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Everything posted by mackem67

  1. Thanks dx I have emailed the business and I have requested a refund on the form provided by them. I have noticed on Saga.co.uk there is an article referring to the same website and a paragraph from another motorist who also received PCN for same journey at around same time as us. 'At the end of November 2018 I was travelling on the M 25 over the Dartford Bridge and returning the next day. So I went online the night before and thought I had paid for a return journey at a cost of £12. My Tesco MasterCard shows a payment of £12 to "DartfordCrossingCharge Bristol 000“. I have now had to pay £70 fine plus the correct charge of £5 because the official site did not get my money. There must be so many people being tricked by this false website , so why can it not be taken down? The Dart Crossing company isn’t interested. Perhaps because they are also making money from the [problem] every time someone like me makes a mistake?'
  2. No I did not confirm the site as I do not know which site it was. It was the first (and last ) time I had travelled on that road and I paid what I thought was the correct fee. I have been through every stage of this and still end up paying £425.50! This is extortion! I would now gladly pay the £2.50 again if they would allow it. I already paid £6. If you read Bailiff advice's post he has found a website that may be the one used as my bank statement states Bristol in the transaction and this website is owned by someone in that area (albeit a private home when googled). I will do my damnedest to get this money back and am seeing legal advise. If the original money has been taken then it is theft.
  3. Well we had to pay Marston's Holdings bailiff this morning as there is a warrant apparently. They said they would clamp my car which happens to be a works lease car (council) and remove goods if not paid by 8am. We did not know what to do so had to pay £425.50 - if I had been alone I could not have paid that amount . They are sending us a form to complete to appeal...(again) and they were surprised at a Judge not accepting my proof of payment. I will be seeking legal advice, however, I wondered if it is worth writing to Chief Executive of Highways England Mr Jim O'Sullivan to complain and include my evidence from bank statement? Or is there another way to deal with this? If anyone has any sort of template letter I could use I would be extremely grateful.
  4. well I'm not paying £425.50 for something I already.paid plus a service charge to boot!
  5. Thank you Bailiff Advice. I have submitted a claim to that company and will also contact them tomorrow.
  6. Hi Sorry did not notice that. Yes I contacted them.immediately after getting their first letter (sent to wrong address) and they advised to send in proof which I did ( and have done several times). They advised they do not have payment registered and did say the site may not have paid it to them. Is there anything I can do if I have used an unofficial site?
  7. update My Out of time was declined and I cannot afford to have a judge look at it. Marston's have been to my house today and left a letter which is a removal notice saying I now owe £425.50 for an original charge of £2.50 that I believed I had paid. In fact I paid £6!! I have emailed Dart charge again with proof of payment. Any ideas what else I can do please? Thanks
  8. Hi I completed an appeal form with the Traffic Penalty Tribunal service. I have just received a reply stating I need to complete a witness statement and that this should have been included with the enforcement order which it was not. They have given me a link to an online form. Do I have to contact Marston at any point regarding this? I have just spoken to County Court and she is sending me correct forms but I only have until 4pm today! Wish me luck
  9. It is dated 26th Nov with transaction date as 25th. I have completed an appeal form, should I also complete an Out of Time?
  10. HiI Thanks for reply. I made a single journey northbound on 25th NOV 2018 and was driving a toyota aygo, I had no idea what the charges were supposed to be as had never been there before. My sister in law advised me to make sure it is paid by midnight next day therefore I went online straight after crossing (my partner was driving) and paid £6 as requested. I cannot remember the website, however, on the bank statement it states 25NOV18 DARTCROSSING CHARGE, BRISTOL GB. The first 2 PCN letters were sent to my old address. I also contacted via email and the 3rd letter (notice of rejection) was sent to my new address. Both Marston letters were sent to new address. I apologise as I think I got a bit mixed up with what went where! First Marston letter is notice of enforcement, Second letter is simply a demand to pay or contact them immedicately or an agent will visit and yes it is £190.50 Thanks
  11. Unfortunately I do not. They did not send me a receipt so I only have the bank statement for evidence.
  12. Hi I don't have a 'DART account'? I have proof in the form of a PDF showing it in my bank statement
  13. Hi everyone I used Dartford crossing on 25-11-2018 and paid the fee online using the website that appeared when searching. I paid £6 for my small car and at the time did not think anything of it as I have never been there before. I moved house in December 2018 and changed my address on my vehicle registration 2 months later I received a letter (to wrong address) stating I had not paid the charge. I then contacted them the same day and advised I actually paid it as soon as we have crossed over. I was advised then to submit evidence in the form of my bank statement showing the charge which I did via email. I received another email then a letter (wrong address again) stating I had not paid the charge and I was now being charge more due to time scales. I have now received 2 letters from Marston - First one stating that a warrant has been issued by Northampton County Court - I have heard nothing from NCC, and the second stating I now must pay £190 otherwise an enforcement officer will attend my property and take belongings etc etc and more fees will be charged. I have until midnight on 13th August to contact or pay. Can anyone advise me please?
