deleted and were investigating. I rang my legal insurance who said I must write a letter. I wondered if there was an example in the files I could use or if one of you could advise. I have a complicated medical history which I would rather wasn't shared but it's the personal details that frightens me as these can be used or sold on. Thank you
  8. Actually , if I go back through my letters it's highly likely that is what is was. We are going to throw CCA and SAR at them - though I shall be very very careful at the wording so to make it very clear what the payment is for. How do I get to the letters ?
  9. My husband took it out in 98/99. So yes resident but it is SB in three months and we hadn't heard anything for 5 years after placing it in dispute with the other DCA.
  10. That would have been EGG, there was another who we wrote to and they just sent us made up info so we put it into dispute I think in 2010 . Not paid anything for years , Barclays said that a payment had been made in 2011 . We still disputed the debt etc
  11. Hi, my OH had an egg card from 1997 to 2006. Initially when our busibess failed we paid £1 a month . I discovered this site and CCA'D all of the DCA'S involved , only one had a true signed copy of the CCA. The company that bought the EGG card sent a 'reconstituted' agreement which I believe is not valid for pre 2007 debts. We wrote and told them so and stopped payments . A few weeks ago he received a letter about a Barclay card which he has never had, turns out that Barclays had bought the old debt and had sold it to HOIST who are now doing the court action threats . It will be statute barred apparently in December this year, though I haven't paid anything on these since about 2010 so I think it may already be SB. Should we CCA the new company ? Don't want to risk re setting the clock and I am sure there are template letters somewhere . Any advice will be great, thank you .
  12. Thank you . I have had MRI already. I am not fitting medically into a neat box. I managed to get referred to UCLH to see a brilliant German ENDO. But I will make sure I have the name of doctor you have recommended saved too. I will speak to my pension company although medical retirement at 46 is something I want to avoid unless it's a last resort. My union rep has emailed me saying she doesn't have time to deal the issues, so now feeling rather more worried than before .
  13. I have been happy in previous schools but my body has let me down . Gives the wrong impression . I did supply for two terms last year , in the same school , loved it and managed the behaviour as they weren't too bad. They sadly offered me a job after I had accepted another which wasn't the best idea really . But that is an option .
  14. Sick pay is not discretionary so the union should be able to sort it out on Monday . I realise that this school is really a dead end for me as the stress level is too high. So I am thinking of changing careers. Occupational health said they can recommend but school do not have to comply . In reality I have accepted this is not for me and we have to part company , I am just so angry at the deduction in wages which is wrong. Thank you for replying
  15. Hi, I started a new teaching post in September 2016. Before I started I was open and honest about my ADDISONS DISEASE and thyroid - hashimotos . Both are autoimmune endocrine chronic illnesses that can flare up. The Addisons is effected significantly by emotional stress and exhaustion. I hadn't to that point had to take time off work with either other than to visit consultants . However , in November 2016 I was taken by ambulance to hospital from school having my first crisis. This led to two weeks 'sick leave' during which I requested some adjustments to support me at work . It should be noted that I have taught for over 20 years and never in a school as hard as this one. When I came back, my TA was allowed to stay in class all day which made a big difference to me and my exhaustion levels . After Christmas this was removed , my planning day was changed but anyone can have their planning day changed . I then became progressively ill, I had spoken to my head teacher and highlighted how I was feeling , this was ignored . I ended up in hospital for four days following another crisis. I was then emailed and told I couldn't return to work until I had seen occupational health but was not placed on medical leave . So my GP has had to sign me off sick . I saw OH yesterday and they were very supportive however I am not well enough to return particularly without adjustments . Today I received a letter informing me that I was no on half pay as I had had 25 days off sick. Those 25 days are directly related to my addisons which is covered under the 2010 equalities act and wouldn't have happened had they put in place reasonable adjustments . My contract states that all sick leave is aggragated and includes previous employment with other schools. So I should have 100 days at full pay and 100 days at half pay, not that I want to use them. I have asked my union for support but I don't know if I should do anything else. My contract is quite clear and I am bring really messed around now which nearly pushed me into crisis again . So, if you have got this far : Should I go legal straight away? Should I push the union next week ? Do I have a discrimination claim? I know it's constructive dismissal but I haven't been with this employer long enough . Any help or advice would be great , thank you
  16. Thanks, that's what we thought. It really is annoying that he was sacked for someone else's lack of productivity. Personally I think they should have gone . Now to fight for what we are owed.
  17. My husband began working for a German automobile franchise as their corporate sales person in the middle of May this year. Initially he negotiated a £40k retainer while he built up his client base. He wasn't happy, but was prepared to weather initial storms as I was agency working. His line manager was not happy about the retainer . His target of contracts sold kept being increased. He was told he would be on weekly not monthly reviews despite not having any disciplinary issues. He was told 'complaints' had been made about him by a woman , not in his office, but not what they were . He is a smoker, as were many in the company, and would leave the premises during his break to do so. My husband was told he had to be half a mile away from the main building to smoke . His line manager also would take his keys and 'sniff' his car to check if he had been smoking, which he hadn't as it wasn't his car. On Friday his line manager told him that because the whole company had not hit their six monthly target the CEO had had to spend his own money 500k to buy and pre register cars. My husband was then told to leave their employment. I know he had only been there six weeks, but as my work is term time only at the moment and my permanent post doesn't start until September we were relying on his income . I am also aware of the time limits and we can't go down a constructive / unfair route really. This just seems wrong, is it worth pursuing ? Thanks
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