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  1. can some1 tell me the way i should go abt filing at court pls ?
  2. still no reply from lba they have until wednesday to give me my money.I dont think i will hear anything from them so it does look like a court case is on the cards time for some serious reading up abt this stage .Thanks for all ur support
  3. sent my lba on 16th as i had a few problems with internet and printer and stuff so that delayed things a little.Letter sent recorded delivery this time so i knw they received it yesterday,so 13 days left before court action.
  4. And how i cant wait for that day:D:D:D i would even happily go to court just so i could tell the judge abt the way i was treated yesterday.
  5. yeah accounts r in the process of being closed as this isnt the first time they have took all of my working tax credits in 1 go (caused me to fall into debt with local council been threatand with eviction) Cant believe a big company like this would be like that when i said close my accounts they just said yeah ok no insentive to stay with them atall.I feel like i have been robbed and they were laughing at me.
  6. Went to local branch today to try and get money out from my isa they had to phone some other place to c if they could get the stop on my account lifted was told that the only way that would happen is if i cleared my £105 unauthorised overdraft first i said that i couldnt afford to do that today as they had already taken £188(working tax/child benefit tax) from me today i tried to explain i needed the money to buy food for my 5 children they were having none of it,in the end i told them to close all 3 of my accounts and give me my money i ended up with £66 so bos have taken £400 from me today.i am so angry and upset surely they could of came to some arrangement.Now i cant wait for the next stage.
  7. Now i mean business 14 day deadline up today so i will be at the post office at 9am with my LBA ready to post.Cmon BOS bring it on
  8. *UPDATE* Had reply from bank today it just says, Thank you for your complaint. we are sorry to learn that you are unhappy with the charges debited to your bank account.Please note the handling rules set by our regulator,the financial services Authority,gives us 8 weeks to investigate and respond to complaints. Our commitment to you is that we will respond to your concerns at the earliest possible opportunity.However,we want to ensure the issues you raised are thoroughly investigated.If,for any reason.we are unable to respond fully to your concerns within the next 4 weeks we will write to update you of our progress. Is this the standard letter everyones been receiving?and do i send LBA to the address thats stated on the letter?
  9. heres another idea open an account at another bank get ur wages paid there and there u go back in control of ur money
  10. I was told by a member of BOS that there was no way i could over spend on my debit card therefore needant worry abt the prospect of debt i was told "if there isnt enough money in your account then it wouldnt get paid" therefore no debt,so i signed and now heres how the story ends im in debt all thanks to going to Asda and buying a few bits that came to £4.99 using my debit card i get hit with a £30 charge and £28 a/o just because there wasnt enough money in my account and because they took that from me there wasnt enough for a couple of dds and so it goes a downwards spiral so tell me how do u get out of this situation when u have been told by what should be a well informed member of staff that u wont get into debt using a debit card.
  11. They said it was cause my account was overdrawn and i said that it wouldnt b if they stopped with the charges,its a no win situation as far as i can c. They r getting wise to the refund thing so now have decided to stop accounts that way they cant apply anymore charges. BOS JUST GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY.
  12. i took out insurance for my mbl over 18mths ago never claimed until today,my phone fell and broke in 2, so i phoned 3 as this is who i thought was receiving money from me for my insurance they gave me another number and when i tried calling them all it says is "welcome to customer services all our ops r busy with other customers pls hold the line"then it cuts off.I feel like im being done over they have had abt £80 for phone insurance what can i do?
  13. can u believe this had a phone call from someone from bos they have put a stop on my account grrrr So i called customer relations to c if my letter has been received it has and they have sent me a reply stating that they r looking into my complaint and have 8 weeks to do so. Do i send LBA now or not??
  14. had no word back from bank and they should of received letter(that was sent on the 26/3/07)letter stated that i wanted a reply within 7 days,if i give them the 14 days that takes us to bank holiday monday.I have tried to be positive but there seems to be so many obstacles now. Although i will wait til the 10th before i send LBA just really hope i havent got to wait 8 wks for a reply and i really dont want to go to court.I just want my money and it seems like now everyones claiming charges back you have to wait a long time.
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