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Everything posted by powerful_rogue

  1. Hi, I took out a Sainsburys loan during September 2001. I applied via the telephone and remember to this day the man I spoke to saying that I had been accepted for the loan, however unless I took out their "Credit Care Silver" insurance, then he wouldnt be able to go ahead and process it. The loan was for £3000 and the CreditCare Silver was an additional £331.50. Here is a copy of the agreement. Back in 2008 I claimed back any bank charges I had incurred and attempted to claim back the PPI. I sent Sainsburys a letter and this was the reply I received.
  2. There are no limits on the amount of tobacco you can bring back from France into the UK, as long as its for your own personal use. Customs have guideline amounts, which at present is 1KG. That means if your carrying more then 1KG and customs suspect you may have it for a commercial purpose, then they will ask you questions. I'm presuming you was interviewed by an officer, who would have asked a variety of questions of questions to establish whether the tobacco was for your own personal use or whether you had it for a commercial purpose. At the end of the interview based on the answers you had given, the officer would have then made a decision believing you held the tobacco for a commercial purpose and seized it. The officer would have issued you paperwork and informed you of his reasons for seizing the tobacco. Customs do not operate on any kind of bonuses/commission based on seizures.
  3. Just a quick post to update! Emailed Dido and two hours later got an email back saying her team would look into it. Received a phone call today from her office saying they are going to scrub the £130 fee! Thank again for your advice rebel
  4. Thanks rebel, I get something added. I'll also add why ive contacted her whilst the investigation is still ongoing. Will let you know what happens.
  5. Thanks rebel, really appreciate your help. If you have a few minutes, would you mind casting your eyes over my letter before I send it? I would like to raise a complaint over the service I have received.
  6. Rebel, can you see any issues if I escalate the issue and email the Chief Executive now? I have no confidence in the call center. They said they would escalate it on Saturday when I phoned, however phoning up today I was advised it was escalated today at 1515hours. I find their service so shocking and dont want to wait seven days only to be messed around any more! Ive been looking around, and will be contacting them tomorrow to give my one months notice (luckily im out of contract) and will be moving to Tesco!
  7. Thanks rebel, I'll certainly keep you updated. Some of the stuff Talk Talk came out with was quite amusing! At one point they said it wasnt anything to do with them because it was a BT Openzone engineer! I quickly put her in her place by saying that my contract is with them, not BT and they arranged it without me knowing so stop trying to pass the buck! She quickly stopped going along that route!
  8. Hi rebel, Thast great, many thanks for the email address. I think I can guess what the reply will be in 7 days! Annoying thing was, the person I was speaking with said she totally agreed with me regarding I shouldnt have to pay it, but there was nothing she could do and her manager said it was a just charge. Felt like banging my head against the wall!
  9. Ive been a customer with Virgin Media (NTL) since 2005. During December 2010 I phoned up to cancel my services as I was paying too much and worked out I could get Broadband/TV/Phone cheaper elsewhere. A couple of weeks prior to disconnection I received a call back from their retentions department offering me all the above for £43 a month. I accepted the offer and a week later I received a letter in the post confirming the price, however next to one of the discounts it stated "1/2 price for 12 months". I phoned back up and asked to cancel as once the 12 months was up it would push the price up for the remainder of the contract. I was told that they could only apply it for a maximum of 12 months, but to phone back in December 2011 when it drops off and they would re-add the discount. I asked if they could confirm this in writing, either post or email and they said no, but they would make a note on the account so there would be no issues when I phoned back up. My latest bill has arrived and the service charge has shot up from £43 to £55 a month. I phoned up and was told there were two diso!!!!s being applied to the account. The only discount they could apply was £4 a month. I asked about the second discount and advised it was 1/2 price line rental and they couldnt re-apply it and there were no notes relating to that, only the £4 discount. The operator advised me to write in and complain and gave me the times, dates and operator ID's of all the people I spoke with in December 2010 so they could review the calls. I wrote my complaint listing all the details and received a reply back saying It makes it appear they havent really looked into the complaint as the operator I spoke with the other night said he could find notes about one of the discounts, just not the second. The email stated there were no notes at all! Ive just written back asking about this and whether they listened to the converstaion I had regarding the discounts. This was the sole reason I made on of the calls, to challenge what they had sent me and to confirm my service charges would remain at £43 for the duration of the contract (minus VAT/ inflation rises etc). Just wondering if anyone had any dealings with Virgin Media complaints in the past and whether there is a next step to escalate the matter?
  10. Hi, Just looking for some advice really. 17th Sepetember I phoned Talk Talk to report my broadband connection dropping intermittently. They conducted a check on the line and said they could see there was a fault. They advised me they would try and resolve the matter their end, however if they couldnt resolve it they would call me back to arrange an engineers visit. I didnt hear anything from Talk Talk, however on the 21st September a BT engineer came around, stating he had been sent by Talk Talk. He was here for around 15 minutes. He took the covers off all the phone sockets, but stated he couldnt see what the fault was. On the 22nd September I receiveed a text message from Talk Talk stating the fault had been resolved and to text back if everything was working correctly. From then on the broadband seemed to be working fine. Roll forward to the 20th January and I received a charge of £130 on my Talk Talk bill for the engineers visit! I phoned them up, speaking with three different people stating that as an engineer visited, I would have to pay. I kept saying that I wasnt told an engineer was coming until he turned up and that at no point during any of the calls was I advised the visit would have cost £130. The final person at Talk Talk said they would escalate the matter and I would receive a call back in 48 hours. Having heard nothing, I just phoned back and was told the matter was only escalated today and would have to wait 7 days to find out the result. To top it off, I would have to phone back and chase it up as they dont do call backs. Just wondering where I really stand if they come back saying they £130 charge stands. If I knew it was going to cost £130, I would have spoken with my next door neighbour first as he's a BT engineer!
