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Everything posted by mackem67

  1. Hi Just to let you know that PE have cancelled the parking invoice Thanks for all your help guys
  2. Thank you for that. I have sent letter and will update you guys when/if I hear anything.
  3. Hi Is this any good for body of letter to the CEO of the Trust? In my capacity as a Social Worker I regularly visit Sunderland Royal Hospital in the course of my work to assess patients and facilitate their safe discharge. I have been issued with a parking charge notice with a threat of court action from Parking Eye unless I pay the amount of £70 for a visit I made on February 28th 2017 to complete my assessments. I believed I had paid the appropriate parking fee using the mobile app “paybyphone” however; the technology must have failed in this instance resulting in my non-payment and the ensuing disproportionate “parking charge”. I have used this mobile app many times without any issues and am appalled that I could be charged such a large amount due to a failure of technology. I am, however, happy to pay the appropriate amount for parking depending on my time using the parking area as I do each time I visit the hospital (up to 4 times per week). I expect you to request Parking Eye to cancel this demand forthwith.
  4. Thank you for that. Am I able to do this even though I have no proof of purchase for items, only bank statements to state I spent x amount in ......shop?
  5. Hi I moved out of my ex-partners home in April 2016. I had lived there since October 2012 and had contributed to the cost of running the home. I inherited some money when my Mother passed away in November 2012 and subsequently paid for holidays and to have the house redecorated and refurnished the living room. When I left I requested some of the furniture back as it was bought with my inheritance, I also requested some things that belonged to my Mother. My ex partner initially stated that he would return the items.......he actually stated he would put them on his front garden for me to collect. This went on for several weeks and, although I have some of my personal belongings he still has my furniture and my Mothers belongings and some of my own personal things such as DVD's etc. I would like advise on where I stand with this please. I have bank statements to show I paid X amount to the furniture companies, however, this does not state what I purchased. I must add that following a period of asking me to return, which I refused, he became very nasty via texts and emails ( I have kept email evidence). I think I got to the point where I was exhausted with it all, however, I feel an injustice as I spent thousands of pounds and they are reminders of my Mum. TIA Mackem67
  6. I am unsure why it failed but i do remember using the app paybyphone, typed in details of car park and my card ?csv number then pressed *park* I then drove away believing it had worked....obviously it hadn't. I couldn't believe it when I received parking charge, however, blindly ignored it thinking this was the correct thing to do. I use this system almost every visit, often 4/5 times per week without any issues. To add I have found a copy of a contract between Parking Eye and Sunderland City Hospitals dated 20/10/2011 *for an initial term of 36 months* The file is too large to upload so when I can manage to get a compressor I will use that and upload here
  7. We get parking fees back as expenses but there's no way they would pay a parking charge
  8. No I have to regularly visit patients as part of my job. I am not employed onsite (unless this is what you mean) or by the trust.
  9. Hi Can I ask why the title of this thread was changed. I am not an employee of the hospital Thanks
  10. Sorry if this is no good. If so I will try to do it again later Parkingeye letter_1.pdf
  11. For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement – 28/02/17 2 Date on the NTK – do not have NTK 3 Date received – as above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - unknown 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? There was on NTK unfortunately I threw this away 6 Have you appealed? No Have you had a response? 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye A letter was received dated 22 April 17 requesting payment in 14 days from letter otherwise they WILL commence Court proceeding
  12. Hi I regularly park at a local hospital as part of my job and it is ran by PE. I usually do pay for my parking, however, on one occasion I think the mobile app failed to take my payment. I have evidence that i attempted to pay using the app as the history is in my phone. Maybe I was stupid thinking I could ignore the parking charge notice, but they have now sent me a letter before court giving me 14 days to pay the £70 charge. Any advice please? Thanks
  13. I think this is separate to the loan I am paying back...............an overpayment apparently? If I contact SLC will they resolve this with me?
  14. I have received a letter from Rossendales, Professional debt collectors regarding a student loan company debt of £1388.00 I only graduated last year (2014) and am currently paying SLC directly from my salary as is expected. They are stating that they may start legal action or I may get a visit from a doorstep collector to obtain payment or discuss repayment structure. Where do I stand with this? Would you advise I contact the SLC directly? Thanks in advance
  15. Im not sure about that dpick, I think I have kept all the paperwork somewhere so will have a look for it. I just can't believe how callous this company are being
  16. I have considered contacting the care home provider that actually owns the land as it would not be good for a caring image to be charging someone £170 for a ticket they had already purchased, especially as my mother was in hospital and passed away 5 days later!
  17. Hi they did it twice, I threw one away but kept the second one and was going to return it to them but have not as yet
  18. Hi have you read both letters? They are dated a day apart and I have had several letters off both companies for some reason. Ethical also included a letter for some other person in with mine twice. I have no idea who the person is as it had my name and address and someone elses car registration The letter from BP Collins also states that they must reveive cleared funds by 4pm on................then do not give a date!!!! IS there any point in contacting anyone about this? I paid for a ticket on the day but it blew onto the car floor, I still have the ticket in hand.
  19. There is the other letter from different company
  20. Thanks but it's difficult as my partner is quite worried by the constant letters and they are becoming more threatening. The weird thing is I am getting letters from two different companies one asking for 160 and the other demanding 170
  21. Fingers crossed this worked Any advice please?
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