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Everything posted by crampers

  1. the customer declaration form looks to be an internal welcome form it is concerned with ppi and their other insurances it includes my signature for purchasing all insurance however all declarations are prefixed with I/we which have not been deleted appropriately plus no loan agreement number or date at the top of the form .sorry cannot post it on here .
  2. response from welcome ppi - you signed it tough ! other insurances - sent me documents that were sent to me (not) it turns out that i bought life insurance ,home insurance and medical insurance sent me copies of certificates which i have never seen they dont even have a name on them . customer declaration form - this copy didnt contain agreement number or date welcome say this has been an oversight ,however this is not a prescribed term of the agreement and something welcome do as good practice with regard to insurances . any thoughts
  3. they have admitted that they didnt stick to the script on one of the ppis therefore not informing me of certain rights of cancellation etc and that i never ticked the box or signed the other one sounds like an admission to me .thanks for the reply
  4. hi everyone heres a quandry .2001 i had a m+s charge card and personal reserve account balance of around £3500 this was rescheduled into a loan for roughly £7500 of course i used both again resulting in the whole thing being rescheduled into a £12000 loan which i am still paying .i requested ppi back on the personal reserve and first loan m+s admitted they missold both were does this leave me with the £12000 loan have i a case for rendering the loan null and void or is ppi separate.
  5. in november 1996 my wife and i took out a loan with hfc bank the loan was for £5000 plus payment protection which was a rolling payment plan i.e percentage of the outstanding loan every month ,never really thought about it until april 2006 when i tried to cancel it eventually the cancelled i then settled the account .the average cost of this per month was £40 i has requested a refund from hfc and recieved a telephone call from their regional manager who states as it was before 2005 (pre regulation)they cant see any way that a refund will be forthcoming that we signed the form and were aware of the payment ,however checking the original agreement which they do not have a copy of the box was electronically ticked for us ,it clearly states however the credit protection ins is optional and will be included as shown if YOU have placed an x in the appropiate box .we never touched it it was preprinted ,i also have a letter prior to the agreement stating that they strongly recommend our credit protection insurance no mention of it being optional ...any comments or thought appreciated
  6. keep me posted just for info i complained to m+s reference ppi on two accounts no letters just on the phone today they have agreed to refund £1250 as the agreement wasnt signed interest included ,took them a while but they were very nice
  7. hi maybeline are you considering court for the ppi and mig ?
  8. ok no response from welcome so its time to complain to the financial omb i also submitted complaint to the bank of ireland about a couple of personal loans we had with them they didnt give me any reasons just said you signed the form ah tough .can anyone direct me to the proceedure with the financial ombudsman
  9. You can try as i have they merely returned it saying acceptance fees are lawful ,they wont give you any reason or what law its lawful under .
  10. i have prepared the following response any thoughts anyone In response to your letter dated 16th April 2007 we do not dispute signing the agreement our concern is with the selling of the Payment Protection Insurance when the insurance was sold we were informed that the insurance was a conditional part of the loan we were never provided with figures without the Payment Protection Insurance nor were we informed that we could have arranged our own insurance ,at the time the agreement was signed both of us were in full time employment with generous sick pay and therefore had no need of the Payment Protection Insurance this is why I believe the Payment Protection Insurance was mis-sold . You have stated in your letter that you have enclosed a copy of the settlement agreement which you have not ,we have never received any copy of this agreement and I therefore suggest that it does not exist ,I do recall receiving a cheque for approximately £600 this I suggest is not in proportion (pro rata ) to the cost of the premium £2763.58 I would therefore require you to provide me with details of how the pro rata refund was calculated . We would also require that you provide details on the other insurances that were attached to the agreement namely Medicare 24 ,Lifecare 24 ,Homecare 24 the total of these premiums being £600 we therefore require all policies relating to these insurances ,the name of the insurer ,what exactly they covered ,why they were attached to the loan and an explanation as to why we never received any documentation in relation to these policies .We would also like an explanation as to why there is no agreement number or date on the Customer declaration form which makes the Customer Declaration form worthless in my opinion . We also require you to provide details of the Mortgage Indemnity which you purchased £1650 and a detailed explanation of why it was required on the property I am sorry but the explanation that it was applied as standard is insufficient for our requirements we require your explanation as to why a loan of £15000 can be regarded as a mortgage ,was £15000 above 75% of the value of the property and which company you purchased the insurance from . We require a satisfactory response to our queries within 14 days .