  14. Hi and thanks for info. How do I find this flight info for Spain? Any idea? I have sent the EU261/2004 yesterday. They had already emailed me to say it was adverse weather and out of their control but I do not believe this was the case. There were many Ryanair flights in use that evening.
  15. Hi Wonder if anyone can assist please? We were due to fly with Ryanair back from Girona to Newcastle on 9th July 2019 at 17.15. The board stated at approx. 16.45 that there would be a delay of 1 hour to 18.15 and at this time there was some heavy rainfall at the airport but other planes were landing and taking off. There was no further communication to passengers other than word of mouth from other customers to say we were to leave the airport, collect out luggage from arrivals and board coaches to Barcelona. No representative from the airline told anyone where to go to get the coaches etc and this was very confusing. We were all given info in the form of a printed sheet of paper with details how to claim etc etc. Eventually boarded coaches and had a 1 hour journey to Barcelona el Prat and back through check in / security etc. The info boards then told us to go straight to gate W52 ready to board. We waited there for a further 3 and half hours before being herded onto airport buses and onto the aircraft. Yet again no explanation whatsoever from any representative of the airport or the airline. We were offered 5 euro per person for food which allowed us a half a sandwich and a bottle of water!! We eventually arrived back into Newcastle at around 1am on 10-07-2019 with some people unable to continue their journey as they were using rail connection that were by this time unavailable. This resulted a delay in returning home of around 6 hours. I have put my claim forward to be told that these were exceptional circumstances due to adverse weather conditions causing a knock on effect?????
  16. Thanks Yes I agree but I think we were hoping for them to have sense and not go down this road. It is not something we have had to do before so quite alien to us. It is difficult as this person works with my Mother.
  17. Thanks BankFodder. Is there anywhere I can look for reference to draw up particulars? Thanks
  18. We now have a letter back on the 14th day ( I gave 14 days). I will attempt to upload it but basically they are stating that the workmanship was not carried out with reasonable care and skill. They have also stated that on 16th June they had to engage an *independent* trades person to complete urgent work in their bathroom. They have quoted amount of costs to themselves to finish the work and carry out 'repairs'. They also state that the *independent* trades person had concerns about the workmanship. They suggest in the letter that I should have given them time to complete this action of 'getting an independent trades person to 'value' my work etc etc before I sent the letter before action! They have asked about ADR before pursuing money claim, however, have chosen to wait until deadline day for this... Any advice greatly received. Thanks
  19. Hi Is this any better please? LETTER BEFORE ACTION With regard to the email you sent me on Friday 15th June 2018 quoting Consumer Rights Regulations (2013). It appears that you are confusing your arrangement with me with an off-premises contract. Because of this, the information rules relating to cancellation do not apply and you are bound by the contract in the same way as an on-premises contract. You had ample time to reflect on the quote given and on the basis of our agreement you went ahead and ordered materials. You went against the advice I gave regarding having a sliding door for the shower cubicle by purchasing a hinged door and it is now clear – as I predicted – that there is not sufficient space for it to be mounted. As a matter of goodwill to yourselves I could help you to return the hinged door if you would like. I was prevented from entering your property again after Wednesday 13th June 2018 following XXXXX's Father asking me to leave your premises. Therefore I would also request that you allow me access to the bathroom in order to ascertain the amount of work that was carried out and to take photographs for the forthcoming court hearing. I am still prepared to do this if you will allow me, but if not, this also will be pointed out to the court. I must point out that you were pleased with the work completed so far and it was only after XXXXX’s Father intervened that a dispute began. I believe that it is XXXXX’s Father who has encouraged her to treat this as an off-premises contract and he has misunderstood the definition of an off-premises contract and as a result the agreement between us appears to have collapsed. This is to notify you that you have 14 days from the date of this letter to pay the amount of £860.25. This is the total amount for the percentage of work completed. If this amount is not paid within the time stated above I will have no alternative but to issue a Money Claim through the small claims court and you could also be liable for further costs and interest to the debt which is outstanding. I have put XXX for her name as this is a couple and it was her Father that became involved
  20. I thought it would be best left short and to the point, however, if you feel I should add some of the points you suggested then I will do so. I am not the best at this sort of thing.
  21. Hi Does this look OK to send? LETTER BEFORE ACTION This is to notify you that you have 10 days from the date of this letter to pay the amount of £860.25. This is the total amount for the percentage of work completed. If this amount is not paid within the time stated above I will have no alternative but to issue a Money Claim through the small claims court and you could also be liable for further costs and interest to the debt which is outstanding. I would also request that you allow me access to the bathroom in order to take photographic evidence of the work completed to present to the court, should this be required.
  22. Just seen these - It was agreed by text ( I have the texts) so I am unsure if he was present. The first payment was made via bank transfer (for labour) on 01-06-2018. There were some payments prior to that in order for me to gather materials needed ie. wall and floor cladding, bespoke bath panel, certain plumbing items that she had not ordered
  23. BankFodder you mention a reduction in cost to her. I have already done this and calculated 95% of the full cost as that is how much work is completed and requested that payment from her. She has stated she is going to get a trader to come and inspect my work to value it! I don't know if this possible to do as he/she will not know exactly what has been done from start to now.
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