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Everything posted by DivineRetribution

  1. So, this thread still goes on. It's been a long time since I posted but I'm back and I'm bad. It seems that despite the obvious warning to ELS in all of these complaints appearing on the internet they just don't seem to be bothered about anything. Trading as different companies, owned by different members of the family, scare tactics, extreme pressure sales methods and downright lies and illegal practices, the list is endless. If anyone out there still needs advice, I am back. Just let me know. For those of you new to me I worked for ELS for a while in the back office and i REALLY know what goes on there having seen it all for myself. So ask away.
  2. Hi, be warned. Retribution is a wonderful thing, but only if you are careful. ELS was a shocking place for me to work. If anyone has anything to ask about this company just let me know and i will help any way i can. Having worked at the heart of the company i know how it works and can answer most of your questions. I will say this in fairness. In my time there hundreds of orders passed through the company and although the service departments were always busy there were never that many comaplinants. You always do get a few who will do nothing but complain from the begining. HOWEVER, that is no excuse for the attitude i saw used with customers, both directly and over the telephone. The management practices were severe, both for the customer and staff alike. The staff work on one principle alone, and i doubt it will ever change. that was: "I am the boss, you do it the way i tell you to do it and that's it. Your thoughts and opinions on my practices are irrelevant. Do it this way or dont come to work". That about sums up working at ELS. Your truly, awaiting questions. Divine Retribution
  3. Hi, be warned. Retribution is a wonderful thing, but only if you are careful. ELS was a shocking place for me to work. If anyone has anything to ask about this company just let me know and i will help any way i can. Having worked at the heart of the company i know how it works and can answer most of your questions. I will say this in fairness. In my time there hundreds of orders passed through the company and although the service departments were always busy there were never that many comaplinants. You always do get a few who will do nothing but complain from the begining. HOWEVER, that is no excuse for the attitude i saw used with customers, both directly and over the telephone. The management practices were severe, both for the customer and staff alike. The staff work on one principle alone, and i doubt it will ever change. that was: "I am the boss, you do it the way i tell you to do it and that's it. Your thoughts and opinions on my practices are irrelevant. Do it this way or dont come to work". That about sums up working at ELS. Your truly, awaiting questions. Divine Retribution
  4. Makki, sorry kid. I wasnt working then, only started late last year. but it doesnt surprise me at all. You only have to say something they dont like and its all screaming and shouting and swearing. I am not surprised you were shocked but that was onyl one of many examples of such behaviour that i witnessed in my short time there. i am glad i left (sacked, pushed, jumped, whatever) and i have learned a hard and valuable lesson
  5. LoubyLou worked for the company for years. Had a really good relationship with the owners dad (the original owner who is a nice enough bloke), but a ****e one with the current owner (the owners arrogant son). i worked at the Cannock store, Lou worked at Bham. Not much difference. tho' i was surprised she was so nice after the way she was treated at the end. dont know the full story but she was well slagged off all over the company. Sad really. i had the impression that she did loads of work at Bham trying to keep things going..... But after the way i was treated i am not really surprised at the reaction she got after she left. I will go and have a look at click2complain and may join in the action there. As to the general comments about customer service its mostly down to arrogant and selfish management practices. The workers are under so much pressure to lie to customers that its a wonder they hold on to any staff at all...... yours honestly DivineRetribution The Truth, The WHOLE Truth and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH>>!!!!!!!
  6. Hi there, Welcome to some exciting news. I, up until recently, worked for ELS. What do you guys want to know. i will tell you no lies, but WILL tell the truth DivineRetribution
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