  11. just on the subject i have submitted misselling claims with HFC (ppi) M+S (ppi) Bank of Ireland (ppi) and GE Money (ppi) the total before interest comes to 10k what a shower
  12. i think i will try welcome again theres a few points on the letter that i may query plus i will ask for the insurance policies,schedules and companies/company that provided the insurance or copies of same ,in relation to the ppi they have no argument in relation to the misselling merely that we have signed the declaration of course we bloody did if we didnt no money !!! The Mortgage Indemnity Fee was standard surely it can't be if theres sufficient equity there is no reason for it i will therefore be requesting details of it as well .Then we go to the lot.
  13. sorry folks to be a pain how does one go about complaining to these autorities ,a general letter i cannot see any information on the websites . I am sure the FOS deal with complaints of any financial products should the company not resolve the matter satisfactorily .
  14. check the terms and conditions of the ppi i am sure there must be a cancellation
  15. thanks folks for the advice so what is my best option FOS,FSA,FLA or court considering the claim is about 6k with interest ?
  16. thanks again i have just noticed the customer declaration form has no agreement number or date on it both left blank apparently i purchased 6 units of medicare eh!1 unit of lifecare ! and 1 unit of homecare anyone tell me what a unit of insurance is? in relation to the ombudsman complaint could you advise on what i send them with the complaint and is the wording of the complaint basically the same as the LBA?
  17. hello all recieved my reply from welcome today enclosing a copy of the agreement highlighting the sections where it states the ppi is optional and highlighting our signatures plus a copy of the customer declaration form highlighted confirming our acceptance of the insurances purchased and the fact that the ppi is optional .We did recieve a "pro rata " refund of £600 they say they have enclosed a copy of the settlement statement which they havent ,hardly pro rata . taken directly from the letter "in view of the documentary evidence available to me i am unable to agree that the ppi was mis-sold and as such no further refund will be given . the acceptance fee is part of the total charge for credit and its application is standard on our loans .As a result no repayment shall be forthcoming .You will note that charging acceptance fees is not unlawful. the MIF applied was included in the total advance so in the advance so in the event of us enforcing our security ,Welcome will not pursue you should there be insufficient funds to cover the loan .The MIF'S application was applied as standard on all our secured loans as standard REGARDLESS OF EQUITY !! Anyone any thoughts or assistance all appreciated
  18. as we settled the agreement i was under the impression that the insurances would be cancelled ,i sent a prelim 18th march 07 got an acknowledgement nothing else yet ,then sent a letter asking for explanation of the indemnity fee as there was sufficient equity on the property should the wheels fall off no reply as yet .i took the agreement through hfs the agreement was just sent out in the post and we signed it we were desperate ,the ppi was conditional as far as i can remember the other insurances i dont know where they came from .i believe it was mis-sold and its up to them to prove it wasnt.
  19. i have just realised that i was on a fixed term contract 3 years when this was taken out ,my epmployment status was never asked for ,as it was a joint application i was the only one who was covered ,my better half wasn't and she was in full time employment !!
  20. thanks for the link did you apply separately for the MIG any specific wording
  21. http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/other/ppi_thematic_report.pdf 34.Report [PDF | document.write(Math.round(258359/1024)); 252 KB ] anyone considering a claim on ppi have as look good reading
  22. how did they threaten you how often were the phone calls do you have a criminal case against them in relation to harassment or communications act ?
  23. thanks trying to reclaim the ppi,medicare,lifecare and homecare whatever they were back of welcome totalling £3363.58 +interest @ 19.9% as well .
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