  11. Just looking through their t+c and it states: Does that mean as they are being awkard, I get get a courier to deliver the goods back to them and then claim the costs back because the bed is faulty?
  12. Having a nightmare with the company! They want to send someone to inspect the broken bed, despite us sending them a collection of photos. I said that when the inspect the bed they can take it away at the same time. Due to my partner and I both working, the only times we would be available is after 1530hrs Monday-Friday, however the company states they can not be specfic enough to send someone after that time! Today the phoned at 9am to say they were ready to come around! Got off the phone to them about 10 minutes ago and felt like hitting my head against a brick wall! I pleaded with them to add me on the delivery list last so it would be after 1530 and also the van would be empty so it would be easier for them, but there not budging (even though they have in the past with us!) I really dont think I was being unreasonable saying you can come anyday Monday-Friday, as longs as its after 1530. Could be 2100hrs and we wouldnt care! Were stuck with the bed at the moment, their warehouse is only 20 miles away, but as mattress is very bulky we wouldnt be able to fit it in our car. We have the legal cover on our house insurance who are very good, so just waiting a call back from them to see what we can do.
  13. Phoned the company up today on my break and was told someone would phone me back within 30 minutes. 2 hours later someone phone back, but as I was at work was unable to answer. Managed to tell the missus to give them a call as she had finished for the day. Apparently they were very unhelpful on the phone. She said a refund was out of the questions and we could only have a replacement, but would have to send another enigneer out to inspect the bed which would take a few days. OH said this was not acceptable as we are currently sleeping on the sofa and they eventually agreed to us emailing them some photos. This was at 4pm and they said someone would phone back before they close. Did they phone back? Nope. Not happy Three faulty beds Three damaged mattresses because of the beds Poor customer service Grrr!
  14. Yes, new bed and mattress were delivered yesterday, but bed was broken by this morning! Where the woods come away from the side, the slats have fallen through, nails are exposed and its making the mattress bulge through the gap.
  15. Hi Tim, Thanks for the reply. I havent spoken to them yet, will have to give them a call in the morning when there open. The mattress is really comfy, just the bed were unhappy about. How would the SOGA come into play? Would it be based on the original sale in August last year, or when we got the replacement bed and mattress yesterday?
  16. Just to give you an update! As the bed was discontinued, they gave us the credit to get another bed and mattress. We paid a bit extra and got another bed and a decent mattress this time. This mattress >> https://www.mattressnextday.co.uk/mattress/593/Sleepeezee-Pocket-Ortho-/ This bed >> https://www.mattressnextday.co.uk/beds/1183/Belluno-Solid-Pine-Bedstead We had them delivered yesterday morning and had a superb nights sleep on the new mattress. Woke up this morning and the piece of wood which the slats screw into has come away from the bed leaving the nails poking out the side. Really getting a bit fed up now. 3 new beds within the space of 10 months. Am I still only entitled to a replacement? Im more then happy to keep the mattress, but I dont trust getting another bed from this place.
  17. Thanks for the reply, I was just curious as to the 6 month rule. If the faults found within 6 months you can get a refund as its deemed the fault was with the product when purchased, but after 6 months the onus is on me to prove the fault is inherent. Just wondering how I would go about that? Can I definatly ask for a refund? This is the second bed and mattress and dont trust getting another one.
  18. Hi, I bought a bed and matress on the 12/08/10 from matressnextday.com We had lots of problems in relation to the wooden slats falling through every time you rolled over! This caused the matress to lose shape. We called them up and they sent out a new set of wooden slats. We changed them over but still had the same problem. They then sent someone out and he said there was a fault with this bed, and sent us a new bed and matress. That was around December time. However over the last couple of weeks, weve started to have the same problem again where the slats keep falling through when you roll over and the matress is started to become mis-shaped. Just wondering what our rights would be? Ideally we would prefer a refund so we can buy something else as we dont trust this bed too much now! The bed was £149 and mattress was £144 This is their warranty page, but it dosent mention anything about refunds, just repairing and replacing.
  19. Hi, I was just wondering if CAG have in place any kind of link exchange program or if it is permitted to advertise a website on CAG in exchange for a banner/link? My partners mobile phone contract is up for renewal and we was searching online for good deals when we saw a few posts on a forum relating to retention deals members had been offered. We then had a look to see if there was any dedicated sites listing retention deals people had been offered and couldnt find any. Thats when we had that eureka moment and thought we would set one up! The sites called Retention Deals and it allows members to post and view current retention deals being offered by mobile/broadband/digital tv/etc companies. We thought if you knew what they were offering you could then go to their upgrades/retentions dept with this in mind. Its a very new site, only a day old so theres no retention deals currently listed, but with a bit of advertising were hoping to get members to join and post what they have been offered. Hopefully this will be possible! Dave
  20. Just spoken to FIL and he states that its the actual trader that has finance outstanding on the car! Its currently £4500. FIL purchased the car for £6000. The trader has stated he will contact the court on Monday and offer to pay £1000 a month until its cleared. Hopefully the court will accept that and the matter will be over with.
  21. Hi, Im posting on behalf of my father in law who does not have internet access. Last year he purchased a second hand BMW from an independant trader from their forecourt. He has just received a court summons as apparently the vehicle still had finance outstanding from the previous owner. He's gone back to the trader and they have pretty much washed their hands of the matter. It appears the likely outcome of th court hearing is repossession, but we was just wondering if my father in law has any come back on the trader? You would have though they would have carried out some kind of check before taking the car in and they selling it? I could probably understand if it was a private sale, but not from a trader. My father in law paid for the vehcile with a bank loan, dont know if that makes any difference at all.
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