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Everything posted by anonman

  1. Anonman is still alive - but is no longer employed by a bank. Out of choice I assure you - it just wasn't a fun job any longer. Its all sell, sell, sell - but then that is not going to shock anyone here. However, I do have some insider knowledge, and might be able to help in some ways. Not a guarantee - so no personal attacks please.
  2. Certainly no offense taken. As i have said earlier, original post not meant to come accross as sarcastic - it was meant to be a light-hearted suggestion. Clearly though it wasn't!!!!!!!! As for the Whistleblower program - it made some shocking and entirely valid points - but seemed to give the impression that all staff are out to get you at every turn due to desire to earn a bonus. Simply not the case. A few bad apples yes - but the vast majority of all banks employ people who are hard-working and honest.
  3. I ask out of general interest of customer perception. Having worked in the bank for 4 years and listened to peoples demands, I would like to know what alternatives are suggested. And, may I ask, what is your opinion?
  4. As a member of bank staff (though hopefully not for much longer!! hee hee!), I would be interested to know what customers would like to happen when they exceed their overdraft, bounce a cheque or anything else naughty? For instance, when there are insufficient funds to honour a cheque, would you prefer the cheque returned without charge, or to be paid to save embarrasment but incurring a penalty? If banks were to scrap penalties altogether, would you be prepared to pay a small service fee if the bank had to phone to advise that you were about to go overdrawn? Any idea's (Polite ones please - no telling me where to stick the charges!! )
  5. Hi NOOMILL060!!! I agree that the charges are set at too high a value - and wish I had authority to refund large quantities of charges - but the fact is branch staff generally have hands tied from above.... From personal experience, the general public may find they get a more favourable response regarding refunds if they are polite / friendly towards staff - someone who comes in all guns blazing just upsets staff. We don't make the rules but are charged with enforcing them.
  6. NATTIE - what do you mean 'keep me safe'? Protect me from the BBC?
  7. You are absolutley right welshcakes - my original thread may have sounded a bit sarcastic but it makes a valid point. I think banks should create some kind of more basic version of a current account that simply won't allow anyone to exceed their limit & incur a charge. This gives people on low income a choice if they have difficulty budgeting. Most banks currently some sort of basic account aimed at those on benefit, but the lack of facilities (eg debit card & chq book) make it less desireable.
  8. Obviously as I am posting here it is clear that I work for a bank. I have a suggestion to assist everyone in avoiding bank charges. Don't exceed your overdraft limit. Or at least contact your bank before you do, there are things that we can do to prevent the charge... but not afterward.
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