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Everything posted by nafjor

  1. Hi,that's the plan once I get all my in/out goings wrote down so I have all the answers ready for them just wondered if anyone else had done this lately. Cheers.
  2. Hi,I recently just paid off my IVA six months early and I'm coming off my interest only period with NRAM who to be fair have been good enough to stick to it but in three months I go back to repayment increasing payments by £300 will NRAM extend my mortgage term to help reduce the payment. Cheers nafjor
  3. Hi, l've an Iva with about 11 months left to pay on it before it's finished and to be honest l'm struggling and after having mentioned this to a close family member they have offered to pay it off, do l have to pay the 11 months worth of payments or will l be expected to pay back more, if I did this would l have further conditions or would that be it paid off. Thanks nafjor
  4. Hi,I had an MBNA credit card years ago and paid it off but l want to make a claim to get the PPI back,does anyone know the address l need to writr too,l dont have the account No. anymore either. Many thanks Graeme
  5. Hi,Just a little help required my stay is due to end on Friday my court letter says by Friday or when judgement is reached in test case should l be doing something now l dont want to let this one get away.Cheers nafjor
  6. My stay is due to end at the end of October can l expect to here from the courts or Lloyds about stay extension as nothing seemss to be moving forward on the High Court ruling-anybody else been in this position.Cheers nafjor
  7. hi can anyone help!! I started my job 19th february 2008 and been there for 29 weeks till my boss closed shop today 13th of september 2008.But in the meantime i fell pregnant and am 5 month (21 weeks ) pregnant .I have came away with 1 weeks pay nothing else .Does anyone know if i"m entilted to any from state eg. jobs seeker allowance etc . thanks
  8. Hello, I need some help,it appears that there is a chance my wifes employer (who she is leaving next week)has not being paying her N.I ,is the employer responisble for the short fall if there is one.If this helps my wife recieves £110.20 per week. Cheers nafjor
  9. Hello,Does anyone know of a link(template) to write a letter of notice as my wife is moving on the pastures new at work and needs to hand her notice in tomorrow(TUESDAY),can she request payment of any holidays not taken due to her.Thanks nafjor
  10. Hello again, My wife has been offered a new job which she is going to take,is it ok to only give one weeks notice as she gets paid weekly,and is she entitled to the remainder of her holidays back in cash when she leaves,she currently works 19hrs a week and her holidays run April to April.Thanks in advance.
  11. HI, After hearing nothing for at least 6 or 7 weeks l phoned MCOL to see what was happening to my claim,l was told it was sitting waiting like everybody else's for the test case to start,then out of the blue 2 days before Xmas l recieved a letter informing me that my case had been sent to my local court in Morpeth,Northumberland phoned the court and they where very surprise this had happened(and very helpfull)Had to fill in my AQ's which had to be in by 4th (done).Wondering if anybody else has had any movement in there claims. Cheers nafjor
  12. Hi,Thanks again for getting back, ill keep in touch if and when anything happens. Cheers nafjor
  13. Hi,Thanks for getting back she has no contract and she has worked there for about 3 to 4 yrs,so it would seem the boss has no leg to stand on really. Cheers nafjor
  14. Hi, My wife works as a hairdresser in the north east,3 weeks ago an elderly lady came in and lost her glasses in the shop, the boss of the shop basically did nothing but phone around a few customers,the lady later asked if (a)she had insurance to cover the loss or(b)whether she would be willing to pay half (£275) that they cost.The owner did nothing saying it was not her fault and she was not liable.The elderly lady refused to return to the shop on principal but as it was coming up to xmas she asked my wife if she could come and do her hair at home,after much hummimg and harring my wife agreed to do it as a favour xmas and all that,now my wife's boss has found out about this,she asked my wife about it who told her the thruth that yes she had done it,now she is threating to sack her saying that it is un-professional.Can she do this the lady was not coming back and it was only a favour??? Any ideas any-one Cheers nafjor
  15. Ok ladies and gents its been a month now since l was informed that my case was being transfered from the usual MCOL court to my local court,how long should l or will l have to wait to hear something and l'm stuck between two courts so l'm not really sure which one it will go to,l need to hear something because l need to amended my POC,heard nothing from Lloyds neither. Cheers Graeme
  16. Hi,My claim as yet has not been transfered to a specific court,can l just print off the amendment sheet and send a cheque to MCOL or just send the new POC's and presume that they will place them in my file and will SC&M accept the POC if l send it to them now.
  17. Recieved my defence from lloyds today,on it it has only five points most claim that its is embrassing and vague and does not show to where and when the charges had been applied,l sent of my POC to MCOL and SC&M in the standard set out on this site,l now have a feeling that it did not reach them as l have a copy at home that sets out and list everything,tomorrow l'm going to re-send the POC out to both MCOL and SC&M,my claim is in the process of being transfered,a little worried now about this. Any advice anyone
  18. Hi, Thanks for the quick reply its nice to know the knowledge is out there to be had,l'll keep posting as my claim progresses. Cheers nafjor
  19. Hi, My claim on MCOL is now showning that the TSB have now acknowledge my claim and have 28 days to reply,do l need to start to compile my T & C'S etc or just wait till l recieve any letters,are they likely to raise a defence each case looks to go off in different directions or with this new ruling is it more likely to be stayed. Cheers nafjor
  20. Hi,Just filed my claim at MCOL yesterday and now its asking me do l want to tick defendant by admission or default or should l just leave it for now,any help please. Cheers NAFJOR
  21. Hi, Thanks for the help,l'm going to file just before l go away and will spend the weekend reading up on the subject (again) to get it right. Thanks again Nafjor:)
  22. Hi all, Sent off my LBA 14 days ago, time is now up and l want to start court action but l'm on holiday in two weeks time (for two weeks) and l'm worried if anything comes back with a time limit on that l'll muck my claim up or is it worth waiting till after l get back to start action. Cheers NAFJOR:)
  23. Hi, Just recieved a fob off letter today from the Lloyds TSB informing me that the charges against me are ok (in their eyes) and l have no right to claim,so l've posted off letter demanding payment in seven days or l'll start off a legal claim against them,quite surprised that this letter l got today was only 5 days after l sent off my letter stating my claim.GRAEME
  24. Hi all, I need some help with an address to get a copy of my statements from Lloyds TSB,l've found several different addresses on this site but not sure which one is correct,any help would be gratefully recieved. Thanks Graeme
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