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Buby x

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Everything posted by Buby x

  1. Buby x

    Buby_x v Abbey

    I have sent all the relavant letters to abbey credit card and I gave them enough time to refund all my charges. I went to work this morning and because I hadn't heard anything,,, well the usual rubbish, I filed my MCOL. When I got home I recived a letter again with the usual rubbish offering a gesture of goodwill.... £610... My claim without interest is £1363. I will write and say this is only a down payment and that I will be going after the rest. Do I change the amount with MCOL ? Also, in the letter they refer to the terms and conditions of the account, Of which, I don't have. Can I request a copy of them from abbey insisting that if they rely on them in court I have to have them too. Please advise Teresa xx
  2. Please help as I haven't got a reply on my own thread... Why are the terms and conditions so important..... Also.... I am claiming from march 2001 till the prestent... Do I need the terms and conditions for march 2001 or when I openend the account. That could have been 1994. Please help someone Teresa x
  3. Buby x

    Buby_x v Abbey

    I have to do a spread sheet to update the interest. The first one I did was from the 2 this is money2 website as I hadn't found this site... can any one tell me how to use the spreadsheets on here. I've tried to click on them. Firstly there is loads of different ones. Which one would applyt to me and also when I pick one at random my computer can't open it. Please help its this thread and the one before Teresa x
  4. Buby x

    Buby_x v Abbey

    I am at the stage now where I will have to defend against abbey as they have only agreed to pay 65% of my claim...I've noticed that through reading many posts it is very important to get the term's and conditions. I'll need them when I defend. Why are they so important and do I need them for when I opened the account as it could have been back in 1995 or before Thanks great site Teresa xx
  5. Buby x

    Buby_x v Abbey

    Thanks dragon......Will stick to my guns....I've got nothing too lose Buby x
  6. Buby x

    Buby_x v Abbey

    Thanks for the swift reply......You are probably right about is it worth it. Probably not but the women on the phone was really snotty on the phone. Thanks any way.
  7. I have put a claim in with abbey and am at the stage where they have filled a defence.(CRAP ONE AT THAT). I am into my overdraft, because of their charges, and unfortunatley I have incurred 2 more charges of £30 each.. With the second one I realised in the morning 14th June) that the cheque was going out of my account so I phoned telephone banking at about 1 p.m. and said that I couldn't get to the bank to pay in the cash till 3.30pm. The man on the phone told me it would be ok so at 3.30 I paid in the cash as I said. I then phoned the bank to confirm that they would pay the check for me.. He said it would be ok. each time I phoned I asked them to log the call so I had proof that I had phoned.. Yesterday 17th June I checked my account online and the cheque has been returned...Very stressed I phoned the bank this morning and told them what had happened and the snooty women on the phone said there was nothing they could do. I said she must be able to see that I phoned twice. But told me there was log of my call and that I should contact complants. am I able to send them an updated list with my claim to include the 2 new charges that I have incurred. Please help Teresa xx
  8. Hi.....I went throught the same process as you trying to claim back my charges for three accounts... 2 business and 1 personal... I had to do mcol claim as you have... LLoyds acknowledged on the 5th June......On the 8th june i checked at mcol online and it said that lloys had defended. On the 14th june I got a letter from the court saying that lloyds had paid my claim in FULL ....£1258.58p... Completely in shock I went to the hole in the wall and sure enough they had credited my account with the full amount... This included charges and costs...... Good Luck Teresa Barclays... Hsbc and Abbey to go
  9. Thank you...I will keep you informed of my progress....I have nothing to lose... Can you tell me how to change the name of this thread as it just says buby x.... It would be better if it read something like..........reclaim unfair british gas charges......Have tried but the blond moment is kicking in.. Teresa x
  10. Hi... I've looked on the link and put in british gas business as the name.... What am I actually looking for as I'm really not sure...Can I use the same template letters that I used for reclaiming bank charges. Thanks Teresa
  11. Am new to this site so how do I find the AQ site where you posted your reply to the court Teresa xx And thank you
  12. Well done for winning. It's great to hear it............. At what stage did you send in the letter asking for the defence to be struck out and could you give me an idea of what you wrote to the bank. Thank you and very well done.... Teresa xx
  13. HI. I'm at the stage where abbey have now given me a copy of there defence which is the standard one sent after reading many posts on here....A Joke!!!!!!!! In the same letter they have given me an offer. My claim is for £1678.66p. They have said Quote " Regardint the charges, you will see from the Defence that abbey takes issue with tour claim on a number of points. for the purpose of this letter though, we should like to mention in particular that your claim seems to be based on an argument that you should not pay any charges at all. It cannot be correct that abbey cannot charges anything at all if you become overdrawn or do not meet direct debits as abbey must remedy the issue with the account and this incurs expense. This is in lkine with banking industry practise ane the terms and conditions under which you opened the account. Evebn if it were accepted 9( which is not accepted) thAT the charges are greater than abbey's actual loss in dealing your account. Abbey would still be entitled to charge you something for the expense. Further, you would see the charges are liquidated damages, and not penalty charges and therefore valid pre-estimates of loss." Abbey have said that in view that I should pay something they are willing to give me back 65% totalling £1091.13p . Making it short of £587.53. Does any one think they have a valid point or should I say no and demand payment in full. Please help. Thanks Teresa xx
  14. Does the data protection act stand as in reclaiming of bank charges...In other words do they have 40 days in which to give me a list of all charges I've paid Teresa xx
  15. I am a sole trader Thanks eveveryone for your help.....Brilliant site
  16. have tried to start new thread but can't seem to do it..... What do I have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hi This is the first time i have used this site so am new to it... I have never posted before so a little tlc is needed!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in the process of claiming unfair bank charges from 3 banks although it is still early stages. I have 2 business accounts with british gas for gas and electric..... If I do not pay the bills on time they put a £50 admin charges on top.... I received my last bill on the 6th may should have paid it by the 15th but paid it on the 30th.... On the 29th they sent me 2 x £50 charges for late payment... Am I with in my rights to claim them back as this is not the first time this has happened. Can I request a list of charges that have been applied as in the bank thing Would appreciate any help offered and thank you Teresa xx
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